Data collected by Harvard Medical School and reported in their Patient Education Center shows that roughly 1/3 of U.S. residents experience heartburn once every 30 days. Furthermore, 10% of Americans undergo heartburn symptoms almost on a daily basis, according to the same source. This leads us to expand on the best home remedies for heartburn to get relief naturally. With the help of a few key ingredients with heartburn-fighting properties, you can soothe the symptoms in no time. Read about what you need to get and how to apply these home remedies for heartburn relief below.
Explore these home remedies for heartburn for natural relief
1. Fennel Seeds
About 60% of the oil in fennel is made up of anethole, the active ingredient that provides its anti-inflammatory properties. Consequently, brewing some fennel tea can help you ward off heartburn. Fennel seeds are among the safe home remedies for heartburn while pregnant, so you can also use without worrying if you’re expecting a baby.
- Boil 1 cup of water.
- Add 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds.
- Cover and steep for 10 minutes.
- Strain and drink warm.
2. Mustard
The alkalizing properties of mustard make it one of the best at home remedies for heartburn. Owing to these benefits, mustard can neutralize stomach acid and soothe the symptoms associated with heartburn. High-quality mustard is recommended for the best results.
- Swallow 1 teaspoon of mustard.
- Repeat as much as 3 times, in the morning, afternoon and evening, if your heartburn persists.
3. Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate is commonly known as baking soda and is one of the fast home remedies for heartburn relief. Baking soda has a + 7.0 pH level, which makes it ideal for neutralizing stomach acid. If you dissolve sodium bicarbonate in water, you will soon be heartburn-free.
- Add 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to 1 glass of water.
- Stir thoroughly.
- Drink up to 7 times a day.
* Do not consume baking soda daily for more than 7 days. If your heartburn doesn’t wear off in several days, contact your doctor.
4. Milk
Among natural home remedies for heartburn, milk stands out through quick relief. Dairy products, in general, have a soothing effect on the stomach when it starts acting up. As a result, you can replace milk with products like yogurt if you don’t have some close by.
- Drink 1 glass of milk if experiencing heartburn.
- Avoid drinking more than 1 glass so to not stimulate the production of stomach acid instead of calming it.
5. Cabbage Juice
Anthocyans and S-methyl cysteine are just some of the amino acids that can be found in cabbage. This veggie is also packed with minerals like calcium, magnesium or iron, which makes it among the most nutritious home remedies for heartburn indigestion. To make the most of the anti-inflammatory benefits that cabbage has to offer, juice it.
- Cut ¼ of a cabbage and juice or blend it.
- Drink ½ cup of this cabbage juice before you eat breakfast in the morning.
* Other heartburn-fighting vegetables you can juice are cucumbers, beets or carrots.
6. Pineapple Juice
Pineapple juice is part of home remedies for heartburn and acid reflux owing to its bromelain content. This enzyme aids in maintaining healthy hydrochloric acid levels and calming down acid reflux symptoms. Fresh pineapple juice is recommended.
- Drink ½ glass of pineapple juice after eating.
- Repeat this after meals for relief.
7. Potato
Potatoes are one of the home remedies for heartburn and indigestion you can count on, if consumed properly. While baked potatoes or french fries can trigger heartburn, raw potato juice can assist with neutralizing stomach acid.
- Juice or blend 1 potato.
- Pour an equal part of water over it.
- Mix well.
- Drink as soon as you can.
8. Chamomile
The flavonoids in chamomile make it one of the most trustworthy natural home remedies for heartburn. In addition to this, chamomile contains the active ingredient bisabolol, which provides anti-inflammatory and healing properties that can battle heartburn.
- Bring 1 cup of water to a boil.
- Add 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile.
- Consume the tea about 1 hour before going to bed.
- Repeat this remedy every night prior to going to sleep.
