An abscessed tooth occurs when a bacterial infection attacks the gums around a tooth or the roots of the tooth itself. Although this infection can begin for several different reasons, an abscessed tooth can become very painful very quickly if it is left untreated. The following remedies can prevent the spread of the infection and that can give you plenty of relief. Treating the symptoms early can prevent the onset of fever, fluid discharge, facial swelling and difficulty swallowing. These are just a few of the most effective home remedies for abscess tooth you can use to save your mouth.
Try our home remedies for abscess tooth to get rid of the infection and the swelling
1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is readily available at most pharmacies and supermarkets. In addition, you can use fresh peppermint leaves to create your own oil if you prefer a more natural approach. Because an abscessed tooth begins as a bacterial infection, the antiseptic properties of peppermint oil will help relieve much of your toothache. In addition, this type of oil can provide anti-inflammatory results when your gums and jaw begin swelling. It also works great if you want to treat a dry socket.
- Drop some peppermint oil on your fingertips.
- Slowly massage the oil into the infected tooth for a few minutes.
- Repeat the massage every six hours until the infection is cleared.
2. Garlic
Nearly everyone has some garlic in their house, this natural ingredient that is one of many excellent home remedies for abscess tooth. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of garlic will help slow down and could even halt the infection from spreading further into your tooth and gums. Garlic also features sulfur compounds that help prevent infections and irritation. In fact, eating garlic regularly could prevent abscessed teeth before they even start.
- Crush one or two garlic cloves to extract the juices.
- Use your fingers to gently apply this juice to the infected tooth.
- Leave the garlic on the abscessed area to continue improving the condition.
- Repeat this process as needed or at least twice a day until you feel the condition improving.
3. Salt Water
Although it is often blamed for swelling and bloating, salt reduces pain and inflammation quickly. The salt will increase the tooth pain at first, but in time, it will improve your dental condition. Water is readily available in most homes, so adding salt makes this one of the easiest home remedies for abscess tooth.
- Heat a glass of water to a lukewarm temperature.
- Add one teaspoon of salt and mix.
- Rinse your mouth with the water and salt mixture.
- Repeat this procedure several times a day until you feel relief.
4. Herbal Tea Bag
The tannins in herbal tea bags can be used to absorb the toxins and the pus in your gums around the abscessed tooth. Reducing the inflammation, swelling and pain with herbal tea make this one a very useful home remedy.
- Soak a herbal tea bag in water, allowing it to make tea.
- Remove the tea bag from the water.
- Place the wet tea bag on top of the infected tooth.
- Leave the tea bag on the tooth for several hours or even overnight.
5. Baking Soda
Most households have baking soda on hand for cooking projects, but this is another one of the effective home remedies for abscess tooth. By increasing the pH level of your saliva, you will experience a re-mineralization of your tooth that will make it stronger to fight infections. In addition, baking soda thoroughly cleans your teeth and gums.
- Add one-half teaspoon of baking soda to one-half teaspoon of salt.
- Mix the two ingredients well.
- Dip a small cotton ball in clean water.
- Coat the moistened cotton ball with the baking soda and salt mixture.
- Position the cotton ball on the infected tooth or between the tooth and your cheek.
- Leave the cotton ball in place for several hours.
- Remove the cotton ball, and replace it with another one prepared in the same way.
6. Raw Plantain Leaves
While plantains can be purchased from most supermarkets, plantain leaves must be located at a herb or a health foods store. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties will help get rid of the infection and its symptoms very quickly.
- Very finely crush a few plantain leaves.
- Apply the crushed leaves directly to the infected tooth.
- Let the leaves rest on the tooth for 20-25 minutes.
- Rinse your mouth thoroughly after removing the leaves.
- Repeat this process several times throughout the day.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a potent disinfectant which makes it ideal for treating abscessed teeth. In addition, it is easy to find at most supermarkets and convenience stores, and the vinegar can be used in recipes once you have it in your cabinet. For treating an abscessed tooth, organic, raw apple cider vinegar is best.
- Pour a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into your mouth.
- Swish the vinegar around in your mouth for a few minutes.
- Spit out the vinegar, taking care not to swallow any of it.
- Rinse your mouth with water.
- Repeat this cleansing process several times a day.
8. Potatoes
Using raw potatoes is a proven way to get rid of a stubborn infection with a natural ingredient that is easy to find. Although it is very effective, using potatoes is not a quick remedy for an abscessed tooth.
