Panic attacks are displays of overwhelming nervousness and anxiety which usually tend to appear out of nowhere and without a solid reason. Aside from this sense of anxiety, other symptoms that can appear are hyperventilation, chest pain, or dizziness. The source of it all, however, is definitely an immense amount of stress. Seeing how it’s something that can take any victim by surprise, there is no room for paying any doctor a visit to settle this condition in. However, you can rely on the following home remedies for panic attacks to find some relief for your situation. You will find them particularly useful, especially because they will help you settle into a state of relaxation which is going to last throughout the rest of the day.
Use these home remedies for panic attacks and be calm again
1. Chamomile
Chamomile is definitely among the top home remedies for panic attacks, as well as for a number of other conditions and afflictions which involve stress and anxiety. With its natural calming properties, chamomile is a herb able to bring comfort to nerves and hormones alike.
- Bring about 1 cup of water to a boil and then transfer to a cup.
- Add 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile to the water and then cover.
- Let it all steep for 5 minutes.
- Drink 2-3 cups of the tea every day until you get satisfying results.
2. Green Tea
Many people choose to sip on a bit of green tea in order to deal with stress. It has calming effects despite its caffeine concentration, something that is mostly owed to the fact that it doesn’t contain it in high doses. Green tea remains soothing and relaxing, perfect for difficult moments like panic attacks.
- In a cup, pour hot water over 2 teaspoons of dried green tea leaves.
- Steep for 10 minutes while covered.
- Lastly, uncover and sweeten with honey to taste.
- Enjoy 2-3 cups throughout the day until you get the results you’re looking for.
3. Lavender
Lavender, whether you use it in the shape of tea or other variations such as capsules or essential oil, can do wonders for your nerves and stress levels. It’s a natural calming agent that can help you relax whenever you are in need of something to rid you of anxiety.
- Rub a little bit of lavender oil between your palms and then apply it in gentle massaging motions to the areas that are suffering from neuropathy.
- Repeat this treatment 2-3 times a day until you’re noticing an improvement in your well-being.
4. Dandelion
Next up among our recommended home remedies for panic attacks, we have dandelion, a plant that also has excellent soothing properties. In tea form, you can enjoy it throughout the day to keep at bay the negative aftermaths of a panic attack for the remainder of the day.
- Boil some water and then pour it into a cup.
- In that cup, add 1 teaspoon of fresh or dried dandelion leaves.
- Cover with a lid and let the mixture steep for 5-10 minutes.
- Strain and then drink 2-3 times a day.
5. Valerian
Valerian can help calm down almost anything. It’s a plant that plenty of people use to find relief from stress and anxiety, but it has plenty of other similar uses such as palpitations. During a panic attack, it’s a herb that will definitely help you in your quest.
- Boil some valerian root in 250 ml of water.
- Remove from heat and steep for as much as 8 hours, preferably overnight.
- Filter and then add some honey for a better taste if you wish.
- Drink this mixture once a day for the next few days for improvements.
6. Fennel
Fennel will not directly help you get rid of anxiety and nervousness, but what it can do instead is target some common symptoms and causes of panic attacks. The seeds can help treat various digestive issues, asthma, or coughing, which are typically associated with these episodes.
- Start by boiling some water.
- Next, pour it over a cup which contains 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds.
- Cover and let it all steep for 5-10 minutes.
- Strain and enjoy the drink 2-3 times a day to start seeing positive results.
7. Passion Flower
Passion flower is one of the most potent home remedies for panic attacks because it’s an excellent natural sedative. It causes drowsiness and sleepiness in the person reaping its effects, thus managing to numb your senses and anxiety.
- Gather around 2-3 teaspoons of dried passion flower.
- Set a pan filled with water and let it boil.
- Add the dried flowers to the boiling liquid.
- Cover the pan with a lid and turn to low heat.
- Let it steep for 2-3 minutes.
- Remove from heat and then strain the drink.
- Sweeten with honey to taste and drink.