9. Aloe Juice
Aloe vera is yet another one of the anti-inflammatory home remedies for heartburn you can count on. This plant also has antibacterial benefits that help with acid reflux, as well as polyphenols. It is also among the home remedies for heartburn during pregnancy that are safe to use, and you can also use if for treating spider bites.
- Remove the juice from 1 aloe vera leaf.
- Consume ½ cup of aloe vera juice prior to eating a meal.
10. Lemon Juice
Regarded by many to be the best home remedy for heartburn, lemon juice has positive results because it has a 2 pH level. It provides plenty of nutrients, like vitamin C, which results in even more both short and long term benefits.
- Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon.
- Drink on its own, if possible. Add ¼ cup of water if necessary.
11. Banana
Bananas contain substances that shield your stomach from heartburn. The antacids that bananas come with make them a wonderful natural home remedy for heartburn relief. The effects might not be immediate, but frequent use can help with both healing and prevention.
- Consume 1 banana as dessert after your meal.
- Repeat daily for long-term heartburn problems.
12. Ginger
Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory benefits that are highly sought-after in home remedies for heartburn. It is all natural and safe, making it one of the home remedies for heartburn in pregnancy too. However, only fresh ginger is recommended for women expecting a child.
- Chop 3 pieces of ginger into small cubes.
- Boil 2 cups of water and add the pieces of ginger.
- Allow to chill and drink 15 minutes before eating a meal.
13. Turmeric
As part of its role among home remedies for heartburn, turmeric provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. These properties come from its curcuminoids, the powerful compounds in this Indian spice.
- Take 1 turmeric tablet before a meal.
- Add turmeric to your home-cooked dishes for even better results.
14. Basil
A fresh at home remedy for heartburn is basil. This herb is high in eugenol, an active ingredient that combines strong antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Basil helps by reducing the level of acid in your stomach, therefore relieving heartburn.
- Chew 2-3 fresh basil leaves after eating.
- Repeat after a heavier meal to relieve and prevent heartburn.
15. Mint Leaves
The menthol in mint leaves recommends them as home remedies for heartburn. They have a soothing effect on the body, effectively fighting acid reflux. If you don’t have access to mint leaves, you can also use peppermint oil as a substitute.
- Boil 1 cup of water.
- Add 1 tablespoon of mint leaves.
- Allow to steep for half an hour.
- Consume 2-3 times a day when facing heartburn.
16. Vinegar
Vinegar is one of our home remedies for severe heartburn thanks to its acid-neutralizing properties. Apple cider vinegar, for example, has a pH level of 5, which helps your stomach when undergoing acid reflux. Unfiltered varieties are recommended for the probiotics they contain.
- Swallow 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar every day.
- Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 glass of water for an alternative.
- Drink 2 times a day if you chose the latter option.
17. Slippery Elm
The active ingredient in slippery elm is mucilage. This substance makes it one of the best home remedies for acid reflux and heartburn because it thickens the lining in your stomach to block acid. Slippery elm powder can be used for this remedy.
- Heat 1 cup of water.
- Add 1 teaspoon of slippery elm powder.
- Stir well and drink after eating.
18. Cinnamon
Finally, our last home remedy for indigestion and heartburn is cinnamon. Also used for other stomach-related issues like food poisoning or diarrhea, cinnamon is backed up by research for its healing properties. Its cinnamaldehyde content, in particular, offers its anti-inflammatory benefits.
- Bring 1 cup of water to a boil.
- Use a mortar and pestle to grind a cinnamon stick until you obtain 1 teaspoon of powder.
- Add it to the cup of water and mix thoroughly.
- Wait for 20 minutes to chill.
- Drink after eating for heartburn relief.
To sum everything up, these natural home remedies for heartburn can be an excellent alternative for over the counter medication. However, if you find yourself facing long-term heartburn, it is best to consult a medical professional for a diagnosis. You might be suffering from a health problem that has heartburn as a symptom. In most cases, though, at least one of these remedies should help bring relief.
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