There are plenty of home remedies for diarrhea that involve natural ingredients. Some of them might already be in your kitchen, while others are just a few minutes away at the local store. In any case, you should start using home remedies for diarrhea in order to see any results. We have handpicked 20 home remedies for diarrhea that actually work, see how you can prepare and apply them below!
Get rid of the pain and discomfort with natural home remedies for diarrhea!
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1. Water
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Naturally, a lot of water is eliminated from the body when suffering from diarrhea. Consequently, there is a need to start replenishing by consuming more liquids. Permanent hydration is essential at any time, but even more so after you have lost fluids in abundance. Hydration is also one of the top home remedies for diarrhea during pregnancy, as it’s clearly safe for future mothers. Here is what you can do to restock on fluids and minerals when combatting diarrhea.
- Drink as much water as you can throughout the day, between 8-12 glasses.
- Herbal tea will also help a lot (we’ll get more into the safe options).
- Drink natural fruit juices or ginger ale but stay away from fizzy drinks.
2. Orange Peel Tea
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A wonderful home remedy for diarrhea in adults is orange peel tea. Even though one might think that boiling orange peels will not help that much, actually it is known that this part of the fruit is praised for supporting the digestive system. We recommend using organic, locally-grown oranges to avoid any contaminants on the peel.
- Dice an orange peel after thoroughly washing it.
- Boil it in one pint of water.
- Cover and wait until it chills.
- Drink slowly, and optionally add a bit of honey.
3. Chamomile Tea
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Speaking of teas, chamomile is yet another one of the best home remedies for diarrhea that you can enjoy. Not only is it delicious, but it has an extremely soothing effect for the stomach (and the whole body). Also, chamomile tea is part of the home remedies for diarrhea in babies that you can count on for safety. The results are fast, the ingredients are minimal, and preparation is simple.
- Boil some chamomile tea.
- Wait until it cools.
- Add a bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
- Drink throughout the day until the discomfort subsides.
4. Fenugreek Seeds
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Among our home remedies for nausea and diarrhea, fenugreek seeds deserve a top spot. While fenugreek seeds can be easily chewed, it might be easier to consume them with yogurt and some cumin seeds for taste. Whichever option you might want to go for, fenugreek seeds can help overcome the symptoms of diarrhea quickly.
- Mix some Greek yogurt with fenugreek seeds and, optionally, cumin seeds.
- Consume the mixture 3 times every day for the best impact.
- Chew some plain fenugreek seeds to absorb the nutrients, as an alternative.
5. Ginger
When looking for home remedies for toddler diarrhea, ginger is the way to go. This is one of the best home remedies for diarrhea in children and adults alike, so rest assured that it won’t cause any additional harm. Not only does it help diarrhea go away, but it also eliminates the symptoms associated with diarrhea, like abdominal pain, that is why it’s a great upset stomach remedy as well.
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- Take a small piece of ginger and finely grate it.
- Mix the grated ginger with a teaspoon of honey and eat.
- Brew some ginger tea with some honey as an alternative, but make sure to drink it cooled.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
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Apple cider vinegar is one of the home remedies for diarrhea that most swear by. Organic, unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar is one of the fastest choices for getting rid of diarrhea pain, thanks to its strong antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Generally speaking, apple cider vinegar is a health staple that should always be around the house since it is an important component in many home remedies like against a stomach virus or for food poisoning.
- Warm up an 8-ounce glass of water.
- Add one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix well.
- Drink the mixture before eating anything.
- Repeat throughout the day, especially during the first day of diarrhea.
7. Turmeric
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Just like apple cider vinegar, turmeric is found in many studies regarding natural remedies for common health problems. As far as home remedies for diarrhea and stomach virus are in discussion, this famous Indian spice is one of the best options one can try out. Turmeric has plenty of health properties that aid the digestive system in getting back to its normal routine.
- Add a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of water.
- Mix turmeric with a tablespoon of yogurt as an alternative.
- Consume turmeric three times a day for the desired results.
8. Activated Charcoal
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Activated charcoal might not be one of the home remedies for diarrhea one would first think of, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not extremely effective. It does not only work for whitening teeth naturally but as a home remedy for diarrhea as well. It can be found in health stores, or you can also order some activated charcoal online.
- Take anywhere between 520 and 975 milligrams of activated charcoal after every meal.
- For kids make sure to read the instructions on the product carefully.
*If you don’t feel safe taking activated charcoal, you can talk to your doctor about its effectiveness.
9. Starchy Food
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We all know what we shouldn’t eat if we have diarrhea, but what about the foods we can and should eat? Starchy foods are great home remedies for diarrhea for toddlers, teens, and adults. Not only are starches some of the best home remedies for diarrhea for kids, but they also provide a speedy recovery for those with tummy pain.
- Consume thick, starchy foods like tapioca cereals, potatoes or white rice.
- Make sure to not use salt or sugar in excess.
- Add more starches in your diet for a few days until diarrhea goes away.
10. Yogurt
Considered by many to be the best home remedy for diarrhea, plain yogurt will most likely help you get back on the right track. Yogurt is an excellent source of probiotics, the ‘good’ bacteria the body needs to recover. Make sure that the yogurt is plain and white, also known as Greek yogurt. Also, varieties with fruits and sugar won’t help with diarrhea.
