Gas is a normal part of the digestive tract but, sadly, we still have ways to go before we grow to accept it as such. Passing gas in public can be one of the most embarrassing things you can experience. For some, it’s pretty much a death penalty for their reputation. Fortunately, it’s something you can avoid and treat as long as you know the right kind of home remedies for gas relief. Below, you’ll find some of our top choices, together with usage instructions and the reason why these specific treatments can really help with your problem.
1. Cinnamon
Whenever you feel your stomach grumbling and protesting, consider heading over to your cupboard and grabbing hold of your local cinnamon stick or powder. Cinnamon has certain properties which allow it the ability to soothe the rumbles that cause gas in the digestive tract. Furthermore, it can also prevent the formation of other instances of gas.
- Mix 1 and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a cup of warm milk.
- Stir well to incorporate the cinnamon into the entire mass of the milk.
- Furthermore, you may also add honey according to your personal taste in order to make it easier to drink.
- Drink the mixture while it’s still warm.
2. Garlic
Garlic is a haven of health in general, but in this particular case, it’s also one of the best home remedies for gas relief that you could muster. Its heating and pungent qualities manage to quench your gastrointestinal fires to relieve gas and bloating.
- Ground a few garlic gloves and then add them to a pot of water.
- Place the pot over the stove and leave it to boil for a few minutes.
- You can add black pepper and cumin seeds to balance out the taste.
- Then, remove from heat and strain.
- Drink the mixture while at room temperature three times at day.
3. Black Pepper
Since we’ve already mentioned black pepper, here’s more of what it can do for you. Black pepper is a type of ayurvedic medicine, excellent for fighting acidity and toning down stomach irritation and bloating. In other words, it has its well-deserved spot among the most effective home remedies for gas relief.
- Make sure you have black pepper, coriander seeds, ginger powder, and dried mint leaves nearby.
- Gather all four of these ingredients in equal quantity.
- Then, grind everything and create a mixture.
- Finally, take 1 teaspoon of this grinded mixture twice a day.
4. Ginger
Generally speaking, ginger has been a considerable part of medicine of all kinds throughout history. Yet another thing this miracle ingredient can do is help you with those bloating and flatulence issues. It’s been the traditional go-to cure for gastrointestinal discomfort since forever.
- The quickest way to reap the benefits of ginger is by drinking a cup of ginger tea.
- Toss a piece of ginger into a pot with water.
- Next, place over low heat and bring to a boil for a few minutes.
- Strain and then drink while it’s still warm. Have 2 or 3 cups every day.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Many people have traditionally used apple cider vinegar to treat indigestions, but it’s also a great cure for various gas-related problems. Even though we definitely recommend going for the apple assortment if you can, regular vinegar has similar helpful and soothing effects for your stomach.
- Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water.
- Then, allow the water to cool down to room temperature level.
- Drink this mixture once it’s no longer warm and let the effects kick in.
6. Buttermilk
Buttermilk is a champ for gastrointestinal problems of all kind, not just among home remedies for gas relief. Fresh buttermilk works extremely well on its own, but you can easily enhance its beneficial effects by combining it with other ingredients that serve the same purpose.
- In order to create a fantastic remedy, start by acquiring some roasted cumin seeds. You can find them in most stores.
- Warm up a little bit of buttermilk for 4-5 minutes.
- Next, add the cumin seeds and a pinch of salt and pepper, stirring thoroughly for the flavor to integrate.
7. Lemon and Baking Soda
Everyone probably knows that lemons and baking soda make an ‘explosive’ combination, but the truly wonderful thing is that it can actually help with stomach issues. When you put these two elements together, they become a powerful antacid that will chase down unwanted gas and soothe your stomach.
- Squeeze the juice out of a fresh lemon and then put it into a glass.
- Next, add a little bit baking soda on top of it. When it starts fizzing, continue adding some more.
- Stir well until the baking soda dissolves.
- Finally, start drinking this mixture by taking little sips.
8. Fennel
Also known as saunf, fennel is a common kitchen ingredient which you can always come in handy whenever you’re feeling a little bit bloated. It can help cleanse your stomach of those pesky gases and make you feel nice and light again.
- You can directly chew on fennel seeds to get instant stomach relief.
