Both males and females can be afflicted by genital warts, which are itchy, flesh-toned growths on the skin and genital areas. There are several all-natural home remedies for genital warts that you can prepare to treat and prevent them, and they’re cheaper, quicker, safer, and more effective than over-the-counter medications. These are the 13 simplest, yet most efficient home remedies for genital warts.
Try these home remedies for genital warts to quickly get rid of the problem!
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1. Witch Hazel
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Witch hazel’s astringency makes it an ideal genital warts home remedy since it dissolves the undesired growths and makes them drop off. The plant also suppresses the development of warts by restricting blood flow to them.
- Obtain some pure liquid witch hazel.
- Dab warts with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel.
- Let sit for 10 minutes.
- Dry off area with a clean towel if still wet.
- Apply two times a day for one or two weeks.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
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Apple cider vinegar has been touted by many as one of the most beneficial home remedies for genital warts. It’s believed that the caustic acetic acid that’s present in vinegar does a good bit of the work by basically killing the tissue it touches for a period of time, which in this case is genital warts.
- Clean the area afflicted with warts.
- Apply vinegar to warts using a cotton ball or cloth.
- Let sit for 10 minutes, then wipe dry.
- Apply ACV three times for a week or two. After about two or three days, you should notice warts beginning to change color and turn into scabs, which should drop off after a week or so.
3. Onion Juice
Onion juice has powerful antibacterial and germicidal properties. When coupled with salt, it is an excellent treatment for genital warts. Salt in itself has antiseptic properties and aids in accelerating the recovery process. Onion juice mixed with a little salt is a classic Ayurvedic wart remedy that’s capable of totally removing them. Even so, it’s a somewhat gradual method that could take a couple of months to completely heal the ailment.
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- Before bed, slice some onions.
- Sprinkle the slices with salt, cover, and let sit out overnight.
- After waking, mash the onion slices into a paste.
- Press this paste through a sieve or cheesecloth and collect the juice.
- Apply this resulting onion juice to the afflicted area.
- Continue doing this each day until the warts are gone.
4. Garlic
Garlic has outstanding antiviral qualities, making it one of the most invaluable home remedies for genital warts caused by infection with a virus. Like onion, you should create a paste from garlic when using it to treat genital warts.
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- Get several peeled garlic cloves.
- Grind them into a paste.
- Put this paste onto your warts.
- Cover up the treated area with a gauze pad.
- Let sit for an hour.
- Rinse are with water.
- Repeat procedure every day until your genital warts are gone.
5. Aloe Vera
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The gel of the incredible skin-soothing aloe vera plant is not just beneficial for healing numerous health concerns like eczema, diabetes, high triglycerides, and colitis, but herpes and genital warts as well.
- Get some pure aloe gel and apply to warts frequently throughout the day.
- Just before bed, put a healthy amount of aloe vera gel on the area and cover with gauze.
- Keep doing this for two or three weeks or until the warts are healed.
6. GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract)
Grapefruit seed extract has been shown to possess immune-stimulating properties because it contains an array of potent antioxidants, including Vitamins C and E. It is also an effective germicidal with superior disinfecting qualities.
- Apply one drop of GSE to each wart.
- Cover the treated area with a bandage or gauze pad.
- Repeat this procedure two times each day for a couple of weeks.
- Genital warts should soon lighten in color and after a few days will drop off the skin.
7. Potatoes
Ayurvedic medicine mentions potatoes as being one of the most effective home remedies for genital warts. In contrast to the widely accepted notion, raw potatoes are highly nutritious and contain a good deal of Vitamin C, as well as potassium and certain antioxidants. It also contains various enzymes that basically “digest” warts and help them to fall off. This vegetable is a very effective remedy, and since potatoes are cheap and richly abundant, there’s no reason to avoid trying them out on your warts.
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- Get one or two potatoes and slice them thickly.
- Rub the sliced potatoes all over your warts.
- Do this repeatedly during the day.
- Keep doing this for a couple weeks or until the genital warts are healed.
8. Pineapple Juice
Pineapple is renowned for the helpful enzyme it contains called bromelain, which has long been used clinically for a number of inflammatory skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. The juice works to tenderize and dissolve genital warts. It is also loaded with manganese, which works to prevent scars that sometimes form after genital warts are surgically removed.
