When experiencing symptoms such as a sore throat, fever or swollen tonsils using reliable home remedies for strep throat is really just as easy as it seems. Since we wanted to save you some time and patience, we have done thorough research on home remedies for strep throat without antibiotics for you. Discover the top 17 home remedies for strep throat that we collected below and think twice before rushing off to the drugstore to get medication for strep pain relief.
Explore these quick & effective home remedies for strep throat pain!
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1. Apple Cider Vinegar
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Anyone who uses home remedies knows by now that apple cider vinegar is an indispensable ingredient for most health issues. The same goes for home remedies for strep throat – the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that apple cider vinegar is packed with can provide fast relief from strep throat pain.
- Take a glass of lukewarm drinking water.
- Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
- Mix well and drink fast.
- Optionally add a tablespoon of raw honey if the taste is too harsh.
2. Slippery Elm Bark
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Even though slippery elm can’t be crowned as a scientifically proven strep throat cure, it does have a bit of research to back it up. Some studies show that Native Americans used this herb as a home remedy for strep throat in adults, so it’s definitely worth giving a try.
- Boil some water.
- Add some powdered slippery elm bark.
- Stir well and drink
3. Pomegranate
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Home remedies for strep throat relief can also be delicious, in addition to being useful. This is the case for pomegranate, clearly one of the tastiest remedies around. Pomegranates are a powerhouse of nutrients and health benefits and can aid in naturally treating a variety of diseases and infections. The astringent and antioxidant properties of pomegranates recommend them as some of the best home treatments for strep throat.
- Boil three to four cups of water.
- Peel one pomegranate and use its rinds for making tea.
- Gargle or drink the tea as a treatment for strep throat without antibiotics. You can also drink organic pomegranate juice.
4. Vitamin C
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Home remedies for strep throat aren’t always made up of just one ingredient. Sometimes you have to work from nutrients to get to the right ingredients. Here we’ll talk about vitamin C – one of the most important vitamins you need for effective home remedies treatment for strep throat. Luckily for us, we can consume vitamin C in numerous forms.
- Consume 1000 milligrams vitamin C supplements three times a day.
- Consume fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C.
5. Cayenne Pepper
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One of the most surprising cures for strep throat home remedies has cayenne pepper as a base ingredient. Cayenne has effective soothing properties, owing to its capsaicin content. If you use cayenne and other hot peppers, you’ll see that the pain caused by strep throat will quickly subside. As cayenne peppers provide quite a kick, we recommend using a bit of honey so you can wash it down.
- Boil one cup of water.
- Add half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper as it’s boiling.
- Add one teaspoon of honey.
- Wait until it cools a bit (but is still warm) and stir well before drinking.
6. Marshmallow Root
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If you were expecting those mouthwatering puffy white treats to be natural home remedies for strep throat, we’re sorry to disappoint you. However, what does work as a great home cure for strep throat is marshmallow root. This herb has been used for hundreds of years to cure a painful throat, thanks to its mucilage content.
*If you are a diabetic, please ask your doctor about taking marshmallow root beforehand because it tampers with blood sugar levels.
- Boil one cup of water.
- Add one tablespoon of dried marshmallow root.
- Steep for about half an hour.
- Strain and drink.
7. Licorice Root
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Licorice root is amazing for aggravated strep throat. This herb is stuffed with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties that can calm the pain and lead your way to a speedy recovery. You can make basic licorice root tea using just the ingredient, but you can also throw in some cinnamon and chamomile for even more benefits and a delicious taste.
- Boil 8 ounces of filtered water.
- Add 2 tablespoons of dried licorice root.
- Cover the mixture and let it steep for 15 minutes.
- Strain into a mug and drink twice a day
- As an alternative, use licorice root and water for gargling.
8. Honey
As you probably have already noticed, a great number of home remedies for strep throat treatment contain this wondrous ingredient we call honey. When consumed in its raw form, honey provides an almost overwhelming amount of benefits, both for strep throat and your general health.
- Consume a spoonful of honey several times throughout the day.
- Add honey to any herbal tea you prepare as at home treatment for strep throat.
9. Steam
If you’re frantically searching for home remedies for strep throat in kids, this is one of the safest methods you can go for. Please make sure that you apply this home remedy for strep throat infection together with your child, without leaving them unsupervised. It’s one of the cold and cough tricks that our grandmothers have been telling us about for ages.
- Fill a large bowl or pot with steaming hot water.
- Place your head carefully over the pot and cover yourself with a clean towel so the steam won’t escape.
- Deeply inhale the steam for as long as you can.
- Make sure your face or your child’s face isn’t too close to the water.
