Sore feet, foot pain, or however else you may know it by. This is a widespread condition that affects a large number of the world’s population. It means it’s definitely not uncommon, so it’s definitely not something that you can’t treat. There are plenty of causes behind this affliction, the most typical ones being wearing uncomfortable shoes, standing up for too long, age, or weight. Likewise, there are even more ways through which you can get rid of this condition. Some people choose to go to the doctor’s office, others choose to hit up the spa and undergo a relaxing massage. Others turn to home remedies for sore feet like the ones you’re about to discover in the next paragraphs.
1. Epsom Salt
Epson salt is rich in magnesium, which can really work wonders when you’re dealing with soreness and ache. It also has soothing anti-inflammatory properties that will put your pain and soreness to rest. This is a particularly useful treatment when you combine it with heat, which is a crucial element in curing inflammations and pain.
- Fill a tub with warm water and then add 2-3 tablespoons of Epsom salt to it. Stir around to incorporate well in the entire mass of water.
- Dip your feet in the basin and relax for 10-15 minutes.
- Once you take your feet out, apply some moisturizer since the salt can dry out your skin.
2. Vinegar
If you have ended up with foot pain on your hands because of strain or a sprain, vinegar is an amazing remedy for your problem. It has deep anti-inflammatory properties which will contribute to your recovery and keep the pain at bay. Furthermore, it’s also good for preventing any possible infections.
- Fill a tub with some warm water and then stir in 2 tablespoons of vinegar. For enhanced effects, you can also add some Epsom or table salt to this solution.
- Soak your feet in this mixture for as much as 20 minutes.
- Repeat this process around 2-3 times every day until the pain eventually submerges and fades away.
3. Cayenne Pepper
If you see some supposed home remedies for sore feet contain capsaicin, this definitely means that they’re the real deal. Capsaicin is a substance that is famous for its uncanny ability to bring relief to all kinds of forms of pain and inflammations. And cayenne pepper stands out especially because of its high percentage of capsaicin in its composition.
- This is a method that works for a very specific type of pain. Do your feet ache when they get cold? In that case, you should simply sprinkle some cayenne pepper powder on the inside of your socks and then put them on overnight for relief.
- Alternatively, you can add 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder to a bucket of warm water. Next, just soak your feet in this water for a few minutes.
4. Clove Oil
Many people use clove oil to relieve various types of pains and inflammations. It’s a trustworthy treatment for headaches, joint pain, but foot pain as well. Moreover, you can find clove oil fairly easily, so it’s the kind of treatment that you can find quickly when you need it. Clove oil gets its potent properties from the compounds that help it stimulate and improve circulation. And the more blood flows to your limbs, the more likely it is for the pain to go away.
- Grab some clove oil and gently massage your feet and ankles with it.
- Repeat this 2-3 times a day until the discomfort subsides in order to improve your blood flow and get healthy feet.
5. Sage
When you’re dealing with tired and sore feet, maybe all you need is a little bit of sage to help you bring some relief to your muscles and make them feel good again. Furthermore, sage can also help with food odor if this is yet another thing that you’re struggling with. Sage is the perfect herb for this combination of issues.
- Grab a few sage leaves and gently rub them between your hands.
- Next, add them to a pot which contains around 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.
- Bring the solution to a boil, reduce the heat, and then let it simmer for a few minutes.
- Dip a cotton cloth or cotton ball in the mixture and then dab on the sensitive areas.
- Repeat this process several times until you get the results that you like.
6. Mustard Seeds
You may not have thought that mustard seeds could perform this kind of wonder, but lo and behold: they do. When applied topically mustard greatly improves circulation, a key factor in the healing of your body using home remedies for sore feet. In other words, some mustard seeds can really go a long way in helping you find relief and relaxation.
- Take a handful of mustard seeds and then grind them to a fine powder.
- Next, add the seeds to half a bucket of warm water.
- Dip your feet in this mixture for 10 up to 15 minutes and then pat dry using a clean towel.
- Repeat as many times as you need for the pain to disappear.
