Colitis, a shortened term for the condition known as ulcerative colitis, is a form of inflammation affecting the colon and rectum. This is an autoimmune disease, meaning that the body is wrongly attacking its own beneficial cells and tissue. Symptoms of this affliction include abdominal pain, bleeding from the rectum, and diarrhea among several others. It’s definitely a troublesome condition that you should consider looking into by contacting an expert as soon as possible. Together with the recommended medication, you can contribute to the faster healing of your body by using one of the home remedies for colitis you are about to discover below. Aside from recommendations and what they can do to help you, you will also find instructions detailing what their most appropriate use is.
1. Turmeric
Turmeric is packed with curcumin, a substance that acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Many people have been using it as a treatment for various conditions with this symptom and it’s been surely working wonders for a long time.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric to a cup of milk.
- Set on stove and heat this mixture over a low flame.
- Then, stir in a little bit of honey according to preference.
- Drink this combination daily before going to bed.
2. Pineapple
Pineapple also contains a wondrous compound: bromelain. Bromelain is an excellent treatment when you’re dealing with inflamed tissue since it betters circulation, thus facilitating its regeneration and healing.
- Acquire 1 fresh pineapple and clean off the skin.
- Then, cut the pineapple’s rind into a square piece.
- Apply the ring over your stomach and cover up with a bandage to secure in place.
- Leave it on overnight and then, in the morning, when you remove the pineapple piece, the dead skin will be gone.
- Repeat this treatment 3-4 times every day for as long as you need.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the best home remedies for colitis thanks to its deep cooling properties. It can soothe the discomfort and pain of the condition regardless of whether you use it from the inside or the outside. This plant will definitely bring you even a bit of the relief that you need.
- The best way to use aloe vera is by drinking 1 cup of aloe vera juice.
- You can procure the juice from various stores, though you should be careful to only pick products without any harmful additives or sugars.
- Alternatively, you can learn to make your own aloe vera juice if it’s easier for you to acquire some leaves instead.
4. Olive Oil
Olive oil has so many wonderful health benefits, of course it managed to slither its way among the best home remedies for colitis as well. It’s an antiseptic product that can deal with bacteria causing possible infections while also healing damaged tissue.
- Combine 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper with 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
- Stir everything until you get a pasty-like mixture.
- Apply the resulting paste to the areas that are in need of your attention and then cover with a bandage.
- Keep it on overnight and remove in the morning.
- Repeat daily for 2-3 days or until your pain goes away.
5. Licorice
Licorice started being actively used to treat bowel conditions in ancient China. Up to this day, it remains an incredibly potent remedy for a great number of afflictions and diseases relating to the stomach. It also has great anti-inflammatory properties.
- Add a piece of licorice root to 1 cup of boiling water and let it steep for 15-20 minutes.
- Strain and then drink this solution 2-3 times a day until you notice improvements in your state.
6. Wheatgrass
Drink a glass of wheatgrass juice to get some much-needed relief when the effects of this condition are getting too much to handle. It makes your stomach feel lighter and it will put a stop to the rectal bleeding by repairing tissue.
- Place the wheat grass in the mortar with a few drops of water.
- Pound and grind the wheatgrass with a pestle. Continue to grind until the water visibly turns a very dark green.
- Pour the contents of the mortar into a glass through a cloth filter to separate the liquid from the wheat grass.
- Cheesecloth is an ideal filter, but a coffee filter can work as well.
- Put the wheat grass back into the mortar with another tablespoon of water.
- Continue to grind until the water turns dark green or until the wheat grass loses its color, then strain again.
7. Slippery Elm
Slippery elm will help combat the stool related issues of this affliction by bulking it up and, thus, fighting against the symptom of diarrhea. More than that, it also helps reduce inflammation, classifying it as one of the most effective home remedies for colitis.
- Add 1 tsp. of slippery elm powder to a glass jar.