10. Baking Soda
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Another trustworthy home remedy for strep throat pain involves an ingredient that you will almost always have lying around the house – baking soda. Its powerful antibacterial properties attack the bacteria that caused your infection. It clears your throat, soothes the pain and helps you get back to good health.
- Get a cup of hot water.
- Add half a teaspoon of baking soda.
- Gargle two times consecutively three times every day for the best results.
11. Salt Water Gargle
As you have just read, gargling is one of the best home remedies for strep throat, especially if you don’t have a lot of ingredients at hand. You can gargle with or without baking soda, but remember to always include salt for a visible impact!
- Add a bit of salt to a glass of warm water.
- Gargle for as long as you can, making sure that the mixture reaches the back of your throat.
- Spit and repeat.
- Practice this several times throughout the day.
12. Chicken Soup
No wonder your mother used chicken soup among her go-to home remedies for strep throat symptoms. Not only does homemade chicken soup contain a variety of additional ingredients that are full of nutrients, but it also has an incredibly soothing effect on a sore throat. We recommend that you take some time to make chicken soup on your own and not eat a store-bought mixture.
- Put a rinsed 4-lb fresh whole chicken in a big pot.
- Add a selection of chopped vegetables: 1-2 medium onions, 2 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tablespoon of curry powder, several pinches of salt and pepper.
- Boil on high heat partially covered for 40 minutes.
- Eat the chicken soup when hot, but not so hot that it can burn your tongue or cause discomfort.
13. Peppermint
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As far as home remedies for strep throat that are more than a pleasure to consume are in discussion, peppermint deserves one of the top spots. Peppermint oil, in particular, is great as a throat spray for speeding up the normal strep throat treatment duration. Nevertheless, herbal peppermint tea is also an exceptional solution for curing an aching throat.
- Boil a cup of water.
- Add a few peppermint leaves.
- Let it steep for 10 minutes.
- Strain the tea and then drink it warm.
- Use throat sprays that contain peppermint oil.
14. Garlic
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Even though some home remedies for strep throat pain are extremely effective, they might not all be as comfortable to take. Garlic is one of the ingredients that we love using for tasty meals, but it’s hard to imagine eating a clove on its own. Nonetheless, the compound allicin found in garlic can fight bacteria like there’s no tomorrow. You can try more home remedies for sore throat here.
- Take one clove of fresh garlic.
- Cut it in half.
- Put both pieces inside your cheeks and suck on them.
- Don’t necessarily chew the garlic, but nibble the sides from time to time so you can get the compound.
15. Herbal Tea
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Lastly, herbal teas are among the very best home remedies for strep throat we have access to. You can prepare teas using the ingredients we have mentioned in our article, but there are also some other varieties to consider. The first ones are herbal teas that are specifically designed to battle sore throats, coughs, and colds. After that, you can try these varieties too.
- Brew herbal teas by mixing one cup of boiling water with a tablespoon of one of these dried herbs:
We can’t say that there is a home remedy for strep throat that can cure it for sure. But there are definitely plenty of home remedies for strep throat that you can experiment with in order to soothe the pain and speed up your recovery. If your strep throat persists after using these remedies, contact your doctor for professional assistance. Let us know which home remedy for strep throat worked best for you in a comment below!
I believe that gargling salt water can help relieve symptoms. But where do you get the proof the other stuff works? If strep is not treated it can become serious. I fail to understand how you can treat step without antibiotics.
Hey home healers, love the different home remedies for strep throat symptoms. When I get strep throat, I feel like I’m dying as the pain and inability to swallow seems unbearable. After I’ve gone to the doctor (strep throat is no joke), I need something to soothe my throat and ease the pain. There are some excellent home remedies for strep throat symptoms here and I’d add cinnamon & honey to the list too. I mix the two together with hot water and make a homemade tea. Any comments on this?
That’s a great idea, Leonard!
Thank you very much, we will make sure to add it to our list of remedies as soon as possible, all the best to you!
I’m always fascinated by home remedies. You look at something like these 15 home remedies for strep throat and you think, cayenne pepper—isn’t that going to hurt your throat? However, these things can be counterintuitive as you find what theoretically doesn’t make sense makes sense in reality. For example, I know hot mustard can be helpful for an acidic stomach, which runs contrary to logic. Anyone care to comment on this?
Hello, Chase!
Indeed it might seem counterintuitive for cayenne pepper to soothe a strep throat, but that is due to the capsaicin it contains, this is a natural compound that blocks pain receptors. Hot mustard works the same way, its alkaline properties neutralize stomach acid and soothe the burning sensation, therefore aiding in providing relief.