You’re most likely not satisfied with your current haircare habits if you have ended up searching for home remedies for dandruff. Those pesky white flakes can turn into a living nightmare if you don’t keep them under control, so it’s wonderful that you have decided to find the best home remedies for dry scalp and dandruff.
The good news is that we have done thorough research on the topic and have found out what the all-time most reliable home remedies for itchy scalp and dandruff are. We have to admit, it’s not easy to find a home remedy for severe dandruff that works specifically for your hair, but you have these 16 amazing home remedies for dandruff you can experiment with until you find the right one for you.
Read all about these natural home remedies for dandruff below.
Explore these effective home remedies for dandruff!
1. Aloe Vera
If we could crown a natural ingredient not only for home remedies for dandruff, but for general use, aloe vera would definitely become royalty. In case you didn’t already know, aloe vera is bursting with astounding health benefits that can help your hair become dandruff-free in no time. An antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent alike, aloe vera should be your go-to at home remedy for dandruff.
- To use aloe vera as a home remedy for dandruff hair, simply apply gel all over your scalp prior to washing it.
- To get aloe vera gel, cut open a leaf and scrape out the pasty juice.
- Allow the aloe vera gel to sink in and stop the itching sensation associated with dandruff.
- Shampoo your hair and rinse as you normally would.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Another one of the home remedies for dandruff that you can always count on for positive results after frequent use is apple cider vinegar. We fully support home remedies for dandruff vinegar solutions, as they have the power to restore your scalp’s pH balance. It cleans your scalp and hair really well, unclogging hair follicles and pores alike. To get this home remedy for dry scalp and dandruff, you need apple cider vinegar and water. A bit of tea tree oil will boost the effects.
- Combine 2 tablespoons of water and apple cider vinegar.
- Pour twenty drops of tea tree oil in the mixture.
- Apply this solution directly to your scalp.
- Wait for a few minutes and rinse your hair afterwards.
- Do this 2-3 times weekly.
3. Mouthwash
It might seem a bit awkward that mouthwash would be among our home remedies for dandruff and dry scalp, but you would be surprised to know what this ingredient can do for your hair. The aim of mouthwash is to eliminate bacteria, so you can imagine how powerful its antifungal properties are.
- To apply mouthwash as a home remedy for dandruff itchy scalp, you need to use it as a rinse.
- Shampoo and wash your hair thoroughly.
- Rinse with a mouthwash that is based on alcohol.
- Finish with a conditioner that you regularly use.
- Repeat this process every time you wash your hair.
4. Eggs (Yolks)
Yet another one of the best home remedies for dandruff involves eggs, specifically yolks. You probably have already heard of multiple natural hair masks and packs that contain egg yolks, so you can understand why it would be recommended as a home remedy for dandruff control. The instructions below show you how to use it.
- Crack open two eggs and mix the yolks.
- Why your air is dry, massage the yolks into your scalp.
- Cover your head with a plastic bag.
- Wait for an hour for the yolks to sink in.
- Don’t be worried if it starts to smell. This is the natural scent of egg yolks when left to set.
- Thoroughly wash your hair with a quality shampoo twice.
5. Aspirin
We always use aspirin when we have cringing headaches, but few know that aspirin can also be used externally for other head-related problems. It is indeed one of our favorite home remedies for dandruff and itchy scalp, as the salicylic acid it contains supports exfoliation of the scalp.
- Take two aspirins and crush them until you obtain a flour-like powder.
- Combine the aspirin powder with a half-dollar portion of shampoo.
- Use the shampoo mix to wash your hair, insisting on your scalp.
- Wait for a couple of minutes before rinsing.
- Shampoo again without any aspirin to help it wash out well.
- You can also combine aspirin with vinegar for an effective solution.
6. Follow Shampoo Instructions Carefully
We can talk all day about at home remedies for dandruff, but they’re useless if you don’t wash your hair properly. We always hear about lathering, rinsing and repeating, but how many of us actually shampoo twice? Well, the instructions on shampoo labels are there for a reason, and not following them might result in dandruff.
- Every time you wash your hair, make sure that you scrub and rinse well twice.
- Consider getting a quality anti-dandruff shampoo for the best impact.
- Make sure you don’t wash your hair too often, as well. Two or three times a week is perfect.
7. Neem
When searching for home remedies for dandruff and dry hair, you will almost always come across neem. Also known as Indian lilac, neem leaves are full of antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties that are all necessary for getting rid of dandruff. Not only is neem considered to be a best home remedy for dandruff and itchy scalp, but it also is known for combatting hair loss and scalp acne.
- In a nutshell, you need to brew some neem tea for eliminating dandruff.
- To do so, use one handful of Indian lilac leaves for every 4 cups of water.
- Allow it to cool.
- Strain and use it to rinse your hair 2-3 times weekly.
8. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is an excellent source for antifungal properties, so it deserves its place among reliable home remedies for dandruff. The wonderful part about this remedy is that you can incorporate it into your regular hair washing routine to keep dandruff away for good.