- Then, fill the jar 1/2 full with cold water.
- Put the lid on tightly and then shake well.
- After, fill jar to full with hot water.
- Lastly, put lid on tight and shake again.
- Let sit for 1 minute and then consume.
8. Calendula
Calendula, also known as marigold in some instances, it’s one of the most efficient home remedies for colitis. It not only helps deal with inflammation, but it will facilitate the regeneration of the tissue.
- To a glass of water, add 2 parts calendula and cleavers and 1 part mullein.
- Bring to stove over medium flame and then boil the mixture for 30 minutes while you’re covering with a lid.
- Next, strain this solution and let it cool down to room temperature.
- Have 2-3 cups of this drink for the next 2-3 weeks to get the best of results.
9. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek has anti-inflammatory properties that it can actively release in the colon through digestion, helping reduce swelling and pain. Moreover, it facilitates tissue recovery.
- Cook 1 cup of rice together with 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds.
- Keep the heat to low-medium and when the water comes to a boil, let the rice and seeds boil for around 5 minutes.
- Then, cover for another 5 minutes and add some salt.
- Eat this meat daily for the next 2-3 weeks.
10. Ginger
A cup of ginger tea will have wonderful results for your health. Try one of the best home remedies for colitis by preparing it the way we recommend it below.
- Acquire some grated ginger.
- Next, add 1 tablespoon of the grated ginger to a cup of water and then mix well.
- Boil this mixture for a few minutes.
- Once you remove it from heat, leave it steep for 10 minutes.
- Strain and then drink while the mixture is still hot.
- We recommend 2 to 3 cups daily for it to really work.
11. Chamomile
Chamomile is a herb with excellent relaxing properties that can offer comfort to a disgruntled and pained stomach. It’s one of the best home remedies for colitis because of its natural and efficient actions.
- Grab a cup of hot water and then add 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile.
- Next, cover and steep for around 5 minutes.
- Strain and then add a little bit of honey and cinnamon according to personal preference.
- For the effects to show, drink this mixture 1 hour before bed every day.
12. Yogurt
When it’s bacteria in the gut giving you trouble, have some yogurt to reap the benefits of probiotics, primary agents in the fight against the bacteria that is behind this affliction and feeding into it.
- Take 1 cup of plain yogurt and then add roughly 1 teaspoon of salt in order to enhance its taste.
- Eat the yogurt slowly so that you won’t upset your stomach more.
- Have several spoonfuls of yogurt throughout the day.
13. Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which facilitate the healing of the colon and will help you better your condition by also providing relief to inflamed tissue. They are fantastic home remedies for colitis, so give them a shot.
- 1 large ripe banana
- 3 heaped tablespoons frozen blueberries
- 1 tablespoon hemp protein powder
- 1 heaped teaspoon ground flaxseeds
- 2 heaped teaspoons tahini
- 200ml rice milk
- Measure all ingredients into a blending jug.
- Blend together until creamy smooth.
- Sprinkle some hulled hemp seeds on top.
- Serve immediately.
14. Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil also contains the same omega-3 fatty acids that will help boost your immune system and heal a damaged colon by facilitating tissue regeneration.
- Pour cod liver oil into the spoon, take a breath in, hold breath, swallow and take a deep breath in. This will keep the taste from being too prominent.
- Have around 2-3 spoons every day.
15. Boswellia
This plant contains boswellic acid, which is a substance with anti-toxin and anti-inflammatory properties. It will provide relief to the irritated colon while also flushing out toxins giving you discomfort.
- Place some Boswellia dried flowers in a cup with hot water boiled on top of them.
- Let it all steep for around 5 minutes while covered.
- Next, remove the cover and then strain.
- Add honey according to taste and sip on this drink throughout the day.
Although the home remedies for colitis we have just recommended are definitely efficient and very effective, don’t undermine the danger of the condition. Visit your doctor if you haven’t already and only use these remedies as an adjacent treatment.
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