If home remedies for asthma are on your search list, it most likely means that you or a loved one is suffering from this condition. The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology reports that roughly 1 in 12 people in the United States had asthma in 2009, with numbers growing by the year. Additionally, the CDC notes that the U.S. lost $56 billion in 2007 due to lost work or school days and medical expenses. While sometimes asthma symptoms in adults, teens and children and asthma prevention may seem impossible to achieve, there are quite a few home remedies for asthma relief available closer than you thought. Explore our 19 home remedies for asthma that might change your life.
Learn about Home Remedies for Asthma Wheezing
1. Ginkgo Biloba
As the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America states, there is unfortunately no cure for asthma. Nevertheless, using home remedies for asthma cough like gingko biloba might help reduce the symptoms. If you didn’t already know, this asthma attack treatment home remedy has been used for hundreds of years for respiratory issues.
- Take a handful of ginkgo biloba leaves and boil them to make a tea.
- Steep and enjoy warm to soothe wheezing.
- As an alternative, consider ginkgo biloba supplements after consulting your doctor.
2. Coffee
One of the most reliable home remedies for asthma attacks in adults is most likely your daily morning beverage. The caffeine that black coffee contains has anti-inflammatory properties similar to asthma medication. It might help with cleaning up your air passages of phlegm, thereby allowing you to breathe normally again.
- Drink a few cups of hot, black coffee throughout the whole day.
- If the symptoms persist, contact a medical professional as soon as possible.
3. Turmeric
Speaking of anti-inflammatories, turmeric is one of the best natural agents that can visibly reduce inflammation. In addition to its anti-inflammatory content, turmeric is also packed with antioxidants that will help your breathing get back on the right track. Among the trustworthy home remedies for asthma in adults, turmeric can be consumed in several ways to reap its benefits.
- Take one teaspoon of turmeric powder and add it either to a glass of warm milk or water.
- Drink this mixture 2 to 3 times daily.
- You can also take turmeric supplements for a similar effect.
4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known among natural remedy enthusiasts, owing to their delightful health benefits. As natural home remedies for asthma, omega-3 fatty acids have the power to greatly lower inflammation and help you get back to normal breathing. A nice aspect of this home remedy for asthma is that is can be taken in numerous forms.
- Add more foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids into your daily diet. Some great sources are fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna), walnuts or flaxseed oil, just to name a few.
- You can also take omega-3 supplements. If you choose this method, go for 6 capsules with 1,000 milligrams each of omega-3 throughout the day.
5. Garlic
We love using garlic to add flavor to our home cooked meals, even though the aftermath might not be the best for our breath. However, using garlic cloves as home remedies for an asthma attack can get you out of a sticky situation soon and safely. Owing to their anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, garlic cloves can become a life-saver.
- To get this home remedy right, boil 3 cloves of garlic in ¼ cup milk.
- Let it chill and drink.
- Repeat this remedy until your asthma symptoms calm down.
- Seek medical attention if you don’t see any results.
6. Steam
As far as home remedies for asthma symptoms are concerned, steaming is a tried and tested method that really requires no extra ingredients. You can apply this remedy either with a bowl or a hot bath, whichever way works best for you.
- Take a large bowl and fill it with hot, steaming water.
- Place a clean towel over your head and keep your face above the water, inhaling the steam.
- Inhale for about 15 minutes at a time, but be careful not to hurt yourself.
7. Onion
Whoever thought that an onion could be a home remedy for asthma wheezing? Just like garlic, onions have anti-inflammatory benefits that will clear up your air passages and help you put a stop to the painful symptoms of asthma. Even more so, onions contain sulphur, which also lowers inflammation.
- The key to this remedy is to consume onions when you feel your asthma is acting up. It is best to eat them raw, even though the taste might be a bit powerful.
- You can also boil onion tea or consume them cooked if you can’t do so while they’re raw.
8. Eucalyptus
Considered to be the best home remedy for asthma by a great number of individuals with this condition, eucalyptus can clear up clogged passages that cause wheezing. Eucalyptus oil, in particular, works the best for asthma patients. Combined with another home remedy on our list, eucalyptus oil can help you breathe easily again.
- Take a bowl of hot water and add a couple drops of eucalyptus oil to it.
- Place a towel over your head and inhale the steam with eucalyptus oil for fifteen minutes at a time.
- In a nutshell, eucalyptus oil increases the impact of steaming for those with asthma.
9. Milk
When combined with the proper ingredients, milk can prove to be one of the best home remedies for bronchial asthma. The key is to gather these ingredients and apply the home remedy properly to unblock your air passages.
- Take equal parts of honey and olive oil and pour them into one glass of milk (warm).
- Drink the mixture together with several cloves of garlic in the morning, before you eat anything.
- You can also mix warm milk with turmeric for a similar effect.