- Take your shampoo bottle and pour several drops of tea tree oil in it.
- Depending on how much shampoo is in your bottle, use one drop of tea tree oil for every ounce.
- Use it every time you wash your hair for delightful long-term results.
9. Baking Soda
We always use baking soda for our kitchen and house-related needs, but did you know that it’s one of the greatest home remedies for getting rid of dandruff you could try? Baking soda eliminates the flakes caused by dandruff, all while getting rid of the itching that comes with it. It’s an exceptional antifungal agent that can clean your scalp and prevent dandruff from occurring in the future.
- Rinse your hair without shampooing.
- Take a handful of baking soda and massage it into your scalp thoroughly.
- Rinse, again without shampooing.
- Repeat this process often for a dandruff-free scalp.
10. Garlic
As far as the best home remedies for dandruff and hair loss are in discussion, garlic also deserves a top spot in our list. It comes with strong antimicrobial properties that the scalp requires in order to effectively remove dandruff.
- To apply this home remedy, simply crush a few cloves of garlic.
- Add a bit of honey so the scent won’t persist.
- Rub the pieces into your hair vigorously.
- Wash your hair as normal.
11. Lemon Juice
The home remedies for dandruff lemon juice solution is one of the easiest and most effective of all. The acid that lemons contain has antifungal properties that are great for getting rid of dandruff. Also, lemon juice helps with any itching you may be experiencing. You can use lemon juice with or without yogurt.
- Squeeze a lemon to extract a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice.
- Combine them with a bit of water, mix well.
- Rub the lemon juice into your scalp and wait for about five minutes.
- Rinse the juice out and shampoo your hair.
- As an alternative, squeeze the juice from ½ a lemon.
- Put it in ¼ cup of Greek yogurt.
- Mix well and apply as a hair mask.
- After twenty minutes, rinse your hair and shampoo as you normally would.
- No matter what remedy you choose, repeat 2-3 times every week.
12. Fenugreek Seeds
As you have probably already noticed, the most reliable home remedies for dandruff have antifungal properties. The same goes for fenugreek seeds, another wonderful solution you can use to naturally get rid of dandruff. Please make sure you follow the instructions below carefully for the remedy to work.
- In a bowl of water, add 3 tbsp. of fenugreek seeds.
- Leave them in the water overnight to soak.
- The following morning, crush them until you get a thin paste.
- Add 2-3 tsp. of Greek yogurt in the paste and mix well.
- Apply the natural hair mask, massaging it into your scalp.
- After several hours, rinse and shampoo.
- Repeat every week, or even twice weekly.
13. Coconut Oil
Aside from the fact that coconut oil truly smells like heaven on earth, it’s also one of the most popular home remedies for dandruff and hair fall treatment. It contains more than enough health properties and benefits to get rid of dandruff flakes.
- Apply a few tablespoons of coconut oil onto your scalp while your hair is dry.
- Wait for an hour and then take a shower.
- Shampoo, rinse and wash your hair again.
- It also helps if you regularly use shampoo that has coconut oil in its content.
14. Olive Oil
What makes olive oil one of the best home remedies for severe dandruff is that it has the power to naturally moisturize the scalp and hair. Make sure that you use extra virgin olive oil for pleasing results.
- Warm up a bit of olive oil (extra virgin).
- Rub it into your scalp.
- Wrap your head with a clean towel.
- Leave the olive oil in either overnight or for 45 minutes (at least).
- Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
- You can repeat the process before you wash your hair throughout the week.
15. Salt
If you suffer from dandruff, you should exfoliate often. One of the top natural exfoliating agents and home remedies for dandruff is salt. Owing to the fact that it is abrasive, it can be successfully used to exfoliate and remove flakes. You can also use sugar for similar reasons.
- Apply some salt directly to your scalp, massaging thoroughly.
- Wash your hair with shampoo.
- Rinse well.
16. Yogurt
The final ingredient on our list of home remedies for bad dandruff is yogurt. As you have already found out from the description of a remedy, yogurt is fine for eliminating dandruff naturally. If you plan on stocking up on yogurt, you should also consume it orally for the fantastic health benefits it provides. Make sure that you use plain, white yogurt (also known as Greek yogurt) for getting rid of dandruff.
- Shampoo, wash and rinse your hair.
- Apply the yogurt to your scalp.
- Wait for fifteen minutes before rinsing and washing with just a bit of shampoo.
- You can repeat this remedy every week until your dandruff starts going away.
All in all, trustworthy home remedies for dandruff are never easy to find. However, you should go through all of the home remedies for hair dandruff from our list until you find the best one for your scalp type. And, don’t forget, consistency is key. You shouldn’t expect your dandruff to go away after a week. However, as long as you follow these remedies frequently, you should be back to normal in no time.
Which one of these home remedies for dry scalp dandruff was the most effective for you? Let us know through a comment and share your experience with other Home Remedy Book Readers!
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