Receding gums are a serious issue which often passes by unnoticed and ends up causing an immense amount of trouble. You know you suffer from this condition when your gums gradually start to ‘retreat’ away from the crowns of your teeth, creating gaps. Through these gaps, plenty of bacteria can make their way through and cause some potential damage in the shape of serious oral diseases. It’s crucial to identify and treat receding gums in time before the condition worsens. In early stages, you can help keep this condition under control using home remedies for receding gums. However, given the serious state of this condition, it’s mandatory to visit your dentist’s office and to receive a professional opinion regarding the best treatment for it.
1. Green Tea
There are two main things to keep in mind about receding gums. This process, most of the time, comes with swellings and pain given the unnatural movement of the gums. And, secondly, it’s very easy for bacteria to make its way through. Green tea will help reduce inflammation of the gums and destroy the infection-causing bacteria that might take advantage of this condition.
- Prepare some green tea by first boiling 1 cup of water.
- In a cup, place 1 bag of green tea or 2 teaspoons of dried green tea leaves.
- Pour the hot water in the cup, cover and allow the tea to steep for 5 minutes.
- Finally, remove and strain (if using leaves).
- Drink 1 cup daily while it’s still warm in order to preserve your oral health.
2. Aloe Vera
By using an aloe vera-based treatment, you’ll be able to soothe the pain associated with this condition. But most importantly, aloe vera contains compounds which trigger the production of cells that are crucial to the repair of tissue. For this incredible combo, aloe vera is certainly one of the most incredible home remedies for receding gums.
- Grab an aloe vera leaf and then cut it in the middle.
- Scoop out about 1 teaspoon of the aloe vera gel and then stir it in a glass of water.
- Use this solution as a mouthwash, swishing around your mouth to cover most areas.
- Lastly, make sure to repeat this treatment daily after brushing your teeth for the next few months.
3. Lemon Oil
Lemon oil is a stronger alternative to reap the benefits of lemon juice, which you really need to keep this condition in check. It does a number of things for your oral health. For starters, it helps keep bacteria at bay by creating an alkaline environment in your mouth. Furthermore, lemon oil promotes tissue repair and growth, preventing your gums from receding any further.
- Combine 10 drops of lemon oil with 1 cup of hot water.
- Mix everything well and then gargle with this solution for about 1 minute.
- Wash your mouth thoroughly with cool water.
- Repeat this process 2 times a week after brushing your teeth to start seeing results.
4. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is packed with compounds which make it a fantastic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It’s going to help you keep at bay possible infections and oral diseases that stem from this particular condition. Furthermore, eucalyptus also reduces swelling in the gums and slows down the receding process, as well as tooth decay. Never utilize undiluted eucalyptus oil as it can cause damage to your gum tissue.
- To 1-2 tablespoons of water, add 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil in order to dilute it.
- Using your clean finger, massage gently into your gums for 2-3 minutes.
- Finally, rinse off thoroughly with cool water.
- Repeat this process on a daily basis in order to get the results that you’re looking for.
5. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil contains antibacterial properties which will inhibit the apparition and growth of bacteria that might try to make their way through the gaps above the teeth. Moreover, it also prevents buildup, another possible consequence to this condition. Although tea tree oil is definitely one of the most reliable home remedies for receding gums, it can be pretty dangerous if you swallow it. So, when using it to treat this affliction, be careful of this likelihood and avoid it at all costs.
- Dilute 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in a glass of water. It’s important to do this since undiluted tea tree oil can cause potential tissue damage.
- Use as a mouthwash by thoroughly swishing around the mouth for 1 minute.
- Finally, rinse with lots of water.
- Repeat this process daily to get the best of results.
6. Myrrh
Myrrh is a remedy that people have been using to deal with a number of oral health issues, including receding gums. It can help put the receding process to a halt, prevent the buildup of plague, and it can also strengthen the gums against the possible external factors that might cause an infection.
- Crush a bit of myrrh into a fine powder.
- Add 1 teaspoon of myrrh powder to a glass of water.
- Use this solution as a mouthwash and swirl it around to cover as many areas as possible.
