Shoulder pain is pretty straightforward. Just as the name of the condition suggests, it’s a situation in which you start experiencing pain at the level of either of your shoulders. Although this can happen to anyone, people who spend a lot of time in front of computers, laptops, or tablets are definitely more prone to developing this condition. Most of the time, it’s really not a serious issue and you can treat it using some simple home remedies for shoulder pain and plenty of rest. Below, you will find a list containing some of the best treatments to help you relieve the pain and stiffness that come with this situation. They’re all natural, easy to find, and, most importantly, they really get their job done.
1. Cold Compress
This is by far one of the easiest and most efficient home remedies for shoulder pain. Exposing a painful and swollen area to cold is going to bring you relief in only a few minutes. This is because cold numbs the area and, thus, manages to suppress the pain. Be careful when seeking out ways to undergo this treatment to not use ice directly to the skin as this might result in frostbite.
- Grab a fistful of ice cubes and then either place them inside a plastic bag first, either directly wrap them in a thin towel.
- Press this compress directly to the affected area and keep it on for 15 minutes.
- Repeat this procedure twice every day for the next few days until the symptoms disappear.
2. Hot Compress
Likewise, exposure to heat can also provide relief when suffering from shoulder pain. This is all thanks to the fact that exposing a sensitive area to heat will result in improved blood circulation. And when there is proper circulation, it’s much easier to get rid of swellings and of pain. This kind of remedy is most effective when you use it, at most, 48 hours since you’ve started experiencing the discomfort.
- There are several ways through which you can make use of this treatment. The simplest way is to fill a water bottle or a plastic bag with hot water and to then press it against the affected area for 15 minutes. You may also use a heating pad if you happen to have one.
- Alternatively, you can take a hot shower, applying a not-so-strong jet of water directly to the affected area for 10 minutes.
- Repeat this as many times as you see it fit if the pain didn’t submerge the first time around.
3. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is a natural treatment which contains magnesium sulfate, a compound which can help you get the benefits of both cold and hot compresses. On one hand, Epsom salt improves circulation, thus facilitating faster healing. And on the other hand, it has relaxing properties that will numb the area and bring relief from the ache. With that in mind, Epsom salt is easily one of the most powerful home remedies for shoulder pain.
- Fill your tub with hot water.
- Then, add 2 cups of Epsom salt and stir thoroughly until the salt dissolves completely.
- Soak entirely in this bath for around 20 minutes.
- Repeat this process 3 times a week for persistent pain.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric is a popular remedy for all kinds of pains, inflammations, and swellings. This is because its primary compound is curcumin, a substance which has fantastic analgesic and antioxidant properties. That being said, there’s no wonder that so many people rely on turmeric as a fantastic alternative to painkillers whenever they’re in need of some comfort and soothing.
- Mix together 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
- Stir everything until you get a paste.
- Apply this paste directly to the inflamed area of your shoulder.
- Allow it to dry naturally and then splash some water over the skin to clean it off.
- Repeat this remedy once a day as many times as you need for the effects to kick in.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory substances, so it would be really wise to consider using it in case you need an efficient and quick method of relieving shoulder pain. Aside from having strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it also has alkalizing properties, which are really important for the recovery of your body.
- Fill your tub with hot water and then add in 2 cups of apple cider vinegar.
- Stir thoroughly to incorporate everything in the mass of the water.
- Next, soak your entire body, making sure the shoulder is underwater, for 20 minutes.
- Repeat this treatment once every day for several days.
6. Ginger
Ginger is one of nature’s best home remedies for shoulder pain and this is all thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It will bring relief to the aches of this condition and also improve circulation, facilitating the healing and quick recovery of your body. That being said, you should definitely not skip ginger when pondering what treatment you should undergo to get rid of your problem.
- Bring a pot of water to heat and then bring it to a boil.
- Add in 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger.
- Reduce heat and then let it all simmer for 10 minutes.
- Lastly, strain the tea, add some honey according to taste, and drink while warm.
- Have 2-3 cups of this tea a day to start seeing the benefits of ginger.
7. Lavender Oil
Lavender is pretty famous for having excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Many people use it whenever they need a little bit of relaxation, no matter in what form. For this reason, people suffering from shoulder pain can also use lavender oil to relax their stiff and pained muscles and regain their mobility. For sure, lavender oil is one of the most effective (and best-smelling) home remedies for shoulder pain.
- Add 5-6 drops of lavender oil to 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and then gently warm this blend up.
- Rub the oil mixture between your palms and then gently rub into the sensitive arrears for around 10 minutes.
- Repeat this process twice a day for the next few days until the problem goes away.
8. Blackstrap Molasses
Blackstrap molasses is a proven effective method of dealing with shoulder pain. Although it’s pretty certain that it does work, the reason why it does isn’t exactly conclusive at this point. However, many believe it might be so efficient due to the high concentration of magnesium within its composition.
- Create a blend by mixing 1/4 cup of blackstrap molasses, 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup of honey, and 1 teaspoon of dried, grated ginger.
- Add this mixture to a glass of water and then stir everything thoroughly.
- Have this mixture every day until you notice improvements in your well-being.
9. Garlic
Garlic is one of nature’s greatest home remedies for shoulder pain. It has fantastic anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe just about any kind of mild inflammation and pain. It will provide instant relief, boost circulation, and also contribute to quickly flushing out toxins out of your body, allowing it to fight off the inflammation much faster.
- Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to a pan and then bring to heat.
- Next, add 2-3 cloves of garlic to the oil and wait until they turn a shade of brown.
- Massage this mixture directly onto the aching areas of your shoulder for about 10 minutes.
10. Black Sesame Seeds
Black sesame is the only type of seed product that you need to deal with this particular kind of inflammation. Given that, most of the time, shoulder pain is something mild with a clear cause, a concoction of black sesame is going to be enough to soothe the swelling and to bring immediate relief to the symptoms of this affliction.
- Grab a fistful of black sesame seeds and then add them to a bowl of water.
- Soak them for 10 hours or overnight.
- Next thing in the morning, consume these seeds while alternating with a glass of water.
- Repeat this as many times as you need to get the results that you desire.
11. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a compound that is a primary ingredient in plenty of pain relief treatments due to its fantastic anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, cayenne pepper is also thermogenic, releasing heat in your body and boosting your blood circulation. Cayenne pepper is one of the most famous anti-inflammatory treatments, something that makes also makes it one of the most powerful home remedies for shoulder pain.
- Create a mixture by combining about 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder with 1 cup of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel.
- Apply this blend directly to the sensitive areas of your shoulder and let it sit for around 5-10 minutes.
- This should bring you instant relief, but you should definitely consider repeating this treatment for several days straight to get the best of results.
12. Alfalfa
Alfalfa is a herb that can really boost blood circulation in your body. In fact, it might just be one of the best methods to regulate circulation and to make it that much better. Since proper circulation is crucial to the healing of your body, there’s no wonder that alfalfa makes one of the most helpful home remedies for shoulder pain.
- Place 1 teaspoon of dried alfalfa in a cup and then pour some hot water on top of it.
- Cover the cup and let the mixture steep for 5 minutes.
- Lastly, strain and then drink this while it’s still warm.
- Have 2-3 cups throughout the day in order to bring steady, but certain, relief to the sore ache throbbing in your shoulder.
Generally speaking, you can avoid common types of shoulder pain by watching your posture and making sure to not remain in the same positions for prolonged amounts of time. But if the pain’s already installed, the aforementioned home remedies for shoulder pain are definitely going to be of great help to you. In case you’re not noticing any improvements after several days, you should immediately consult your doctor and make sure that the cause isn’t actually something more worrisome.
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