Chapped or dry lips are painful, and among the symptoms, you may experience redness, bleeding, cracking, tenderness, dryness, and sore lips. Although most of the main causes are weather conditions, excessive licking, smoking, allergies, dehydration, and vitamin deficiency, there are plenty of ways to help treat them. Of course, you can always try over-the-counter products, but you can save money and provide faster as well as easier relief for your lips with all natural home remedies. Here are just 12 of the best home remedies for chapped lips you can try with basic ingredients you can find almost anywhere.
Learn how to get rid of chapped lips and get back the softness of your lips
1. Honey
One of the best natural moisturizers is honey. It has healing and antibacterial properties which make it a fantastic chapped lips home remedy. It can not only heal chapped lips but also tastes great! You can find honey at any grocery store. For best results, use organic, raw honey.
- Dab a small amount of honey on your finger.
- Wipe it across your upper and bottom lip, leave no crack unturned.
- Apply as many times you need on a daily basis until your lips return to their soft and healthy state.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera Gel is extremely popular in home remedy treatments. Although it may have an unpleasant taste, it has amazing healing properties and can treat your lips in a matter of hours. In addition, it can help relieve the pain of your chapped lips when other medicine cannot. This is thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and the presence of B-sisterole. Also, the gel of the aloe vera plant is 99% water, which is why it is so incredibly hydrating for your skin and lips. This can also be used as a best home remedy for hemorrhoids.
- Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel on a cotton swab.
- Swab your upper and lower lip.
- Repeat daily until your symptoms are completely gone.
3. Milk Cream
Another one of the best home remedies for chapped lips is milk cream. This is largely due to its high-fat content which moisturizes lips. Along with its moisturizing traits, milk cream also prevents future cracking and brightens lips. Milk cream can also be bought at any store where food is sold.
- Pour fresh milk cream on a cotton swab.
- Smear on your upper and lower lips on affected areas and leave on for 10 minutes.
- Gently wash with lukewarm water.
- Apply every day until your lips are fully healed.
4. Castor Oil
Another excellent form of treatment to help heal chapped lips is castor oil. It naturally nourishes and moisturizes lips quickly and effectively. Castor oil’s fatty acid content is comprised of almost 90% ricinoleic acid. This is where it derives its moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties from.
- Combine one teaspoon of castor oil, one teaspoon of glycerin, and a handful of drops of lemon juice.
- Apply to your lips every night before bed.
- In the morning, wash off with a cotton ball dipped in lukewarm water.
- Repeat every day until your symptoms start disappearing.
5. Cucumber
Using cucumbers is one of the most simple solutions to re-moisturizing your lips. This is because cucumbers are 90% water, which means they are very good at providing hydration. They also contain a high amount of Vitamin C which stimulates collagen production in the lips. Cucumbers also hold a high amount of caffeic acid. This is an antioxidant that prevents the production of free radicals and thus protects your lips from future damage.
- Cut a cucumber into small slices and smear on your lips.
- Leave the juice on your lips for 15-20 minutes and wash off with water.
- Repeat daily until your lips fully heal.
6. Coconut Oil
Another natural moisturizer is coconut oil. This oil can be primarily used to help heal chapped lips due to dry or cold weather, including cracked skin due to certain allergic reactions due to severe weather changes. Coconut oil is fairly easy to come by and can be purchased at most grocery stores.
- Dab a small amount of coconut oil on a cotton swab.
- Smear an even coat on your lips.
- Apply every day until your symptoms start reducing.
7. Brown Sugar
Brown sugar can be a beneficial cure to help treat dry and cracking lips due to allergies or stress. It is a natural exfoliant, which can help to clear away the damaged skin to make way for new, refreshed lips. Making a scrub with brown sugar will leave your lips feeling more hydrated and refreshed than ever before.
- Mix a half cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of olive or almond oil.
- Apply to your lips every morning until your symptoms start disappearing.
8. Glycerin
One of the quickest and most effective home remedies for chapped lips is glycerin. This substance can have an incredible effect on the overall health of your lips. It can help to not only moisturize your lips but also have them looking softer and pinker than ever before. Glycerin also helps to heal dry, cracked, and bleeding lips and prevent any future damage.
- Dip a cotton swab in glycerin.
- Apply to your lips.
- Repeat several times throughout the day when you feel your lips drying.
- Apply an extra amount before bed.
- Repeat until you see results or up to a week.
9. Water
Water is a key to keeping your lips soft and healthy. Dehydration, one of the main causes of chapped lips, can leave your lips cracked and bleeding. By drinking a few glasses of water on a daily basis, you can keep toxins out of your body and your lips feeling refreshed. However, it’s also a good idea to avoid humid temperatures and junk food which can leave you dehydrated and lead to chapped lips. The good thing about water is, it is available anywhere.
- Drink at least 2-3 glasses of water every day.
- Use a filter for cleaner water, especially when your lips are composed of open cracks.
10. Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly is another highly effective addition to our list of home remedies for chapped lips. It locks in moisture, allowing your skin to heal itself, and prevents future damage caused by weather conditions. Petroleum jelly contains a combination of paraffin, mineral oils, and waxes. This substance provides a soothing effect on your lips. You can pick up some petroleum jelly at your local drug store. Before you begin using this regularly, apply a small amount to your skin. Most people experience no side effects, but a small percentage of users may have an adverse reaction.
- Using your finger or a cotton swab, apply petroleum jelly to your lips.
- Repeat multiple times each day and before bed.
- Continue to do this for up to a week.
11. Rose Petals
Rose petals are beautiful and can help serve an important function in keeping your lips properly moisturized. They make one of the most effective home remedies for chapped lips. Especially since the petals can retain moisture, they help in providing essential properties to prevent your lips from chapping. When used correctly, the petals can trap moisture in your skin cells, nourishing and rehydrating them. Organics rose petals work best, so check with your local florist or search online for them.
- Wash a handful of rose petals in clean water.
- Soak the petals in milk for approximately 2 hours.
- Mash the petals into a paste.
- Apply the paste to your upper and lower lip every day until your symptoms dissipate.
12. Cane Sugar
This is also one of the best home remedies for chapped lips, and it works similarly to brown sugar. It also provides your body the chance to heal itself. Your chapped lips can heal faster and restore their softness because sugar exfoliates dead skin cells and allows your body to replace them with new ones.
- Mix 2 teaspoons of sugar with 1 teaspoon of honey.
- Apply the paste to your lips and let sit for 5 minutes.
- Gently rub the paste to help loosen dead skin cells.
- Wash off with lukewarm water.
- Apply daily or until symptoms start dissipating.
All-natural home remedies for chapped lips are a great solution for those looking for an alternative to modern medicine. It is not only cheaper but easier to make since you can use everyday ingredients found in your home. Hopefully, our guide could help you make your own home remedy to heal your cracked lips and prevent irksome chapped lips in the future. If our remedies helped you or you have some of your own to share, feel free to comment below.
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