7. Asparagus
Asparagus is one of the home remedies for sore feet that will help you get rid of this issue in a slightly atypical manner. You don’t apply it topically for the effects to kick in. Rather, you use it in a way that allows its diuretic properties to come to light. By eliminating liquids from your body, you also cleanse it of the toxic ones.
- You simply need to boil a little bit of asparagus and to eat it for several days in a row until your inflammation calms down.
- Of course, you may also experiment with recipes that include asparagus to get something a bit different.
- We recommend this quick recipe. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Place asparagus in a mixing bowl, drizzle some olive oil on, and then sprinkle Parmesan cheese, garlic, salt, and pepper. Bake for 12-15 minutes.
8. Hot and Cold Water
This might be one of the oldest tricks in the book, as well as one of the oldest home remedies for sore feet. It’s a really costless and effective method of bringing some relief to the tired muscles of your feet. You only need to have some water and some basins where you can dip your feet in and this is the end of the resources that you should own!
- First, fill one of the basins with some hot water, just hot enough to allow you to soak your feet in it without discomfort. Fill the second with cold water.
- Next, dip your feet in the hot water basin for around 3 minutes.
- Afterwards, switch and dip your feet in the cold water basin for 30 seconds up to a minute.
- Repeat this cycle several times in intervals of 2-3 times a day for good results.
9. Baking Soda
Baking soda has some excellent properties, including some anti-inflammatory ones. They will help you with the issue of sore feet and the pain that comes with them. It works best when you combine it with other home remedies for sore remedy to create the perfect soak for your feet.
- First, fill half a tub for your feet with some warm water.
- Next, throw into the mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 10 drops of wintergreen oil, 10 drops of peppermint oil, 5 drops of marjoram oil, and a handful of Epsom salt.
- Dip your feet into this excellent solution for 15 minutes and feel how relief washes over you and takes away the pain and discomfort.
- Repeat this soak several times a day for the next few days or for however long it takes for the ache to disappear.
10. Essential Oils
You can create a fantastic muscle-relaxing solution by combining the right kind of essential oils with a little bit of warm water. It will bring immediate comfort and relief to your aching muscles and it takes less than a few minutes to prepare. Because of its affordability and how simple this method is, it’s easily one of the home remedies for sore feet we wholly recommend.
- Acquire a glass dropper bottle.
- Next, mix into the bottle: 10 drops of peppermint oil, 10 drops of birch oil, 10 drops of helichrysum oil, 10 drops of vetiver oil, and 3 teaspoons of grape seed oil.
- Shake the container well to incorporate everything properly.
- Finally, apply a few drops to your palm and gently rub between your hands before applying directly to the sore areas of your feet.
- Repeat this process several times a day for the best of results.
11. Peppermint
Peppermint is yet another excellent remedy, whether you reap its benefits by savoring a cup of tea or creating a soak for your feet. It’s very accessible and it definitely does its job right, helping you get rid of pesky pains and general discomfort.
- Make strong peppermint tea by steeping a couple of bags in a cup of hot water for 4-5 minutes.
- Next, add the cup of tea to a tub of hot water and then dip your feet in it.
- Relax for around 15 minutes and then pat dry with a clean towel once you’ve finished.
12. Body Brushing
No, this isn’t some magical herbal remedy. Instead, it’s something that you can acquire even easier. It’s one of the home remedies for sore feet from this list that are going to require zero preparation, save perhaps for the initial acquisition.
- To use the body brush correctly, you have to start gently brushing from your feet upward.
- Then, after working your way up to the legs enough, return to the feet.
- You can repeat this process as many times as you need, but we recommend turning it into a daily habit. You definitely won’t regret it.
So, out of all the home remedies for sore feet you’ve just read about, which one are you eager to try out? Or, better, is there something you’ve tried out in the past and has either worked or hasn’t? You can let us know about your experience and how you’ve managed to elude this condition that affects so many of us. Here’s an extra protip: always make sure that you are wearing the right kind of shoes. It’s the best kind of prevetion.
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