10. Black Tea
Similar to coffee, the caffeine content in black tea makes it one of the easiest asthma home remedies for adults. There are high chances that this home remedy will work for you, but you should be careful to not drink too much throughout the day.
- Feel free to drink up to 3 cups of black coffee a day to reduce your asthma symptoms.
- You can always exchange this remedy with coffee, depending on your preferences.
11. Honey
It’s quite challenging to find home remedies for asthma in children, when ingredients like coffee or black tea are in discussion. Nonetheless, this super sweet remedy will be a sheer pleasure for your children to experience. Honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. As you have learned throughout our article, these are essential for recovering from asthma symptoms naturally.
- Open a jar of organic, raw honey and breathe in the aroma.
- Alternatively, you can enjoy teaspoons of honey throughout the day to maintain your asthma under control.
- You can also combine honey with cloves of garlic for an even better impact.
12. Lemon
So, if you are wondering ‘what are some home remedies for asthma that I can easily apply?’, you have come to the right place. Lemons are some of the most accessible home remedies for asthma that you have at hand, so read the instructions below and see how you can use them in your case.
- Try to keep freshly squeezed lemon juice around the house if you know you have asthma problems.
- Make a habit of drinking 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice every morning, before you eat breakfast.
- You can also drink lemonade with honey whenever you feel the need to.
13. Flax
A home remedy for asthma attacks that not many are aware of is flax. Flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which you already know are beneficial for asthma patients. The anti-inflammatory properties they have can help you get better really soon. Moreover, flax seeds or flax oil can even help you prevent asthma attacks in the future.
- Chew ½ teaspoon of flax seeds on a daily basis.
- As an alternative, consume 1 teaspoon of flax oil daily. This also works for asthma attack prevention.
14. Carom Seeds
Carom seeds can dilate the lungs’ bronchial tubes, making them some of the best home remedies for asthma you can apply. These seeds are commonly regarded as bishop’s weed, so you might be able to get them under this name.
- Prepare a pot of tea by boiling carom seeds in it.
- You can also use carom seeds for steaming by boiling 1 teaspoon and inhaling.
15. Fig
Some of the most effective home remedies for asthma patients are actually figs. They contain nutrients that successfully fight the symptoms of asthma and clear up respiratory problems. Dried figs especially work, so consider consuming them in this form.
- Take 3 dried figs and place them in a glass of water.
- Leave them over the night.
- The next day, drink the water and eat the dried figs before you eat breakfast.
- It might take several months for your symptoms to be completely under control, but numerous patients claim it works like a charm.
16. Mustard Oil
Regarding home remedies for asthma treatment, mustard oil is awesome at melting mucous and helping you breathe normally again. While most of our home remedies for asthma on this list are taken orally, this solution is topical.
- Combine mustard oil with camphor powder, mixing them thoroughly. Make sure that the mustard oil is a bit heated in advance.
- Carefully use the mixture as massage oil and apply to the chest area using circular motions. The massage can be applied for fifteen minutes at a time.
- Repeat this remedy two times every day for both alleviating symptoms and preventing them in the future.
17. Parsley
Wheezing, asthma attacks and chest congestion can be relieved with the help of home remedies for allergic asthma like parsley. Parsley leaves can calm down the rugged coughing and bring quick relief for most asthma patients.
- Take a handful of parsley leaves and prepare a pot of tea.
- Drink several times throughout the day for a soothing effect.
- If parsley tea doesn’t have an impact in your case, please call your doctor for professional assistance.
18. Fennel
Fennel seeds are natural asthma relief home remedies for asthma, but unfortunately they most likely won’t work on the spot. What fennel seeds can do is to soothe asthma symptoms in time by frequently consuming them. They are a favorite among digestive disorders, so you should try out fennel seeds for your asthma issues.
- Add fennel seeds into your daily diet as much as you can.
- If this home remedy for asthma doesn’t work out for you, reach out to a medical professional as soon as you can.
19. Ginger
The last method in our list of quick home remedies for asthma is ginger. Raw ginger is especially good for asthma, thanks to much-desired anti-inflammatory benefits. Ginger can unclog your air passages and it promotes normal breathing. The good news is that you are not limited by just one method for consuming ginger – you can take it in several different ways.
- Firstly, try consuming raw ginger with a bit of salt to enjoy its benefits directly.
- You can also prepare some ginger tea. Take 1 inch and chop it in tiny pieces to boil in a pot of water. After allowing it to steep and chill, drink the ginger tea.
- Prepare a combination of honey, pomegranate juice and ginger juice. Take 1 tablespoon of the liquid three times daily for the best results.
To conclude our home remedies for asthma article, we want to highlight the fact that no home cures for asthma can take the place of professional assistance. You can try the homemade remedies for asthma or asthmatic cough home remedies on our list, but if none of them work out for you, call your doctor immediately. We’re glad to hear about your positive experience, so let us know in a comment below what home remedy for asthma worked the best in your case!
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