Don’t you have enough milk? We have 10 home remedies for boosting milk production to help and guide you. Breast milk is always best for your baby!
Is this your first time? Breastfeeding is the most intimate bonding between a mom and her baby. Until now, I couldn’t describe the overwhelming emotions I feel each time I feed my newborn.
Do not worry if you think that your milk is not enough for your baby. The 10 home remedies for boosting milk production is a list of practical and convenient solutions to increase your milk supply. These tips are meant to be natural and comfortable for you.Read each one and see what suits you best!
How to tell if you are producing the right amount of milk for your baby?
It’s important to know if you are feeding your baby enough milk daily. Here are the indications that you are doing it right.
✓ There is no pain during the feeding session.✓ After every feeding, you’ll feel the satisfaction that your breast is soft and empty.✓ Your baby appears to be calm and sleeps soundly after feeding.✓ When you consistently supply an average of 7 times a day.✓ When your baby regularly urinates mostly after feeding.
10 Home Remedies for Boosting Milk Production
1. Warm Compress
A lot of mothers do not have a problem in producing milk. Unfortunately, I was one of those who struggles with the supply. At times, low blood circulation in the breasts is the reason for the difficulty.
I resorted to warm compress, and it was a relief to me. The warm moist that touches the skin as you massage your breast stimulates the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for the let-down reflex. Your body will naturally yield to the baby’s sucking, letting the milk flow easily.
Herbal Remedies
Other reasons for low milk supply are due to mother’s physical problems. When moms are sick, it affects the ability to produce milk. The intake of birth control pills and lack of nutrition are common causes too.
Of the 10 home remedies for boosting milk production, herbal remedies are effective and challenging too. You just need to follow the directions on how to take them and enjoy. Here are some suggestions for you to choose from. Some taste weird, but not that bad. Good luck!
2. Fenugreek
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Fenugreek contains phytoestrogens that stimulate milk-producing glands. It is one of the most popular home remedies known to be effective.
3. Fennel Seed
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These fennel seeds function as a galactagogue that not only helps produce milk but also assist digestion and stops the colic pain in infants. Galactogogue contains phytoestrogens that arouse the mammary glands for milk production.
4. Cumin Seeds
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Cumin seeds do not only stimulate milk production but also offer relief to digestive disorders and are a source of iron for both mom and child.
5. Cinnamon
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Cinnamon improves milk secretion and even enhances the good taste of milk. It also suspends for a longer time the resume of the menstrual cycle.
Here is a video to guide you on how to administer warm compress and how to use the herbal remedies. Be sure to follow the directions.
6. Oatmeal and Milk
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Looking for a breakfast that stimulates lactation? Oatmeal and a glass of milk are perfect for a healthy meal. Aside from increasing breast milk production, it is the best source of iron and calcium along with the calories needed to keep cholesterol level low.
The 10 Home remedies for boosting milk production do not only include herbal recommendations but also suggests practical solutions for comfortable breastfeeding bonding moments.
7. Practice the Best Breastfeeding Position at Home
Breast milk has the complete nutrients for your baby’s daily needs. One significant fact is that it’s free! However, moms got to learn simple tricks on how to feed their newborns comfortably.
Milk supply also depends on the position you apply while feeding your baby. There are different positions that you can learn to have a free milk flow.
Here is a video showing you different positions for a comfortable mom and baby feeding session. Proper positions are essential to know especially for first-time moms.
8. Drink Plenty of Water
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Your body is completely capable of producing milk. Breastfeeding demands not only that the mom should eat the right food but also the right amount of water to drink.
Water is needed to make your body produce enough fluid for the milk. Drinking plenty of pure, clean water is healthy. Some of your favorite fresh juice is beneficial too. Always keep a glass of liquid beside you to sip.
9. Observe the Proper Way of Breastfeeding
How often do you feed your baby? How do you do it? Your milk supply depends on how frequent you nurse your child. Frequent feeding controls the milk production. The tissues and mammary glands continue to work and produce milk.
Once the breast is empty, the body automatically starts to generate milk and begin to fill it again. It’s an assurance that your baby has an endless milk supply. The natural process is one important reason why you need to empty one breast first and then use the other one to feed.
Breast pumps are useful in emptying both breasts. It is convenient for you at the same time.
10. The Power Combo: Healthy Diet and Enough Rest
Nothing beats the power of a healthy diet and plenty of sleep for an efficient way of attaining a good milk supply. Eating fresh fruit and green leafy vegetables is essential. The nutrients that you get from this food keeps your body healthy. A healthy body means lots of milk. On top of this, a proper rest every day is vital. Being a milk pantry for your baby has its toll. Get enough sleep to boost your energy.
Final Thoughts
The first time I breastfed, I panicked when I found out I can’t give plenty of milk for my child. But later on, I found out that I was not alone. With proper guidance and patience, I succeeded in doing so to all four of my children.
These 10 home remedies for boosting milk production have proven to be effective. All it takes is consistency and perseverance. Lastly, remember that it is important to relax when you’re a mom. It’s only then that you are most efficient and can perform the best care for your baby.
Short Bio:
Sarah Palmer
Hi! My name is Sarah, founder of SarahsLovelyFamily. I love sharing tips and tricks I learned about raising my own family, helping parents like me raise their children healthily while enjoying their life. You can follow me on Twitter at @SarahsLovelyFam.
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