The gallbladder is a small organ located on the right side of your abdomen, behind the liver. Due to a number of possible external factors, you may notice the apparition of gallstones, which are hardened residues that appear on the inside of the gallbladder and can give you a lot of trouble. Most of the time, you don’t notice gallstones until they start becoming an actual nuisance, providing symptoms such as back pain, abdomen pain, nausea, and others. It’s possible for gallstones to develop into more serious issues, especially seeing how they’re actually excess, hardened cholesterol. Because of this, it’s important to consult a doctor and use the following home remedies for gallbladder to treat this issue together with a proper prescribed medication.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a highly acidic substance, containing compounds which prevent the liver from making any more bad cholesterol that later turns into gallstones. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar contributes to the dissolving of the already-existing gallstones and can alleviate the pains that usually come together with this condition. There are few home remedies for gallbladder that are such a great complete package like apple cider vinegar.
- To a glass of apple juice, add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
- Stir everything thoroughly and then drink this mixture.
- Have a glass of this blend whenever you’re experiencing gallbladder pains to get relief in around 15 minutes.
2. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice also has some of the key properties of the aforementioned remedy. It can dissolve the gallstones that are giving you so much trouble and it prevents the accumulation of new ones by stopping the liver from producing more bad cholesterol. Another great thing is that the vitamin C in lemon juice will also make the cholesterol more water soluble, thus allowing your body to flush it out faster.
- Squeeze the juice out of 2-3 lemons.
- Mix 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice with a glass of warm water.
- In the morning and on an empty stomach, chug this mixture.
- Repeat this process daily for the next several weeks until you’ve successfully managed to eliminate the gallstones from your body.
3. Peppermint
Peppermint contains a substance called terpene, which acts as an excellent dissolver of gallstones. Furthermore, peppermint has fantastic soothing properties that can bring you relief whenever you’re struggling with the aches of gallstones. Peppermint has excellent digestion-boosting properties that will make it easier for your body to flush out the pesky gallstones.
- First, start by boiling 1 cup of water.
- Next, add 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves.
- Remove this mix from heat, cover, and let it steep for around 5-6 minutes.
- Lastly, strain the tea and stir in 1 teaspoon of honey in order to give it a sweeter flavor.
- To get the best results, drink this tea between meals 2-3 times a day while it’s still warm.
- Follow this procedure for the next 4-6 weeks in order to get the end results that you’re looking for.
4. Psyllium
Psyllium is a fiber-rich substance that actually makes one of the best preventive home remedies for gallbladder. It binds to the cholesterol in the gallbladder, preventing it from developing any new gallstones. But it doesn’t just prevent. It can also help you with some of the most common and unpleasant side effects of gallstones: congestion of the gallbladder and constipation. One thing to be careful about when undergoing this treatment is to make sure to drink lots of liquids, as psyllium can absorb water.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of psyllium powder with a glass of water.
- Stir everything thoroughly and then drink the whole substance at once.
- Have 2 glasses of this substance every day until you get rid of the problem.
5. Beetroot, Cucumber, and Carrots
Given the fact that the main culprit behind the apparition of those pesky gallstones is cholesterol, it’s crucial to cut down on fatty foods and to switch to a diet that consists mostly of vegetables. We recommend paying attention particularly to these three veggies. Beetroot will help the liver flush out toxins faster, cucumbers will detox your liver, and carrots are going to strengthen your immune system to prevent any future infections.
- The easiest way to get all of the benefits of these veggies is by blending all of them to prepare a vegetable juice.
- Squeeze out the juice from 1 beetroot, 1 cucumber, and 4 medium sized carrots.
- Mix everything and then, optionally, add in a squeeze of lemon.
- Drink this juice daily for the next 2-3 weeks to get the end results that you’re looking for.
6. Dandelion
Dandelion contains a substance called taraxacin, which is a compound excellent for detoxification of your body. This also includes your liver, whose proper functioning is crucial to ensuring that your gallbladder is strong enough to fend off the gallstones. Furthermore, dandelion also metabolizes the cholesterol gathered in the shape of these gallstones. This, combined with the boost given to your liver, will help you get rid of this issue really quickly, thus making dandelion one of the most reliable home remedies for gallbladder.
