Ticks are small spider-like creatures of the arthropod family of insects. They attach themselves to a human or an animal, particularly cats and dogs, and suck blood. You will most often find ticks roaming around during warm seasons, spring and summer. When you’re not dealing with them, you’re exposing yourself or your pet to a lot of danger. Ticks can also carry around various diseases that could spread through your blood and develop into something much worse. Before you hit up your local pharmacy, know that there are actually certain home remedies for ticks which will do the job just as well without being intrusive or toxic. Below, you will find detailed explanations for every remedy and just how exactly you can use them.
1. Citrus
There is something about citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, or grapefruits that ticks just absolutely can’t stand. What’s incredibly yummy for us is incredibly destructive and toxic to these parasite insects. So, you can easily get rid of them if you have either of these fruits lying around. However, be careful not to use this method on cats since citrus is also toxic to them and you potentially harm them.
- All you need to do is peel some oranges and lemons and then add them to a pot you’ve filled with water.
- Bring this water to a boil and then wait for the solution to cool down to room temperature.
- Apply the remedy to the affected areas on the body.
2. Garlic
You can also repent these irritating pests using garlic, which has certain properties that simply makes them want to flee in terror. Furthermore, you can use garlic in all kinds of ways in order for the effects to kick in. And the best part is that it’s good both for you and your pets, as long as you’re keeping it in small doses.
- It’s very simple to use garlic to get rid of ticks. For humans, you just need to include it more frequently in your cooking. This is easy given how seamlessly you can incorporate garlic in your everyday cooking.
- Moreover, you can do the same thing for your pets, but be mindful to not add to their food more than 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder, which is milder than normal garlic.
3. Baking Soda
Baking soda has a very particular stench which is basically poison for these pestering little insects. With that in mind, it can become very easy to get rid of the ticks as long as you simply have some baking soda lying around the house. And given how much of a common item it is, you probably already do.
- Mix 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda with some salt and then incorporate with 4 ounces of apple cider vinegar.
- Add this solution to a spray bottle for greater effect and shake it well so that everything incorporates thoroughly.
- Spray the substance directly onto your pets and watch as the ticks slowly ‘immigrate’ from their fur.
4. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is a natural astringent and that in itself implies that it has some properties which make it an excellent repellent for these insects. You can find witch hazel in plenty of drugstores and pharmacies, so it’s definitely one of the home remedies for ticks that you can acquire in the blink of an eye.
- Mix together 10 parts witch hazel with 1 part eucalyptus oil. This will create a thick, pasty substance that you’ll be able to apply directly onto the suffering areas.
- You may also prepare a solution that you can add to a spray bottle. To do so, you simply need to add some witch hazel to 8 ounces of water and 40 drops of essential oil. Use to spray directly to your pets.
5. Mint
Mint is quite an excellent combo when dealing with this problem. It contains some compounds which aren’t particularly pleasant for ticks. Moreover, if they’ve been on long enough to cause damage in the shape of itching and likewise, it also has soothing and cooling abilities. In other words, it’s something that you can certainly rely on.
- Add 10 mint leaves to a container with warm water.
- Then, also add the juice of 2 lemons with 10 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
- Let the mix settle for a few minutes and then apply directly to the sensitive area.
6. Vaseline
There are certain synthetic products which only tend to irritate the skin further, so you wouldn’t initially believe them to be your allies. Vaseline is one of those products that actually do not. It’s highly toxic to ticks, causing them to suffocate and die off almost instantly. Plus, it’s safe both for pets and humans.
- You simply need to apply some Vaseline to the sensitive areas and to let it work its magic.
- One particularity that makes Vaseline one of the most brilliant home remedies for ticks is that it’s so safe you can use it to get rid of these insects in delicate areas. For instance, you can use Vaseline to deal with the tick issue from your dog’s ears.
7. Coconut Oil
For one reason or another, coconut oil seems to be an excellent insect repellent period. Whenever there’s some coconut oil around, the insects just turn heel and flee the areas they’ve been inhabiting nearly instantly. Plus, it also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which will ensure the ticks won’t be leaving any infections or bad irritations behind.
- To get rid of ticks using coconut oil, heat a bit of oil in a teaspoon
- Dab the oil around the affected using your finger, or a cotton ball
- Leave the oil on for an hour
- Gently try to remove the tick after that
8. Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon in general has a very powerful scent; we all know that. While it’s not necessarily of much bother to us, it definitely troubles ticks, which tend to turn around and flee the other way as soon as they encounter some. Cinnamon oil is a quick and accessible method of channeling the powers of cinnamon, which you may also enhance using garlic.
- To create a solution using cinnamon oil, simply mix 80 drops of the oil with 1 ounce of water and this will be enough to earn a powerful weapon against ticks.
- Another thing you can do is add as much garlic as you like. But keep in mind that we don’t recommend using this solution on your pets.
- Just add to a spray bottle or use a cotton ball to apply the solution directly to the skin.
9. Cloves
Whether it’s in their natural, herbal form or in the form of oil, cloves make fantastic home remedies for ticks. The best part is that, just like all the other home remedies for ticks we’ve mentioned throughout this guide, it’s entirely natural and you won’t have to worry about unpleasant toxicity.
- Take a handful of clove leaves and then grind them to a thin powder.
- Afterward, you only need to boil them in some water for a few minutes.
- Finally, add to a bottle spray so that you can apply it directly to the affected area.
- You may also use this substance to spray around the house and make the ticks flee your home altogether.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar
Truly, what is there that apple cider vinegar can’t do? It’s a fantastic method of boosting your health in general and, above all, it’s perfectly natural and will do you no harm. ACV is great for humans and pets alike and keeping a bottle around the house will always come in handy, especially when looking for home remedies for ticks.
- Dilute one part vinegar with one part clear water
- First, apply the solution to the back of your hand, to check the concentration. Do not apply the solution if you feel a burning sensation, or if the area you tested on turns red
- Use a spray bottle or a cotton ball to be able to apply the solution directly to the skin, if the concentration is right
11. Dish Wash Detergent
It would be pretty surreal to find someone that doesn’t have some dish wash detergent in their house. For this particular reason, dish wash detergent is an excellently handy remedy for the tick problem. Obviously, it’s not the kind of treatment you administer orally, but it’s not criteria for the home remedies for ticks we’ve chosen, anyway.
- Pour some liquid detergent into a bowl
- Add a little bit of water to dilute it.
- Use a spray bottle or a cotton ball which you will soak in the solution in order to apply directly to the rash that the tick has caused.
12. Rose Geranium
You will most commonly find this herb in the form of essential oils, which is good news since plenty of stores sell essential oils of all kinds. Rose geranium has some great benefits for the skin, helping it recover from the bumps and rashes that the ticks have left behind. And, of course, it will also help in getting rid of these insects, which is precisely what you’re looking for.
- Combine 20 drops of rose geranium essential oil with 3 tablespoons of almond oil. The almond oil will enhance its beneficial properties, ensuring that you’ll end up with a fantastic weapon against these pesky ticks.
- Afterwards, simply apply directly to the affected area and the ticks will flee in no time.
It’s very important to pay extra attention to your surroundings whenever you leave your house during spring or summer, particularly during the latter. Fleas and ticks lurk everywhere around you and they attach themselves to clueless trespassers of all kinds of species. To keep your loved ones safe, whether it’s humans or pets we’re talking about, you will only need one of the home remedies for ticks we’ve previously enlisted. You can find them easily and they are completely harmless to humans, cats, and dogs, which we can’t say about ticks, obviously.
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