At one point or another, one will most likely find themselves searching online for acid reflux home remedies for babies, teens or adults. Just to get an idea of how common this affliction is, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) reports that up to 60 percent of the population has symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), such as heartburn and acid regurgitation within a year. With numbers like these in the discussion, it’s natural that home remedies for acid reflux and heartburn would be on the rise. If you are interested in learning more about natural remedies for heartburn and acid reflux check out our favorite 13 acid reflux home remedies below.
Try These Natural Home Remedies for Acid Reflux to Get Quick Relief
1. Baking Soda
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The first natural home remedy for acid reflux on our list is one that anyone can easily find in their home or at the local store. Baking soda works so well as an acid reflux quick remedy owing to the fact that it is an antacid, meaning it can neutralize the stomach acid. This is actually one of the most popular home remedies for severe acid reflux, so you should really consider trying it for fast relief.
- Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with a glass of water.
- Drink the whole glass after a meal.
- Repeat the remedy several times throughout the day if necessary, but don’t drink more than 7 in one day.
*Don’t use it for over a week on a daily basis to avoid uncomfortable side effects.
2. Almonds
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When looking for the best home remedy for acid reflux, the answer just might be one of your favorite snacks. Like other home remedies for acid reflux on our list, almonds work by neutralizing the stomach’s acid and keeping away heartburn and the painful effects of acid reflux. It’s best to get organic almonds in order to genuinely reap their benefits.
- Eat a handful of almonds after every meal in order to prevent acid reflux.
- Eat even more if you’d like, but make sure to not eat too much.
*As with all of the other acid reflux remedies on our list, please contact your doctor if your symptoms persist throughout a long period of time.
3. Mustard
Among our natural home remedies for acid reflux, we have mustard. What makes mustard a great natural home remedy for GERD are his alkaline properties that can calm down acid reflux and soothe the burning sensation. Similar to baking soda, it neutralizes your stomach acid and gets you back to tip-top shape in no time.
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- Get a good brand of mustard and consume 1 teaspoon.
- Drink a glass of water afterward if you feel the need.
- Repeat this remedy as necessary to get rid of acid reflux.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
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It’s almost impossible to create a list of home remedies without including apple cider vinegar. ACV is an awesome natural remedy acid reflux sufferers can count on, thanks to its outnumbered health benefits and properties. It might seem awkward to drink something acidic when suffering from acid reflux, but this ingredient has proven to be miraculous time and time again.
- Drink one or two teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar on a daily basis.
- Add it to a bit of herbal tea or to a glass of water if it’s too hard to swallow.
- Drink this twice every day.
5. Eat Healthy Food
Like in the case of smoking and alcohol, some acid reflux remedies are more related to lifestyle decisions than anything else. As acid reflux is strongly connected to what you eat, you should start thinking about the foods you are consuming. Of course, we all know by now that fatty foods are a big no-no, but what are the foods that you should eat in order to not trigger heartburn? Use the list below and try to incorporate as many protein-rich foods as you can into your daily diet. Moreover, drink plenty of water on a daily basis to stay well-hydrated, and exercise frequently or find a great team sport you can take up so you won’t have to exercise alone.
- Consume foods that are low in fat and high in protein and fiber.
- Add more green beans to your diet, as they also have alkaline properties and are loaded with vitamin A.
- Boost the number of fruits and veggies you eat on a daily basis.
- Avoid food fried in oil, mint, chocolate, onions, caffeine, citric juices, tomato sauce, garlic, and generally any foods that are high in fat.
6. Turmeric
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To continue our list of useful acid reflux remedies, another significant way to get relief is to use turmeric. Its active ingredient is curcumin, this works on the stomach in several ways. First, it heals the ulcerations and wounds in the gut lining, then its active ingredients help reduce the secretion of the hormone gastrin in the stomach which stimulates acid production, thus its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties can help in treating symptoms and also reducing the acid produced. Turmeric also works as a great remedy for colitis due to its anesthetizing properties that reduce pain in the stomach.
- Take 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and mix them with a cup of milk.
