Roaches are a silent, vile nuisance lying in wait to permeate your kitchen, bathrooms, and living spaces. In a report recently released by the World Health Organization, some people may become allergic to cockroaches after frequent exposure to the creatures. These insects have been known to cause intestinal diseases such as cholera and diarrhea. Getting rid of these pests permanently with home remedies for roaches is an effortless and economically friendly way to protect yourself and your loved ones from illnesses and filth. Here are the most effective remedies and how to utilize them to permanently rid your household of these disgusting creatures.
Get rid of roaches with our natural home remedies that will solve the issue in no time!
1. Bay Leaves
Bay leaves are a natural and easy to use roaches home remedy that has been used since the early 1800s to rid homes of these vile pests. Many individuals have bay leaves in their kitchen cupboards, but few people are aware that these herbs are a roach deterrent. Bay leaves contain an essential oil that upon its release, emits a pungent scent that drives away roaches. The higher quality the bay leaves, the more pungent the smell.
- Crush bay leaves to release essential oils and fragrance.
- Place crushed leaves under beds, in cupboard corners, in pantries, and anywhere roaches can hide or have been spotted.
- Leave them until they dry out, then replace with fresh ones.
2. Garlic, Onion, Cayenne Pepper, and Liquid Dish Soap Solution
Garlic and onions combined with cayenne pepper and made into a solution can become a premier powerhouse of the home remedies for roaches. Using common household items, this combination is guaranteed to ensure those disease-bearing pests never return.
- Obtain 1 clove of garlic, 1 onion, water, cayenne pepper, and liquid soap.
- Quarter the onion.
- Combine onion and 1 cup water in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
- Simmer for 15 minutes until the onion is tender.
- Use a slotted spoon to transfer the onion to a blender and puree.
- Add garlic clove to the blender and puree for 1 minute.
- Pour 1 liter of water into previously used saucepan.
- Add 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper and the onion and garlic mixture and stir.
- Let marinate for 1 hour, stirring at regular intervals.
- Add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap. Stir until blended.
- Apply the mixture to corners, dark places, and around water areas.
- Leave overnight.
- Use a damp cloth to wipe away excess the following morning.
3. Pine-Scented Cleaner and Bleach
Roaches are highly sensitive to scents, and there are few chemicals with a stronger constitution than pine-scented cleaner and bleach. When combined with water, these two substances will ensure the evacuation of even the most stubborn roaches, making this solution one of the best home remedies for roaches available. This mixture may also be used in a spray bottle to attack visible roaches.
- Boil 1 cup of water.
- Make sure area is well ventilated.
- Add 2 cups of pine-scented cleaner and 2 cups of bleach to the water.
- Carefully stir until blended.
- Spread solution over areas where roaches gather, dark and damp areas, and corners of pantries and cabinets.
- Pour any unused portion into sink and bathtub drains to rid these areas of roaches.
- Wait 10 minutes and carefully clean up the solution with a rag or paper towels.
4. Sugar and Baking Soda
Sugar and baking soda are generally always on-hand in most homes, and combined creates one of the deadliest of roaches home remedies. The saccharine sweet scent draws the roaches to the solution. The roaches eat the combination thinking that the sugar is food, meanwhile, the baking soda reacts with stomach acid of the roaches causing death.
- Add equal parts of sugar and baking soda to a medium bowl.
- Stir until blended.
- Sprinkle on areas where roaches hide such as under beds, around sinks and tubs, in pantries, in closets, in garages, and in dark places.
- Repeat as often as necessary.
5. Borax
One of the simplest home remedies for roaches is borax. Being of a compound of sodium (or salt) and boric acid, borax is a white powdery substance that is easy to spread to eliminate roaches. When the roaches encounter the borax, the boric acid dries out their exoskeletons by depleting any moisture within the creature. Those not affected immediately will take the borax back to their nest as food and share it with others, causing the extinction of the entire population.
- Sprinkle borax near crevices, on top shelves in cupboards, and around sink pipes in kitchens and bathrooms.
- Leave overnight.
- Use a rag or paper towel to wipe away any left-over borax the following morning.
6. Cedar
Cedar is an environmentally sound solution to ridding your home of roaches and also ants. The overwhelming scent of cedar drives roaches away within a few days and the effects last indefinitely. Available in chips, blocks, and balls, cedar is relatively inexpensive and is one of the home remedies for roaches that does not require any cleanup. Cedar chips and blocks are best served under sinks, in cabinets, and in smaller areas. Cedar balls can be hung in dark areas to keep pests away.
- Place cedar apparatus of your choice in cabinets, cupboards, attics, basements, closets, and under sinks around pipes.
- Leave cedar apparatus in place until you notice its effects on the roaches.