- Eat plain yogurt two times every day for diarrhea relief.
- Chop up a banana and add it to the yogurt if it’s too sour.
11. Black Tea
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Drinking black tea is an accessible and cheap home remedy for diarrhea that helps you recover faster. The astringent tannins contained in black tea have many health benefits, the ability to reduce intestinal inflammation being one of them.
- Boil a cup of water.
- Add a black tea bag and allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes.
- Remove the tea bag and sweeten your drink with brown sugar.
- Enjoy this tea throughout the day until symptoms start to disappear.
12. Carrot Soup
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Carrot soup is one of the natural home remedies for diarrhea that’s both easy to prepare and consume. If you’re nauseous, it’s harder to get food into your system, but carrot soup is a simple way to do so. This veggie is packed with nutrients that can help your digestive system recover well.
- Put 2-3 chopped carrots in a pot.
- Add 1 chopped medium onion and 2 chopped garlic cloves.
- Add water until it covers the carrots.
- Boil it all together.
- Strain the carrots and the onion then make them into a paste with a blender.
- Add some salt and pepper for taste.
- Mix with the broth from boiling them.
- Allow to chill and enjoy.
13. Blueberries
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If you want home remedies for diarrhea that will be a joy to consume, blueberries are definitely a solution to consider. Blueberries are full of tannins and antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
- Enjoy a bowl of fresh blueberries if your stomach is acting up.
- Make soup by boiling 1/3 ounce of dried blueberries, a cinnamon stick, ½ teaspoon of vanilla, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a few tablespoons of sugar into one cup of water.
14. Select Essential Oils
Even though most home remedies for stomach ache and diarrhea are in the form of certain foods, some of the best can be essential oils. You can diffuse them in your home or use them with a massage oil. While not all will work for diarrhea, there are a select few that can work wonders for an upset stomach.
Essential Oils for Diarrhea
15. Peppermint Tea
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Now that you know that peppermint oil is among the home remedies for diarrhea, you can understand why peppermint tea would also be on our list. We recommend brewing fresh peppermint tea for great relief.
- Add a handful of fresh peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling water.
- Wait for the tea to cool and sip slowly.
- Add some honey for taste.
- Consume it several times during the first day of diarrhea.
16. BRAT Diet
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If you are a parent, it’s almost impossible to not have heard about the BRAT diet before. The majority of mothers and fathers know that it is one of the top home remedies for baby diarrhea. The reason why it’s among the best home remedies for diarrhea in toddlers is that the foods are safe, bland and promote a healthy recovery.
- Make meals using these four ingredients for a day or two until diarrhea goes away: banana, rice, applesauce, toast.
- Mix the rice with soup or the banana with yogurt, but avoid adding sugar or salt to any of these.
17. Psyllium Seeds
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Sadly, Psyllium seeds are not as well-known today as they used to be. Luckily, they are making a comeback as more people understand their healing properties. These seeds can soak up excess fluids in the intestines, helping the symptoms of diarrhea disappear.
- Ground a small cup of Psyllium seeds.
- Measure a tablespoon of the ground seeds and add it to a glass of water.
- Mix the drink thoroughly and drink it at room temperature.
- Repeat 2-3 times per day.
18. Electrolyte Drink
While experiencing diarrhea, your body loses both water and beneficial substances known as electrolytes. These include calcium, sodium, and potassium which need to be replaced in order to speed up the recovery process. Electrolyte drinks tackle both problems, providing hydration, as well as satisfying the body’s need for electrolytes.
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- Mix half teaspoon of salt with four teaspoons of sugar.
- Add the sugar and salt to one liter of water and stir well.
- Add two tablespoons of lemon or orange juice to the drink.
- Drink the whole quantity throughout the day.
19. Bentonite Clay
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Bentonite clay is a special substance that gains negative electric charge after getting in contact with water. As a result, it pulls toxins and heavy metals from the body, which are then excreted. This is why bentonite clay is a great home remedy for diarrhea as it will eliminate the virus that causes the symptoms as well. It is also a great remedy for skin issues, that is why it is successfully used for removing whiteheads.
- Pour 8 oz room temperature water into a glass.
- Add one tsp of bentonite clay and stir well with a wooden or plastic spoon (no metal).
- Sip the content slowly and repeat daily.
20. Goldenseal
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Goldenseal is a natural remedy for many digestive disorders, such as stomach pain, colitis, constipation, gas, and diarrhea. Dried goldenseal contains a substance called berberine which appears to kill gut and intestinal bacteria. Goldenseal capsules are the easiest way to administer this home remedy.
- Purchase a bottle of natural, organic Goldenseal root capsules.
- Take one capsule per day, but only after checking with your healthcare professional who can explain dosages depending on your general health.
These home remedies for diarrhea will surely help you feel better soon. However, if you still have symptoms after a day or two, make sure to contact your doctor to see if your diarrhea isn’t part of a more complicated health issue. Nonetheless, in most cases, these home remedies for diarrhea should help in no time. Tell us all about how it went for you in a comment below.
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