- Add a teaspoon of raw honey for taste if you wish.
- Take this remedy every morning until heartburn stops.
7. Aloe Vera
We couldn’t have created a list of home remedies for acid reflux without mentioning Aloe Vera. Just like apple cider vinegar, Aloe Vera is ubiquitous when it comes to natural home remedies. The main reason why Aloe Vera is among the top acid reflux remedies is that it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This means that it’s not only good for curing sunburns, but also for treating internal burns caused by acid reflux.
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- Cut open the leaf from an Aloe Vera plant and remove the gel inside.
- Place 2 tbsp (30ml) of clear Aloe Vera gel into a blender immediately.
- Drink half a cup Aloe Vera juice before every meal.
8. Bananas
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While a banana might not be the best remedy for acid reflux in the book, it certainly is an effective, tasty and healthy alternative all at the same time. The great part about bananas is that they are loaded with antacids that can naturally protect the stomach from acid reflux. Please make sure that the bananas are ripe in order to enjoy the best results.
- Eat a banana on a daily basis to alleviate acid reflux symptoms.
- Don’t hesitate to reach out to a doctor for professional medical assistance if you still have problems after a while.
9. Ginger Root
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One of the top herbal home remedies for acid reflux and generally a fantastic home remedy that acid reflux patients can try is ginger root. It has amazing antioxidant properties and is known for taming a wide range of stomach issues, so it can be used as a home remedy for nausea or for stomach aches. Anyone can easily purchase some ginger tea at home, but brewing your own pot with ginger root can bring even better relief.
- Take 3 small pieces of ginger root and cut them into even smaller pieces.
- Add them to 2 cups of water and allow them to boil for half an hour.
- Drink a glass of this ginger root tea about 20 minutes before eating.
10. Sugar-Free Gum
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An acid reflux natural remedy that you probably didn’t expect is chewing gum. Provided it contains no sugar, gum can help with acid reflux because chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva in the mouth. In turn, any acid that builds up will be flushed away with ease. This quick remedy for acid reflux actually has research to back it up, so you should really keep it in mind for when heartburn kicks in.
- Try to keep a pack of sugar-free gum with you at all times.
- Chew on a piece of gum for half an hour after eating.
11. Apples
This next home remedy for acid reflux is strongly connected to a saying that was always repeated to us when we were kids: ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Sound familiar? An exceptional natural cure for acid reflux could be a red delicious apple. You already know that apples are packed with nutrients, so grab this as a snack instead of reaching for cookies after dinner.
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- Eat an apple after finishing your meal to alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux.
- Eat an apple especially after dinner before going to bed.
12. Carrot Juice
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Next on our home remedies for acid reflux list is carrot juice. This has a lot of health benefits as it contains many minerals and vitamins vital for our body. From potassium and calcium to vitamin C, B, A and E, and more. Moreover, carrot juice is a great home remedy for acid reflux due to its natural alkaline components, which help neutralize excess acid and thus soothing the stomach. Carrots are also great to be used for an upset stomach.
- Put 2 cups of chopped carrots in a fruit juicer.
- Drink the obtained 1/2 cup of fresh juice before lunch.
- Drink this daily to prevent acid reflux.
13. Chamomile Tea
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Herbal remedies for acid reflux are always a pleasure to explore. As far as this category is concerned, chamomile seems to have the best impact on upset stomachs. Chamomile tea works the best consumed before going to bed at night, so consider keeping a fresh, steaming mug on your nightstand. Moreover, its calming properties will also help you sleep better.
- Boil a cup of water.
- Add it on top of 4 teaspoons of fresh or dried chamomile flowers.
- Let it steep for 5 minutes then strain.
- Drink a cup of chamomile tea about an hour or half an hour before going to sleep.
- Repeat this nightly for a soothing effect.
To sum up, we all know how annoying and discomforting acid reflux can be. It’s almost impossible to avoid at one point, as we can’t always control what we eat or how prone our body is to heartburn. However, we can take preventative measures and apply home remedies for acid reflux to keep that painful burning sensation away. Tell us all about the remedy that best worked for you in a comment below!
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