Have you recently experienced swollen legs, frequent urination, intense and sudden back pain and blood in your urine — then you may be facing a kidney infection. There are several reasons why you may be experiencing kidney problems. Often chemicals or toxins in your blood stream — and frequently, dehydration — are among some of the leading causes of kidney infections. There are some healthy and natural home remedies for kidney infection that could help you get back on track. Read on to get our top 12 most helpful natural home remedies and start feeling better today.
Try the most effective home remedies for kidney infection to reduce pain and discomfort!
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1. Lemon Drink
Water helps to break up salts and toxins in your urine so that kidney stones don’t form. Water also hydrates and purifies so that your kidneys stay strong and healthy. Lemon acts as a natural purifier because its acidity creates an environment in which bacteria finds it difficult to grow. Combine these two ingredients for a healthy, tangy drink that hydrates you and cleanses your kidneys.
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- Fill a glass full of room temperature water.
- Add fresh-squeezed lemon juice to the glass.
- Mix vigorously and sip.
Start each day with this routine — and then hydrate properly throughout the day by drinking an additional seven to 12 glasses of pure water. This is one of our easiest home remedies for kidney infection — and it’s so easy to do if you can make a daily habit out of it.
2. Epsom Salt Bath
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Epsom salts have a “superpower” for kidney infections and many other sicknesses because they work to release toxins from the body so that your body can re-start and get healthy much faster. To get started, take a salty bath.
- Fill a bathtub with water at a temperature to your liking.
- Add Epsom salts according to the package instructions.
- Allow the salt to dissolve into your bath and then take a seat.
- Soak in your salty bath for about 20-30 minutes to allow the salt to do its magic.
3. Cranberry Juice
Juices naturally help to soothe the kidneys and give them a break — and this is especially the case with cranberry juice. It works as a cleaning agent — making way for the bad bacteria to flow out and the kidneys to have a little bit of rest while they recuperate and restart.
- Prepare a cup of cranberry juice by boiling the fruit in a pot of water.
- Strain the cranberries after they start to pop.
- Cool them down and then blend them with a cup of water.
- Do not add sugar to your drink. Only add a spoonful of honey if the taste is too strong.
- Enjoy a natural juice at the beginning of your day.
Warning: You really need to consume cranberry juice in small increments and not overdo it. Cranberry juice can exacerbate your kidney infection if you drink too much of it. Also, make sure you are drinking juices that do not have any extra sugar added. This is very important, as sugar just complicates and aggravates your kidney infection. You need the natural, raw juice to get the most power out of these home remedies for kidney infection.
4. Natural Tea
Herbal teas have many medicinal qualities — including soothing your body, calming it during the stress of an infection and boosting your immune system overall.If you are able, sip herbal teas at least twice a day. Chamomile, goldenrod, parsley and marshmallow herbal teas are all known to be good for combating kidney infections and soothing the kidneys during the painful journey of an infection.
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- Measure two cups of water and put in your kettle or pot.
- Bring the water to a boil.
- Add the loose tea leaves of the tea of your choice to an infuser.
- Pour the hot water into a mug.
- Place the infuser in the mug and allow the tea to steep.
5. Honey and Vinegar
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It may be smelly and tangy, but apple cider vinegar acts as a natural cleanser for your body, helping to remove toxins and give your body a healthy environment for new and good bacteria to grow. Honey is soothing and helps cut the taste of the vinegar — because we all know you don’t want to be drinking straight apple cider vinegar as you recover from your kidney infection!
- Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of honey for sweetness.
- Whip the concoction lightly in a bowl.
- Scoop the mixture into a spoon and eat.
- Administer this medicine once a day to help treat your kidney infections.
6. Parsley Juice
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Parsley juice may sound like an uncommon and unusual choice, but it is an ideal natural juice to help your kidneys get back to their good feeling again.
This herb, like many of the ingredients found in the home remedies for kidney infection, is full of vitamins A, B and C as well as sodium, copper and potassium. This makes it a rich herb to get your daily vitamins, and it cleanses your internal organs, including your kidneys, all at once. Here is how you can make your tall glass of parsley juice.
- Begin by boiling water and dropping in a few fresh parsley leaves.
- Allow the water to steep a few minutes.
- Strain it as you pour it into a pitcher.
- Refrigerate the pitcher of parsley water and drink it once it has cooled completely.