8. Lemon Balm
You can use lemon balm in order to soothe anxiety and nervousness, all thanks to its relaxing and calming properties. It works much better when you combine it or alternate its use with other home remedies for panic attacks.
- Add 1 teaspoon of lemon balm to 1 cup of boiling water.
- Allow for the balm to stay in the water for 10 minutes.
- Consume this mixture 1-2 times a day for the next few months for the best of results.
9. St. John’s Wort
St John’s Wort is a herb that does not specifically target panic attacks and it does not have any numbing effects that can soothe nerves and anxiety. However, many use it as a remedy for depression or as a treatment that can give you a boost in your general mood.
- Procure some St. John’s Wort from your local provider.
- Add a pot of water to the stove and then bring to a boil.
- Chop the wort in small pieces and then add to the water.
- Remove from heat and cover to steep after 5 minutes.
10. Skullcap
Skullcap has numbing and sedative properties that will provide some calmness to erratic breathing, irregular heartbeats, restlessness, and even insomnia. In other words, it will target some of the primary elements which feed into the anxiety and make it more difficult to recover.
- Start by filling a pot with water and then moving it to the stove on low flame.
- Add 3-4 teaspoons dried skullcap to the boiling water.
- Let everything simmer for 2-3 minutes and then remove from heat.
- Let it all steep for 3 minutes.
- Strain and enjoy the tea.
11. Ginseng
Ginseng is pretty famous for the excellent calming and soothing properties that it possesses, being able to provide some detachment from every day stress in a very simple and efficient manner. We recommend brewing some ginseng tea in order to find quick relief from strain and stress since it’s one of the most reliable home remedies for panic attacks.
- Take some ginseng root and then slice it into small pieces, around 1-2 teaspoons.
- Add to a pan which contains 1 cup of boiling water.
- Cover the pan and then let it steep for 17-20 minutes.
- Strain this mixture and then consume this tea daily.
12. Meditation
It might be difficult to imagine jumping into a meditative state when you’re in the middle of a panic attack. But, actually, this method only works when you are feeling the state starting to creep up on you. By quickly reaching out for the calming exercises of meditation, you might just be able to jump out of this state before it properly settles in.
- Start with basic meditation techniques, such as finding a comfortable spot in the house and simply remaining still with your eyes closed for about 10 minutes.
- In the beginning, focus on clearing your head of thoughts. To prevent distractions, make sure the room is quiet and that you will not be disturbed.
- Set an alarm once your 10 minutes are up so that you don’t end up spending more time than you need.
13. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt doesn’t target any nerves or anxiety, but it’s definitely something to bring you some relief from stress. It contains magnesium and other compounds which soothe strained and aching muscles, which in turn will offer some relaxation to your whole body and mind.
- Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a tub filled with hot water.
- Soak in this mixture for around 15 minutes when the temperature is bearable enough.
- Have this kind of bath three times a week for the effects to kick in.
14. Catnip
No, catnip is not useful only for cats. It’s one of the home remedies for panic attacks that actually work and that will help you find an anchor to reality when you need it most. More importantly, it will help you stay relaxed throughout the remainder of the day.
- Start by acquiring some catnip.
- Tear off the flowers and then add them to a small container.
- Place it underneath your nose and then take deep breaths.
- Keep doing this around 4-5 times or until the symptoms dissipate.
15. Kava
Kava is a plant for the mind, targeting a wide array of panic attack symptom and causes while managing to banish negative thoughts from your head. It’s a treatment that we wholly recommend having readily available, especially if you know you are prone to panic attacks.
- Brew some excellent kava tea by procuring some kava flowers.
- Then, move a pot of water to the stove and then bring it to a boil.
- Add in the kava flowers and then simmer for 2-3 minutes.
- Next, cover and steep for 3 minutes.
- Lastly, uncover, strain, and enjoy raw or sweetened.
In truth, panic attacks are no joking manner. They are frightening episodes which can leave you unsettled for the remainder of the day and even beyond. Luckily, when you have home remedies for panic attacks to help you out, it will become much easier to overcome these episodes and to keep yourself from venturing into the heart of anxiety and nervousness.
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