- Rinse with plenty of water.
- Repeat this process daily to get the results that you want.
7. Cloves
Cloves contain strong antibacterial properties which inhibit the growth and development of bacteria near your cavities. This is going to keep away the possible infections that might make your current situation even worse. Cloves also contribute to the healing and repairmen of gum tissue, thus making them some of the best home remedies for receding gums. Consult your doctor before undergoing this treatment as it can interfere with medication for blood clotting.
- After a meal, chew on a clove.
- It’s important to do this after a meal since cloves give a numbing sensation to the mouth.
- Alternatively, you can acquire clove oil and gently massage some into your gums for approximately 2-3 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly with water after whichever use you choose.
- Do this daily to get the results that you’re looking for.
8. Yarrow
Yarrow is a type of herb that people have been using to treat a number of oral health issues since the oldest of times. It has deep antiseptic properties that make it one of the best home remedies for receding gums and the associated problems that arise from it.
- Begin by boiling a bit of water.
- As the water starts boiling, add in 1-2 tablespoons of yarrow herb and a handful of yarrow flowers and leaves.
- Remove from heat and let everything steep for 15-20 minutes.
- Lastly, strain the tea and let it cool down completely.
- Gargle on this infusion for around 1 minute.
- Do this daily in order to benefit from the effects of yarrow.
9. Sage
Sage leaves can act as some sort of tonic that can really help you slow down the receding process of the gums. They have soothing properties which can help with any possible inflammations and they will really aid in the recovery process when you pair them with professional dentist medication.
- Add a handful of sage leaves to 1 cup of boiling water.
- Steep this mixture for 10 minutes.
- Next, let it cool and use this infusion as a mouthwash, swishing around thoroughly.
- Rinse with cool water.
- Repeat every day to get to the final result that you desire.
10. Red Wine Vinegar and Rose Petals
Rose vinegar is one of the home remedies for receding gums that can put a halt to this process – or, at the very least, slow it down. It does so by strengthening both your teeth and gums, helping them fight against possible infections and inflammations, but against the very process of receding itself as well.
- Soak 3 ounces of rose petals in about 1 cup of red wine vinegar.
- Let this all steep for a grand total of 7 days.
- Afterwards, strain this infusion and then store it in a cool place.
- To use it, add 1 tablespoon of the solution to 1 glass of water and use it as a mouthwash.
- Rinse mouth after each use.
- Repeat this process on a regular basis.
11. Lemongrass Oil
Lemongrass oil is an antifungal and antibacterial substance that will inhibit the growth and development of bacteria that might inhabit your mouth and take advantage of your teeth’s delicate condition. It’s also useful for soothing inflammations and swellings which typically come with receding gums.
- Add 2-3 drops of lemongrass oil to a pot of water and then boil for 2-3 minutes.
- Allow this mixture to cool down until it’s merely lukewarm.
- Lastly, use this solution by gargling with it for 30 minutes.
- After utilizing this treatment, thoroughly rinse with clean water.
- Do this every day in order to strengthen your gums and teeth and to keep bacteria at bay.
12. Sumac Tree
During a time when your oral health is in real danger of going sideways, sumac tree can really help you prevent that. It does so thanks to its astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties, all components of great home remedies for receding gums. All of this will allow for stronger and better-protected teeth, hence for a higher resistance against the side effects of receding gums, such as tooth decay or gum infections.
- Acquire a twig of sumac tree and then peel out the bark.
- Gently rub the inside of the bark directly onto your gums, massaging carefully for 3-4 minutes.
- Afterwards, cleanse your mouth using cool water.
- Repeat this process twice every day in order to get the most of sumac tree’s benefits.
Since it can be really difficult to notice receding gums until it’s too late, periodical dentist check-ins are something that you should really attempt to do. The aforementioned home remedies for receding gums will help you slow down or stop the process, prevent infections, and strengthen both your gums and teeth in order to prevent other oral issues. However, for a full and proper treatment regarding this issue, you definitely need to follow professional advice. Have you tried any of these yet? Or, even better, have you given a shot to something that’s not on this list as of now? Share your story below!
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