7. Baking Soda Drink
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What is great about drinking a glass of baking soda water is that it builds back the bicarbonate levels in your kidneys.
Without a good level of bicarbonate levels, the environment in your kidneys becomes too acidic and can lead to a condition called metabolic acidosis. This can lead to both kidney disease and liver failure, so you’ll need to make sure your levels are a proper level to keep your organs in a healthy working order.
- Dissolve one tablespoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water.
- Mix thoroughly.
- Sip daily.
8. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a key ingredient in fighting kidney and renal infections because of how quickly it can raise the acidic levels in your kidneys. One of the best sources of Vitamin C is fresh-squeezed orange juice.
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- Peel three seedless oranges.
- Throw into a blender and a little ice.
- Blend until smooth.
- Drink a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice every day.
9. Garlic Paste or Water
Garlic is an effective agent to fight against kidney infections because it forces the kidneys to process salt and extricate it via urine. This cleanses your kidneys and helps them work toward getting healthy again. To try garlic home remedies for kidney infection, make a paste or infused water.
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- Mince five cloves of whole garlic.
- Add to a clean jar.
- Eat a tablespoon once a day.
- Mince a clove of garlic to prepare your garlic drink.
- Boil 2 cups of water.
- Pour water and garlic into a blender and gently pulse.
- Repeat daily for the best results.
10. Applesauce
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Because apples are high in fiber content, they keep your entire body healthy. They also are acidic, which helps create an obstacle for bacteria growth in your kidneys. Make natural applesauce as an antidote to infection.
- Peel four organic apples.
- Core the apples.
- Boil the apples in a pot of water until they are soft.
- Strain the water and toss the apples into a blender.
- Puree until smooth.
11. Hot Compress
Heat isn’t going to actually get rid of the bacteria in your kidney, but it is one of the home remedies for kidney infection that will help reduce your pain as you heal. If you’re experiencing a kidney infection, then you’re probably feeling pain in your abdominal section, in your lower back and sometimes on your sides. Make a hot compress to help alleviate the pain.
- Boil three cups of hot water.
- Put on heat-safe gloves, and immerse a small, clean towel in the pot.
- Wring out excess water.
- Roll up the towel and place it on the part of your body that is in pain.
- Re-apply when the towel gets cool.
12. Cucumber Water
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Cucumbers are a low-calorie veggie, and they are full of water. When you have a kidney infection, you need all of the hydration you can get. So for what they lack in nutrients, they make up for in water weight!
These crisp, cool vegetables also are refreshing and will make you feel healthy as you snack on them during your recovery — making them one of the easiest home remedies for kidney infection to whip up in your kitchen today.
- Fill a pitcher with cool tap water.
- Slice the cucumbers into chips and place in the pitcher.
- Cover the pitcher and allow it to cool in the refrigerator.
- Fish out the cucumber chips and pour the water into a glass.
In conclusion, if you’re experiencing pain and discomfort brought upon by what you think may be a kidney infection, don’t delay in getting treatment. Whether you go the natural route or consult your doctor to get medication for clearing up the infection, you’ll need to act to get back on track and to feel relief. In case you are interested, we invite you to check out our list of home remedies for kidney stones.
Try one or more of our top 12 effective and natural home remedies for kidney infection and see what they can do for you. If you find a kidney infection home remedy that works for you, make sure to leave us a comment below. We’re interested in knowing what works for your specific condition so that we can provide more precise help for all our readers.
All I can recall was when I had a kidney infection I could not stop barfing so none of those would have worked for me at the time. That was a horrible experience. But I know cranberries are good for UTIs. Those have helped me with that before.
Sorry that happened, Ximena! We are glad the cranberries helped though 🙂
Hey home remedy healers, what’s the difference between a kidney infection and a urinary tract infection? I see some interesting home remedies here on your site and the 12 home remedies for kidney infection article is no exception. Please let me know. Thanks.
Hello, Ken!
The difference between a urinary tract infection and a kidney infection, is that the UTI can be located at the bladder or urethra, in case it gets more serious and spreads to the kidneys then it becomes a kidney infection. Hope that helped, also make sure to check out our 13 Natural remedies to get rid of a UTI as well.
Kudos for giving people 12 home remedies for when they experience kidney infections. I know if my doctor told me I had a kidney infection, I’d be looking into every option for providing relief from the symptoms!
Happy to help, Carolyn!