Bacterial vaginosis is an infection caused by an increase in bad bacteria in the vagina. Females often experience symptoms of inflammation and a thick, smelly discharge at the onset of an infection. Smoking, douching, and sex with different partners can cause the imbalance to occur, but some women are more susceptible to bacterial vaginosis infections. Although we do advocate the benefits of home remedies, you are urged to visit a doctor if symptoms to not improve or worsen. Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis are inexpensive, convenient, and can be more effective at achieving a long-term cure. The following list provides multiple solutions to alleviate the symptoms and establish a healthy balance of vaginal bacteria.
Alleviate the unpleasant symptoms with home remedies for bacterial vaginosis!
1. Hydrogen Peroxide
The best home remedies often involve using products that you can easily find in the cabinet, like hydrogen peroxide. It’s a very inexpensive disinfectant that actually kills the bad bacteria lurking in the vaginal canal so that the good bacteria can repopulate. According to a study released by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, 18 out of 23 women treated with hydrogen peroxide completely cleared of their symptoms. They also reported no major side effects when using the hydrogen peroxide bacterial vaginosis home remedy as directed.
- Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal parts clean water to create a gentle 1.5% solution.
- Soak a tampon in the mixture and insert into the vagina.
- Keep it in for at least 3 minutes, but no longer than 30.
- Allow the solution to sit for 3 minutes before draining if you use as a douche.
2. Garlic
Capsules and cloves of garlic have natural anti-fungal and antibiotic properties that can be beneficial in many ways, including as a home remedy for vaginal yeast infection. Women that experience frequent bacterial vaginosis infections can become immune to prescription antibiotics, thus creating the need for alternative solutions. The medicinal qualities of garlic have made it one of the most popular home remedies for bacterial vaginosis because of an ingredient called “alicin”. It targets the bad bacteria that cause the infection to develop and worsen, but it does not harm the existing good bacteria that needs to take over. Garlic does not cause any side effects aside from a foul taste in the mouth when inserted vaginally, but this isn’t noticeable if you use the remedy at bedtime.
- Separate a single clove of garlic and remove the thin, white cover.
- Insert the glove into the vagina before bed.
- Remove in the morning, and insert another fresh clove before bed as needed.
- Create a fingernail slit to increase the dosage if the symptoms are more severe or persistent.
- Ingesting garlic capsules is an alternative solution that can cure and prevent a BV infection.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Anytime the vaginal pH levels become more alkaline than acidic, there is a good chance that you will develop an infection as a result. Eradicating bad bacteria inside the vagina by increasing acidity creates a more hospitable environment for good bacteria to thrive and multiply. The acidity in apple cider vinegar is a powerful solution to many health issues, including the odor and discharge associated with bacterial vaginosis. It’s recommended to incorporate ACV with other bacterial vaginosis home remedies to ensure that healthy bacteria are able to replenish. Keep in mind that you need a good quality apple cider vinegar, such as Braggs, to experience the benefits of this remedy.
- Add 2 cups of clean water with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a douching bag.
- Cleanse the vaginal canal with this solution once per day until the infection is cleared.
- Pour up to 1 cup of ACV into a warm, shallow bath.
- Soak for 20 minutes once a day until the condition improves.
- Mix a teaspoon of unfiltered ACV into a glass of water
- Drink once or twice a day to prevent BV infections.
4. Yogurt
Plain, unsweetened yogurt contains active cultures that are very beneficial to the digestive system and vaginal pH. As with many home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, the yogurt will only target the harmful bacteria that is trying to take over. It doesn’t cause any side effects, and the cooling sensation actually provides an immediate relief of itching and inflammation.
- Place a tampon into yogurt for at least 10 minutes before inserting into the vagina.
- Leave up to 3 hours for maximum benefits, and repeat once a day as needed.
5. Tea Tree Oil
Holistic practitioners have been recommending tea tree oil for years as a natural solution for many ailments, but it must be used with care. It has a very strong smell, and it can cause an allergic reaction or irritation if applied directly to the delicate lining of the vagina. The oil is a powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal substance that can be found in most pharmacies, and a little goes a very long way. If used properly, the tea tree oil can clear the infection quickly without causing any unwanted side effects. As an added bonus, it does put off a minty scent that will overpower any foul odor that may come from the infection.
- Run a warm bath and add 10-12 drops of tea tree oil.
- Soak for up to 30 minutes.
- Coat a tampon in coconut oil or a safe lubricant before adding a few drops to the outside if you prefer this method.
- Change every 4 hours, but remove immediately and do not repeat if you experience any burning or stinging.
