A fever is your first indication that your body is fighting a sickness, infection or more sustained disease. Pay attention to your body when your temperature rises because it could indicate everything from the onset of a winter cold to pregnancy to a heat stroke. You’ll want to get your fever down as quickly as possible. There are several ways to do this, and you should always consult with your family physician about your options. Read on to get our top 10 home remedies for fever, and get to feeling better in a matter of minutes to an hour.
Lower Your Temperature Quickly With These 10 Easy Home Remedies for Fever!
1. Lukewarm Bath
It’s a natural impulse — and a common fever home remedy myth — to try to cool down a fever with cold water. But you don’t want to shock your body into submission by diving into an ice cold bath. This can, in fact, lead to other complications with your sickness and internal issues in your body. By getting your bath water closer to your current temperature — but still under it — you are creating an environment in which your body will naturally and safely cool down.
Your body won’t go into emergency mode and begin heating up — which is what happens when you plunge your body into cold water because more blood begins to rush to your internal organs to prepare for work or an emergency situation.
- Fill a bathtub with lukewarm water.
- Sit in the bath for 10 minutes.
- Repeat every night before going to bed until your body temperature drops to normal.
2. Sponge Bath
Much like the lukewarm bath concept, a sponge bath is going to lower your temperature through target cooling. The sponge bath helps you target high-heat areas without shocking your body with ice-cold water and causing your temperature to spike. Keep in mind that the sponge bath can get a little messy at times because the water will run out of the sponge onto your skin. That’s why it may be a good idea for you to sponge off in your shower or bathtub. If that’s not an option, stand on a towel.
- Fill your sink with lukewarm water, and then dip a clean, soft sponge into it. Squeeze out the sponge so that just a little water is left in it.
- Apply the water to key areas such as your armpits, your forehead or your groin area. These areas are high-heat areas of your body.
- From there, periodically apply cool washcloths to your forehead until your fever reduces to your proper basal body temperature, which usually ranges somewhere around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit for adults.
3. Ginger Tea
Ginger helps your body begin naturally detoxifying. The spiciness of a ginger bath or cup of tea can cause your body to begin sweating — which will lead to a reduced temperature.
- Boil a cup of hot water.
- Pour it into a cup with a half-teaspoon minced ginger root.
- Allow the ginger root to steep for a few minutes before removing and slowly sipping the tea.
4. Cayenne Concoctions
This home remedy makes use of cayenne. The spice — as does hot peppers — contains an ingredient called capsaicin. This immediately induces sweating, which will help purify your body of toxins and reduce your fever.
- Boil a cup of water or your favorite herbal tea.
- Sprinkle the water or tea with a little cayenne.
- Sip slowly.
Warning: This won’t be the most pleasant of the home remedies for fever unless you really love spicy foods — or tea — but it will be effective.
5. Elderflower Tea
Much like a cayenne drink, elderflower tea is going to make you begin to sweat, which leads to a lower temperature over time. Not only is this one of the great home remedies for fever, but it also is good for you because it is drawing on natural, herbal properties. To make a cup of elderflower tea, begin by purchasing one or both of these natural ingredients from your local grocery or natural foods store.
- Boil two cups of water.
- Pour some of that water into a mug.
- Add two teaspoons of elderflower to the hot water.
- Allow the herbs to steep for a few minutes before straining the tea and sipping.
If it is difficult to drink any of the tea that you are steeping, then add a little honey to it to make it sweeter and easier to drink.
6. Basil Tea
Fresh basil tea acts as an herbal remedy for reducing fever. Combined with fresh ginger, it activates your sweat glands so that your body begins to shed water, and thereby your body temperature begins to drop.
- Pick about 20 fresh basil leaves and throw them into a pot of boiling water.
- Add a half teaspoon of fresh ginger to the mixture and let it steep for a few minutes.
- Strain the basil tea into a cup and add a little honey for sweetness.
7. Foot Bath
By heating up your feet and then cooling them down, you draw blood to your feet and then slowly begin lowering your temperature. This is a way of targeting one area of your body much like a sponge bath.