- Peel and cut a raw potato into small pieces.
- Position a piece of potato on the painful tooth.
- Leave the potato in place overnight.
- Remove the potato piece the following morning.
- Use this method every night until you feel the infection is gone.
9. Sesame Seeds
These delicious ingredients are an antibacterial and pain-relieving option for home remedies for abscess tooth. When using sesame seeds correctly, the pain will leave completely and quickly, but the infection will take longer to resolve.
- Pour a cup of water in a saucepan.
- Add 4 teaspoons of sesame seeds.
- Boil this mixture for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Allow the water to cool.
- Dip a small cotton ball into the water mixture.
- Rub the moistened cotton ball all over the abscessed tooth.
- Repeat this procedure several times a day.
10. Hydrogen Peroxide
Often used for cuts, scrapes, and burns, hydrogen peroxide is frequently found in home medical kits because of its disinfectant properties. In addition to killing bacteria, hydrogen peroxide will decrease the pain and the inflammation in the infected tooth, being also among the best home remedies for tooth pain. This will not only end the pain, but it will also stop the bacterial infection from festering or spreading.
- Mix together 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of warm water.
- Stir the mixture thoroughly.
- Swish the mixture in your mouth for several minutes, making sure that the abscess is treated.
- Completely spit the mixture out of your mouth.
- Repeat the process regularly.
11. Clove
There are many reasons to consider using cloves as one of your home remedies for abscess tooth. With antifungal, analgesic and antiseptic properties, the juice of cloves is the full package when it comes to healing an abscess. In addition to the ability to ease the pain and stop the infection, clove juice also features fiber, manganese, and omega-3s that will reduce your inflammation.
- Position a whole clove between your cheek and the infected tooth.
- After about 30 minutes, chew the clove to release the juices.
- Leave the juice in your mouth for another 30 minutes.
- Repeat this procedure daily until you feel the infection is gone.
12. Turmeric
Another natural ingredient that makes it on our best home remedies for abscess tooth list is turmeric. With antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, turmeric will reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation quickly.
- Drop a single teaspoon of ground turmeric to a small bowl.
- Add just enough water to mix together a smooth paste.
- Wash your mouth thoroughly.
- Use a finger to apply the turmeric paste to the infected tooth.
- Leave the paste on the tooth.
- Repeat the application regularly.
13. Calendula Leaves
Calendula leaves are effective at controlling pain and reducing inflammation, but these leaves can be difficult to locate at traditional stores. However, health foods stores and shops that sell organic herbs are likely to have this therapeutic plant that will provide pain relief.
- Crush a handful of fresh Calendula leaves, creating a coarse paste.
- Rub a small cotton ball in the paste.
- Apply the paste on the cotton ball directly to the infected tooth or gums.
- Leave the paste in the infected area for about an hour.
- Repeat the process several times a day until you see an improvement.
14. Papaya
Readily available in most supermarkets, papaya is filled with antioxidants that will help kill the bacteria in your mouth. In addition, the fruit contains many nutrients that will aid your body in recovering from the infection as you heal the abscessed tooth. Papaya should offer you immediate relief from the pain of the infection.
- Remove the skin from a fresh and ripe papaya.
- Slice the papaya into manageable pieces.
- Rub one of the slices on the tooth and on the gums around the tooth.
- Place the slice on the infected tooth for about an hour.
- Remove the slice, and rinse your mouth with a good mouthwash.
- Repeat this process daily until the infection is gone.
15. Oregano Oil
With its antibacterial properties and inherent antioxidants, oregano oil boosts your immunity. Likewise, this impressive home remedy attacks fungi and helps to heal infections quickly and painlessly. You can find oregano oil at health foods stores.
- Mix together 3-5 drops of oregano oil and one-fourth cup of warm water.
- Pour this mixture into your mouth.
- Swish the mixture around in your mouth for about 10 minutes, making sure it covers the infected area.
- Spit out the mixture.
- Repeat this treatment 2-3 times a day until the pain and inflammation are gone.
Home remedies for abscess tooth are readily available with just a few generally easy-to-find and natural ingredients. Each of these remedies should bring you some relief from pain and inflammation in a day or two. If your symptoms are not improving, or if you have severe pain, facial swelling or a rotten smell coming from your mouth, you need to seek professional dental assistance as soon as possible. What is your most-trusted abscessed tooth home remedy? Tell us about your experiences below!
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