6. Coconut Oil
High-quality coconut oil is a natural anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral substance that is safe to use inside the vaginal canal. As it has become very popular in cooking and as a home remedy, it has become more important that you read the label to find an organic, virgin coconut oil. It’s a very cost-efficient, reliable, and safe way to treat recurring bacterial vaginosis symptoms. Coconut oil is best used to accompany additional home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, such as yogurt or tea tree oil.
- Place a small amount of coconut oil into the freezer for 2 minutes or until it becomes firm enough to hold.
- Insert directly into the vagina to allow it to melt naturally.
- If you prefer to use a tampon, soak it in the oil for a few minutes before inserting.
- Change every 8 hours until the infection is no longer present.
7. Milk
Everybody knows that milk is an essential part of a nutritious diet because it provides helpful vitamins and minerals to the body. A glass of cold milk each day is good for the flora of the vagina because it contains beneficial lactobacilli bacteria. The protein in the milk also helps your body fight off infections like BV so that they may clear up before symptoms become noticeable. Using milk, yogurt, and other natural home remedies for bacterial vaginosis eliminate the expense and side effects of taking antibiotics for frequent vaginal infections. Adding 1/2 teaspoon of pure turmeric powder to a glass of warmed milk enhances the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, but avoid this remedy if pregnant.
- Soak a tampon in cold milk before inserting to relieve the symptoms of discomfort.
- Remove after 2 hours, and repeat each day until the BV symptoms start to disappear.
- Mix 1/2 – 1 tsp of turmeric powder into a cup of warm milk and drink the mixture once a day.
8. Fenugreek Seeds
Enhancing the benefits of other home remedies for bacterial vaginosis can be achieved by consuming fenugreek seeds each day that you are treating the condition. Side effects are very few, and most aren’t more bothersome than causing urine to smell like maple syrup. If you experience an allergic reaction, such as hives or a rash, it’s best to move on with a more suitable remedy. Consuming fenugreek daily will balance the pH level of the vagina by killing bad bacteria and aiding with the healing process.
Infuse In Water
- Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek in a cup of water overnight.
- Drink the water on an empty stomach.
- Grind 2 tablespoons of fenugreek side to mix into a cup of yogurt.
- Eat twice daily to eliminate the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
Fenugreek Tea
- Steep 1 tablespoon of fenugreek in a cup of hot water.
- Strain the liquid to remove all seeds before drinking.
- Drink this solution at 2-3 times per day to get the best result.
9. Boric Acid
A nightly boric acid suppository is recommended as a two-week treatment that is completely safe for the vagina. It’s a mild acid that eradicates bacteria and decreases the alkalinity without causing any discomfort or irritation in the process. Pregnant women are advised against this remedy, and it should never be taken orally.
- Fill an empty capsule with boric acid powder if you do not have pre-made suppositories.
- Insert into the vagina before bed, and repeat each night until symptoms are gone.
10. Goldenseal

Source: James Steakley
Berberine and hydrastine are chemicals in goldenseal extract that boost immunities and eliminate bad bacteria. It is taken as a supplement rather than inserted into the vagina, so it’s ideal for women that are experiencing discomfort and inflammation.
Goldenseal is known to stimulate contractions so it must be avoided if you’re pregnant.
- Consume 1,000 milligrams of goldenseal twice a day.
11. Indian Lilac
Eliminate the microorganisms causing BV by detoxifying your body with an extract made from margosa leaves. Also known as neem or Indian Lilac, this herb has powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties that are beneficial for the flora of the vagina.
- Heat 5-6 leaves in a pan with no liquid so that they are crisp.
- Grind into a fine powder and add a few drops of water to create a thick paste.
- Apply the mixture to the inside and outside of the vagina.
- Thoroughly rinse after 30 minutes, and repeat daily as needed.
12. Echinacea
Capsules or tablets of echinacea build immune function and quickly treat infections like bacterial vaginosis. There is an allergy warning for women that are sensitive to sunflower because echinacea is a very similar product.
- Consume 500-1,000mg of echinacea up to 3 times daily until the infection is eliminated.
Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis can alleviate symptoms and restore a healthy balance within a few days. If symptoms do persist for longer, it may be necessary to consult with a medical professional to receive a proper diagnosis. The majority of cases can be resolved through these home remedies, and we would love for you to share your experience with other readers. Please tell us about the remedies that you used and the results you achieved!
BV is one of the most embarrassing conditions that any woman can ever experience. I actually remember how quickly mine disappeared that time when I ate yogurt. I also ate organic food during that time and didn’t touch anything that was processed.
We are glad yogurt helped you, Britt, thank you for the feedback!