- Fill a bathtub with warm water and gently place your feet in it for a few minutes.
- Immediately slip on a pair of thin socks soaked in cool water.
- Make sure the socks are not dripping. Then, place a pair of wool socks over the damp socks.
8. Frozen Grapes
Much like hydrating your body with water throughout the time you are experiencing a fever, you can get a similar effect by sucking on frozen grapes. This remedy probably will not solve your entire fever issue, but it is a great alternative for children, especially when you are you trying to convince them to try any of these remedies.
- Wash a bag of your favorite grapes and then toss them into the freezer for a few hours.
- Make sure you put them in a freezer-safe bag or container.
- Grab a few grapes to suck on and eat when you have a fever as a sweet and effective treat.
Pro tip: This is a great way to trick your kids into following your instructions for getting better. Kids don’t feel well and can be finicky when they have a fever. So being creative will win you points in this department.
9. Garlic Water
Garlic acts as an antibacterial agent and has anti-fungal powers as well. This powerful combination makes it a great antidote to fever as well as helping your body ward off future infections that may cause fever. Garlic is also an effective home remedy for sore throat, so you can treat both issues at the same time. Sip it whenever you feel a fever coming on to ward off future sicknesses. Be forewarned that this is spicy and mostly unpleasant-tasting “tea.” You may need to hold your nose to down it, but it is worth it in the end!
- Mince a few cloves of fresh garlic.
- Boil a cup or two of water on your stove and toss in the minced garlic.
- Allow the mixture to steep for about 10 minutes and then strain the garlic liquid into a cup.
- Sip slowly.
10. Raisins
Raisins are a natural food that helps to reduce fever and help your immune system recover quickly. That’s because they contain nutrients called phenolic phytonutrients. These nutrients have antioxidant and antibacterial attributes that work together to help you fight infection.
- Purchase a box of raisins.
- Soak them in a bowl filled with about a cup of water. You’ll want to soak the raisins until they become soft.
- Use a spoon to mash the raisins up in the water and strain the liquid into a glass.
- Squeeze a wedge or two of lime in the water and drink this sweet and tangy raisin juice twice a day to reduce your fever.
11. Egg White
Egg whites can act as a cooling salve for your body because they absorb heat. A lot of people swear by this remedy and they claim that this remedy works in less than 30 minutes.
- Beat three egg whites in a bowl with a fork.
- Insert a clean paper towel in the egg white mixture.
- Sit in your bathtub with bare feet and place the egg-white-soaked towels around the soles of your feet.
- Cover your feet with warm socks, and allow the towels to dry inside of your socks. This will take 30 minutes to an hour.
- You can repeat this process until your fever begins to reduce.
- Wash off the residue with warm water.
12. Turmeric
If you like Indian food, then you’ve probably tasted the spicy ingredient turmeric. Not only is turmeric a great spice for ethnic foods, but it has a healing property that makes it one of the effective home remedies for fever. It contains a compound called curcumin, which is a great antibacterial and antifungal ingredient. It helps to fight infection, which is causing your fever, and helps to bring your temperature down. You can sip this milk drink twice a day to help reduce your fever. Keep in mind that this is a spicy drink, but the milk should mitigate the hotness a little.
- Mix a half teaspoon of turmeric and a fourth teaspoon of pure black pepper that has been ground.
- Fill a glass with a cup of milk of your choice and microwave it until it is hot.
- Add the spice mixture to the milk, and sip the concoction slowly.
In conclusion, if you’re experiencing a fever, you need to get your body’s temperature down to a normal basal state — or what is known as your body’s normal resting temperature — as soon as possible. Try these top 10 home remedies for fever and start to feeling cool and healthy nearly immediately. It is quite amazing how lowering your body temperature even a half-degree can make you feel like an entirely different person. If your body temperature does not go down — or stay down — it is time to consult your doctor or emergency services.
Did you fight a fever with our home remedies for fever? Let us know by leaving a comment for us in the comment sections below. Tell us a little about your situation, which of our home remedies for fever you tried, and how long it took for your temperature to get back to your natural resting temperature. Feel better soon!
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