Stomach aches not related to a serious medical condition often go away fairly quickly. According to the Mayo Clinic, the culprit can be anything from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcers, and added anxiety and stress to simply overdoing it at the dinner table, although indigestion, constipation, and stomach viruses are among the most common causes of stomach aches. Whether belly pain is in the form of stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation, most people just want it to go away. Fortunately, the solution for most bellyaches may be a simple as turning to reliable home remedies for stomach ache.
Get rid of the discomfort in a natural way using the best home remedies for stomach ache!
1. Chamomile Tea
A British study found that certain ingredients in chamomile act as a nerve relaxant, which may explain why a cup of it as a tea can help soothe an aching stomach. Its also well-known anti-inflammatory properties make chamomile tea one of the most reliable home remedies for stomach ache. Sipping a cup may relax muscles in the digestive system to reduce cramps and related discomfort from indigestion by helping to ease food along its natural pathway.
- Start with a few teaspoons of dried chamomile or a teabag.
- Add hot water to a cup or mug of chamomile tea.
- Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes to allow the chamomile to thoroughly blend in with the water.
- Sip it slowly.
- Enjoy this tea every day.
2. Rice Water
Stomach ache home remedies sometimes come from some unexpected sources. While not known for its medicinal properties, rice reduces inflammation by soothing the protective barrier over the stomach. Readers Digest cites research suggesting brown rice and similar whole grains may also ease symptoms of IBS and help keep the digestive tract properly functioning.
- Cook about a half-cup of rice in 2 cups water and heat to a boil.
- Cook as normal for the type of rice being made.
- Let the rice soak once it becomes tender.
- Drip the water and sip once it cools down enough.
3. Ginger Root Tea
Ginger root has long been known for its ability to reduce nausea that often goes along with an upset stomach, so much so that it’s considered just as effective as certain medications that offer the same benefit. Gingerols and shogaols are the chemicals found in ginger root that can relax muscles in the intestinal track and take away stomach pain. This natural remedy is also recommended as a quick fix for people who suffer from an upset stomach.
- Peel and grate some fresh ginger root.
- Boil it in two cups of water.
- Simmer for 10 minutes and prepare it as a tea.
- Add a tablespoon of honey, if you can’t stomach the taste of ginger alone.
4. Honey and Lemon
Honey and lemon are potent home remedies for stomach ache that can reduce bacteria that may be contributing to stomach discomfort. Honey also has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling and irritation that may be contributing to ordinary stomach aches. The acidity of lemon juice often has an alkalizing effect that neutralizes stomach acid to ease distracting aches.
- Take the juice from half of a lemon.
- Add two tablespoons of honey.
- Include some grated ginger for extra flavor.
- Prepare it and drink it as a tea.
5. Honey and Cinnamon
The combination of cinnamon and honey removes excess gas from the stomach and intestines. Ingredients in both honey and cinnamon relieve stomach pain by facilitating the digestive process. Boosted by the active ingredients cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, and cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamon is sometimes used in extract form to treat gastrointestinal issues. This potent concoction may also help with weight loss.
- Combine a few tablespoons of honey and cinnamon in a glass of warm water.
- Gently stir the mixture together.
- Sip slowly to ease stomach discomfort.
6. Warm Lemon Water
Acid reflux sometimes occurs along with stomach aches when acid flows into the esophagus, as is often the case with indigestion triggered by spicy foods. Compounds in lemon juice increase the production of hydrochloric acid (HCL) that can break down food that may be aggravating the stomach.
- Add the juice of one fresh lemon to warm water.
- Stir the lemon juice into the water.
- Sip the drink slowly.
7. Peppermint
Once commonly used in ancient Greece and Rome for a variety of health ailments, peppermint is also one of the most versatile home remedies for stomach ache. Menthol and methyl salicylate, the active ingredients in peppermint, not only subdue indigestion and cramps, but they also calm the stomach and intestinal muscles and allow gas to move through the body rather than accumulate. The versatility of peppermint comes from how it can be used for stomach ache relief.
- Use dried peppermint leaves or purchase peppermint tea bags.
- Brew it in hot water for 6-8 minutes.
- Drink it steadily until stomach pain goes away.