- However, if you prefer them in another shape, you can try fennel tea.
- Boil some water and then add fennel seeds and crushed tea leaves to it.
- Leave the mixture steep for a few minutes.
- Next, add a quarter cup of milk.
- Lastly, strain and drink the mixture while still warm.
9. Asafetida
Asafetida may not be particularly well-known just in general, but that only makes it a product of wonder and obscurity. Like all of our other home remedies for gas relief, it can help soothe various stomach issues.
- The easiest way to get around to the benefits of asafetida is by adding a pinch of it to a glass of warm milk. Drink it 2 or 3 times a day for effects to kick in.
- Alternatively, you can make an asafetida paste. Simply add a little bit of water and then apply the resulting mixture directly to your stomach.
10. Cardamom
Cardamom is a popular spice which you can easily find in most kitchens. People often add it to meals because of its fantastic digestion benefitting properties, which keep the process healthy and effective.
- Quickly and easily reap the benefits of cardamom by adding it to your cooking. Cardamom powder goes particularly well with vegetables and rice.
- To prepare a delicious cup of cardamom coffee, start by boiling 1 cup of water.
- Next, turn off heat and add 1 tablespoon of finely ground coffee and 1 cardamom pod Return to hit and bring to a foamy boil for 2-3 times consecutively.
11. Peppermint
Peppermint doesn’t just make your breath fresher, it also unclogs your stomach from all the unpleasant extra gas and leaves you feeling light as a feather. There are several ways through which you can use peppermint to treat gas relief. But we recommend the one you will find below.
- Add some fresh leaves of peppermint to a cup of boiling water.
- Let it steep for a few minutes.
- Strain and then add some honey to give it a wonderful taste.
- Drink it 2 or 3 times a day for the effects to kick in.
12. Pumpkin
Since this whole gas issue usually stems from poor digestion, you should look to treat this source. Pumpkin is an excellent remedy for digestion problem, thus allowing you to tear this problem out of its roots. Here is what you need to do in order to turn pumpkin into one of the best home remedies for gas relief.
- Take 6 cups of chicken stock, 4 cups of pumpkin puree, 1 cup chopped onion, 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme, 1 minced clove of garlic, and 5 peppercorns then bring everything to a boil.
- Reduce then the heat and let the mixture simmer for 30 minutes.
- Next, puree the mix and then return to heat, bringing to a boil again.
- Consume while still warm.
13. Caraway Seeds
Caraway seeds also go by Kala Jeera and they are fantastic for ‘washing down’ whatever it is giving you a heavy digestion. You can utilize them in several ways and you will see below what we believe to be the most effective one.
- You can prepare caraway tea by adding 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds to approximately 1 cup of boiling water.
- Next, you have to steep it for a few minutes.
- Finally, strain the tea and then make sure to drink it before you’re eating lunch or dinner.
14. Warm Water
This isn’t necessarily a remedy for getting rid of the gas, but while you’re waiting for that to happen, you may sometimes experience discomfort or even pain. To deal with that, we recommend drinking warm water, which might not sound as the most pleasant experience, but it definitely does its job right.
- Simply boil around one cup of water. Don’t use the tap water since you want it to be clean and rid of dubious bacteria, which withers away at boiling temperature.
- Wait for the water to cool down slightly until it becomes simply warm.
- Sip on the water in regular intervals throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated.
15. Cloves
Bloating and stomach gases stand no chance against cloves. They’re one of the best home remedies for gas relief due to how natural a clove is and how you can rest safely knowing that you’ll be digesting something healthy.
- Munch directly on a few pieces of cloves. To counter the taste, eat together with some blueberries or raspberries.
- However, if you find the taste to really not be up to your liking – if bearable at all – then resort to clove oil instead. It has the same properties and a considerably less pungent taste.
Passing gas remains a problem what will probably withstand the test of time from now on. Sometimes it can signal a bigger problem on the inside and, sometimes, it can simply signal that you’re bloated and ate something that didn’t sit too well with your stomach. Either way, the fact that there are numerous home remedies for gas relief which can help you quickly deal with this still stands. Most of these treatments are affordable and cheap and you won’t have to worry about pumping any harmful chemicals in your body.
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