7. Lemon
The strong odor and anti-pathogenic (anti-germ) properties of lemons make them an inexpensive and organic roach home remedy. The robust citric scent naturally occurring in lemons disrupts the roaches’ sense of smell causing them to scatter and evacuate the area. The natural occurrence of anti-pathogens, or anti-germs, in lemons disinfects and treats areas for disease-causing bacteria left behind by roaches. This combination, when used frequently, assures that roaches will leave your home and never return.
- Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water you use to mop floors, clean countertops, and wipe down areas you would usually disinfect.
- Let dry thoroughly.
- Repeat as often as necessary.
8. Mint Oil
Mint oil is a natural remedy for abolishing roaches in the home. It is also ideal for getting rid of fleas. Much like lemon, the scent of mint oil is the force that drives away the insects. Though not as fast acting as other remedies, mint oil is a non-toxic remedy that will continue to keep your home roach free over time. Mint oil is available for purchase in the form of an essential oil. This heavy ferment safeguards the home from current and future roach populations after one application.
- Avoid skin contact as essential oils can dry out or irritate skin.
- Use 1 or 2 drops of oil directly in and around sinks, bathtubs, pipes, corners of rooms, and anywhere roaches gather.
- Add 1 or 2 drops of oil to water in spray bottle to aim at visible pests or spray around kitchen and bathrooms.
9. Moth Balls
As far back as the late 1800s, moth balls have been used to keep vermin and insects away. Usually placed in drawers and wardrobes, moth balls have been found to be as effective at keeping roaches away as they are the moths from which they get their name. Moth balls are available at most supermarkets for a modest price. The moth balls extreme scent dispels roaches and keeps them from returning to nest.
- Place moth balls in closets, under sinks, in attics, in basement corners, and in cabinets.
- Keep them away from children or pets as moth balls can be toxic.
10. Ammonia
Ammonia is commonly used to disinfect homes, hospitals, and schools. The combination of its disinfectant properties and its extremely pungent odor make ammonia one of the most effective of home remedies for roaches. Roaches like to gather in dark, wet areas such as sink and drain pipes, and ammonia is perfect for such places. The smell on its own revolts roaches and makes them scatter, and the disinfectant is ideal for ridding the home of disease-causing bacteria left behind by the pests.
- Add 1 capful of ammonia to 1 gallon of water.
- Flush down sinks, drain pipes, and toilets.
- Repeat as necessary.
- Add 2 to 4 drops of ammonia to water in a spray bottle.
- Use on sinks, counter tops, and anywhere you regularly clean.
11. Cucumber
To humans, cucumber does not have an off-putting smell, but to roaches, that is just the opposite. The cucumber’s slight smell causes disruption in roaches’ scent glands and sends them fleeing in the opposite direction. Completely organic and natural, the cucumber can be a valuable tool in the fight against roach infestations.
- Peel the cucumber with a vegetable peeler and set the skin aside.
- Slice the cucumber into small disks.
- Place cucumber slices in cupboards, pantries, under sinks, and in dark nesting areas.
- Use the peeled skin to sprinkle on counter tops and place in corners of the kitchen and bathrooms.
- Leave all cucumbers overnight.
- Clean up the cucumber slices and skin the next morning.
- Repeat if necessary.
12. Catnip
While your cat may go crazy for catnip, this natural remedy causes roaches to scurry the other way. The catnip plant contains nepetalactone, which is the oil that creates the strong odor which makes cats react to the plant. Roaches are intolerant to that same smell making this oil one of the most effective home remedies for roaches. You can purchase catnip at any pet store or the nepetalactone essential oil at any health food store.
- Heat 1 to 3 drops of the essential oil in an oil burner to distribute the smell throughout the house.
- Add 1 to 3 drops of the essential oil to water to create a natural off-putting spray.
- Grind up the plant with your fingers and place in a small satchel if you are using fresh catnip.
- Hang satchels under sinks, in cabinets, in crevices, and any place roaches may nest.
13. Chrysanthemums
A common flower found in most gardens, the chrysanthemum contains an insecticide known as pyrethrin. Pyrethrin is commonly used in insect sprays and bug bombs, so it is among the best home remedies for roaches. Products sold in store for roach eradication generally mix the pyrethrin with other chemicals to make a stronger solution. However, you can make your own organic spray that uses the natural insecticide found within the flower. Growing these plants around your house near wood piles, outdoor buildings, and trash bins can rid you of roaches and other insects.
- Purchase a flat of chrysanthemums from your local grower, unless you already have some planted in your yard.
- Take 2 to 3 entire flowers and crush them into a bowl.
- Add the crushed flower to 1 liter of water.
- Pour mixture into a spray bottle and douse all dark crevices, kitchen areas, bathroom sinks and counters, and any place roaches can hide.
As you can see, there are many effortless and cost effective at home remedies for roaches available in your own cabinet or at your local supermarket. Whether you choose an organic or chemical remedy is up to you. Do you crave the instant satisfaction you get with chemicals, or do you prefer the more natural solution of using organics, even if results take a bit longer? Tell us about your preferred roach remedy and how it worked for you below!
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