- Take peppermint oil capsules before meals to ease IBS symptoms.
8. Fennel Seeds
The high nutritional value and carminative (prevention of gas formation) elements of fennel make it a reliable remedy for indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea. One of the most effective ways to benefit from this stomach ache home remedy is to chew the seeds. Anethole, a volatile oil in fennel seeds, stimulates digestive juices. Seeds may also reduce inflammation from an irritation of the stomach lining (gastritis).
- Gather approximately a half-teaspoon of fennel seeds.
- Chew the seeds.
- For maximum effectiveness, consume the seeds after meals.
Note: Fennel in any form should be avoided during pregnancy.
9. Club Soda and Lime
Some home remedies for stomach ache pack more punch when two key ingredients are combined. In this case, the mix of club soda and lime also becomes a tasty drink as the carbonation encourages belching to relieve pressure in the stomach. Club soda and lime may also soothe stomach pain from constipation and discomfort relegated to the upper middle part of the stomach (dyspepsia).
- Start with 8 ounces of club soda.
- Add the juice from half of a fresh lime .
- Stir the mixture and sip it slowly.
10. Application of Heat
Heat applied to the stomach area increases blow flow and circulation. It’s a stomach ache home remedy that works by changing the perception of pain. Muscles in the abdomen and stomach also relax and loosen from the heat.
- Use a water bottle or a heating pad.
- Avoid excessively high temperatures.
- Apply heat in 15-20 minute intervals.
11. Baking Soda
Neutralize the effects of acidic meals that sometimes contribute to stomach aches with baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate blends with water and produces carbonation that induces burping to relieve excessive bloating and gas. As one of the most trusted home remedies for stomach ache, baking soda restores pH balance and works within the digestive tract. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is also minimized to provide further relief. According to the Mayo Clinic, the adult dose of baking soda shouldn’t exceed five teaspoons per day. People who have high blood pressure should avoid excessive amounts of baking soda.
- Mix one or one-and-a-half teaspoons of baking soda with a glass of warm water.
- Blend the water and baking soda with a spoon.
- Drink while still warm.
12. Yogurt
While dairy products should normally be avoided with an upset stomach, yogurt is an exception because of how it works within the stomach and digestive system. Yogurt is also full of nutrients such as vitamins B-2 and B-12, calcium, magnesium that can keep the digestive system healthy between occasional upset stomachs.
- Opt for plain yogurt without added flavors for maximum digestive benefits.
- Eat some plain yogurt when you experience stomach discomfort after a meal.
- Also enjoy yogurt as a snack to improve overall digestive health.
13. Rosemary
Rosemary comes in handy for stomach aches due to properties that stimulate and improve blood flow. It’s also believed that rosemary helps minimize muscle spasms in nearby stomach muscles to further ease stomach discomfort. The herb has a long history of being used in folklore medicine to treat stomach pain from bloating and indigestion.
- Boil 2-4 grams of dried rosemary leaves in about a liter of water.
- Let it boil for about 10-15 minutes.
- Strain and drink the water throughout the day.
Note: Avoid taking rosemary before bedtime. Do not exceed more than 4 grams per day.
14. Caraway Seeds
These fragrant culinary herbs are one of the oldest and consistently reliable home remedies for stomach ache. Gas, heartburn, and mild stomach spasms of the intestines and stomach are among the potential sources of stomach pain that may be eased by caraway seeds. Commonly used in Asian and Indian foods, the seeds also aid in the treatment of pain from stomach ulcers and minimize IBS symptoms.
- Enjoy the benefits of caraway seeds for stomach ailments in a warm tea.
- Place boiling water in a cup with a handful of seeds.
- Allow the hot water to sit or steep for about 15-20 minutes.
- Slowly sip the tea once it has cooled enough to do so.
In conclusion, many home remedies for stomach ache like the ones listed here are easy to put together at a moment’s notice. Not every stomach ache home remedy is going to be a magic cure for belly pain and some will work better than others, depending on what’s actually causing the discomfort. If you experience any stomach pain lasting longer than a few days or becoming progressively worse you should visit your doctor. The same goes for sudden or severe stomach pain. What home remedies have you tried for stomach aches? Share your thoughts and experiences below!
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