- To a cup, add 1 teaspoon of dried dandelion leaves.
- Then, pour some hot water inside of this cup.
- Cover and let it all steep for 5-6 minutes.
- Finally, uncover and add honey to taste.
- Sip on this tea on a daily basis for the next few weeks until you get the results that you desire.
7. Milk Thistle
Milk thistle contains a substance called silymarin. It has a number of uses and possible benefits for your health, but perhaps the most important one is the stimulation of bile production. When your body secretes bile normally, it can fight off the obvious harmful ‘invaders’ such as gallstones. Furthermore, milk thistle is also good for aiding your liver’s functions and giving them a boost in order to flush out toxins much faster.
- Take 1 tablespoon of milk thistle seeds and then grind them to a fine powder using either a mortar or a coffee grinder.
- Combine the crushed seeds with 3 cups of water in a pan and then bring to heat.
- Let this blend boil for a few minutes.
- Afterwards, turn off heat and let it all steep for 20 minutes.
- Lastly, strain the tea and drink it while it’s still warm.
- Enjoy 2-3 cups of milk thistle tea for 1 week in order to start noticing changes in your current state.
8. Castor Oil
Castor oil is fantastic for dealing with gallstones and the kind of pain that they often cause. More than that, castor oil has healing properties that will help your body fight against gallstones. Another way through which castor oil can aid is by boosting your lymphatic system, another crucial factor in the recovery of your body. For this reason, castor oil is one of the best home remedies for gallbladder, especially when you’re seeking quick pain relief.
- Slowly warm 1 cup of cold-pressed castor oil.
- Dip a piece of cheesecloth in the oil, squeezing out excess liquid.
- Place the cheesecloth over the right side of your abdomen, secure with plastic sheet, and then cover it all with a hot water bottle or a heating pad.
- Wait for 30-60 minutes.
- Do this treatment 2-3 times a week as many times as you need to get the relief you’re looking for.
9. Pears
Pears contain pectin, a compound which serves a number of uses, including some which will help you deal with the issue of gallstones much easier. Pectin can soften the cholesterol gathered on the inside of your gallbladder, thus making it much easier for your body to flush them out. Pears are excellent home remedies for gallbladder which will also proving relief to the pain associated with gallstones.
- To a glass of hot water, add half a glass of pear juice.
- Add in 2 tablespoons of honey and stir everything thoroughly.
- Drink this solution 2-3 times a day until you notice that there has been an improvement in your condition.
10. Turmeric
Turmeric can increase the solubility of the bile, which is both an excellent method of getting rid of already existing gallstones and an excellent preventive method. Moreover, turmeric is famous for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties which can bring you instant relief from the pains associated with the condition.
- Combine 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric with 1/2 teaspoon of honey.
- Consume this paste in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Repeat the process as many times as you need to get to the results that you’re looking for.
11. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a powerhouse of healthy fats, which your body needs in order to fend off gallstones and, respectively, the bad cholesterol that’s behind it all. Moreover, coconut oil will also strengthen your gallbladder and liver, making it easier to flush out the toxins and the gallstones. Because it can also prevent future accumulation of gallstones, coconut oil is one of the most potent home remedies for gallbladder.
- Gently warm up 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
- Then, mix it with 1/4 glass of apple juice, juice of half a lemon, and a small piece of ginger.
- Stir everything through and through and drink this mixture daily.
12. Green Tea
Green tea is a light herbal remedy that can give your body energy and that can provide relief to the pains of gallstones. Moreover, it’s an excellent detox solution that will speed up the process of toxin elimination.
- In a cup, pour hot water over 2 teaspoons of dried green tea leaves.
- Steep for 10 minutes while covered.
- Lastly, uncover and sweeten with honey to taste.
- Enjoy 2-3 cups throughout the day until you get the results you’re looking for.
The gallbladder isn’t an organ that gets as much fuss as certain others, but you will definitely notice its importance once something like gallstones get the best of it. Keep this condition under control using some reliable home remedies for gallbladder, but don’t forget to get your doctor’s opinion on this matter. If not treated right, the gallstones may develop into more serious issues which can spread and affect your liver or even kidneys.
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