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- Get several fresh pineapple slices (not canned) and press the juice out of them.
- Soak up some of the juice with a cotton ball.
- Apply the cotton ball to your warts with the wet side against them.
- Allow it to sit for 10 minutes. If necessary, apply tape to keep it steady.
- Once 10 minutes have passed, remove the ball and rinse the juice from your skin.
9. Tea Tree Oil
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Tea tree oil is very popular for its great antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial qualities. By using tea tree oil to eliminate genital warts, you don’t have to damage the surrounding healthy tissue since it only destroys unwanted warts. Nevertheless, this essential oil is so potent that it can’t be used in its pure, concentrated form, as it can irritate the skin. Consequently, you should always mix it with a little carrier oil prior to using it for genital warts.
- Add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to 10 drops of carrier oil (olive or jojoba oil).
- Apply this mixture repeatedly each day to your warts.
10. Castor Oil
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Castor oil contains a number of powerful substances that can safely and effectively heal your genital warts. Although you probably despised the taste of the castor oil your mom made you swallow as a kid, as an adult you can now appreciate this oil for getting rid of your warts.
- Before you go to sleep, put a thin coat of castor oil on the area afflicted by genital warts.
- Get a garlic clove and cut a thin wedge from it. Place this garlic wedge over your oil-coated warts and secure it by using tape or a gauze pad.
- Let sit overnight.
- After waking, remove the tape.
- Keep this up for two or three weeks until they darken and begin to fall off of your skin.
11. Baking Soda
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As a result of its strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities, baking soda works to directly battle the herpes virus which causes warts. It essentially creates an environment inside the body that is unfavorable for viruses and prevents them from thriving, eventually helping to eliminate their symptoms altogether.
- After showering, dry off your whole body with the exception of the genital area.
- Apply a little baking soda to the afflicted spot.
- Let sit overnight and rinse it off upon awakening.
- Do this every couple of days until your genital warts have healed.
12. Banana Peels
Bananas are full of vitamins and minerals that, when ingested, enhance the immune system and help it to control the herpes virus that triggers genital warts. But it’s also possible to use banana peels as a remedy for genital warts. Banana peels contain powerful antioxidants and a variety of enzymes that work to quickly and safely break down warts. Due to its vitamin contents, the banana peel is one of the best home remedies for genital warts.
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- Before bed cut off a small portion of banana peel that is big enough to completely cover your wart.
- Put the inner part of the peel in contact with the wart and cover it with gauze or a bandage.
- Let sit overnight.
- In the morning, dispose of the peel.
- Do this each day for one or two weeks or until the warts have disappeared.
13. Oatmeal
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Oatmeal contains several elements that help relieve the pain related to genital warts. It is these powerful anti-inflammatory qualities that can minimize the soreness, discomfort, and neverending itchiness brought on by genital warts.
- Mix a couple of cups of powdered oatmeal to a tub full of warm water.
- Soak your body in this healing bath for about 15 minutes.
- Relax in this calming bath as many as three times each day, according to the extent of your problem.
- You can also make a paste out of powdered oatmeal and carefully scrub the genital area with it to eliminate dead skin particles, germs, and natural oils that block the pores. This natural exfoliation keeps the skin clean and helps to protect it against future outbreaks.
Long story short, natural home remedies for genital warts are wide-ranging and easy to do yourself. Regardless of which genital warts home remedies you try for your condition, your symptoms should begin to subside after a week or so. If your genital warts have not begun healing after this period of time and the condition is severe, you may need to contact your physician and schedule an appointment. Your genital wart outbreaks should be lessened in severity and frequency in most situations after applying these natural home remedies. We also suggest reading about home remedies for warts on other areas of the body.
Do you have any special home remedies for genital warts to share? Tell us what works for you below!
My understanding of genital warts is they’re caused by viruses so it makes sense that substances such as garlic that attack viruses make a good home remedy for genital warts. I was blown away when I saw potatoes on the list. I know they’re a remarkable food, but didn’t know they had healing properties as described! No dud spud here.
Interesting to see citrus fruits here like grapefruit seed extract and pineapple juice. I like that you provide remedies for post-surgical problems such as scarring after warts are removed. It’s good to treat the symptoms and the after-effects so your home remedies for genital warts are good in that they cover different phases of the genital warts.
Thanks for your feedback, Mike!