An ulcer is a lesion that develops on the walls of the stomach or the intestines. According to researchers from the American Gastroenterological Association, over four million people develop ulcers in their stomachs and intestines every year. The research further indicates that one in 10 people in America suffer from ulcers at one point in life. Ulcers are chronic and can make life uncomfortable if not treated well. While there are several over the counter drugs to treat ulcers, most of them are expensive and ineffective. This article will show you cheap home remedies for ulcers.
Give home remedies for ulcers a go to see which one works for you!
1. Fenugreek Seeds
When moistened, fenugreek seeds form a mucilaginous compound. The compound then forms a coating over the intestinal walls. The coating is like a protective shell that shields the wall from the acidic gastric juices and allows the ulcers to heal well.
- Boil one to two fenugreek leaves in a cup of water.
- Add one tablespoon of salt to the boiling water.
- Allow the water to cool for five minutes then sip it twice a day.
- Ensure you sip the water for at least one week to achieve perfect results.
2. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is also one of the effective home remedies for ulcers most people ignore. Cayenne pepper contains a substance known as capsaicin that prevents the secretion of stomach acids just like the artificial proton pump inhibitors. It also boosts the production of alkalis, stimulates the secretion of mucus on the intestinal walls and accelerates the rate of flow of blood in the soft-tissue organs. This prevents the development ulcers and accelerates the healing process.
- Mix a quarter tablespoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of warm water.
- Drink the mixture twice a day for the first three days.
- Gradually increase the amount from the fourth day.
- Take this mixture for at least two weeks for optimum results.
Another alternative is to take cayenne capsules available in local health stores. However, you will have to part ways with an extra dollar to get one capsule. You can also add cayenne pepper to soups during meals.
3. Coconut
Coconut is one of the most popular home remedies for ulcers. It contains a compound that possesses antibacterial properties. In this case, it kills the bacteria that is responsible for most ulcers in the stomach.
- Heat two cups of water.
- Grind two coconuts in a grater.
- Use a blender to mix the grated coconut and water.
- Strain and boil the coconut liquid.
- Drink a few cups of the liquid on a daily basis.
- Follow this treatment procedure for at least one week for optimum results.
- Take one tablespoon of the liquid in the evening and another one in the morning for better results.
4. Licorice
Licorice contains chemicals that stimulate the production of mucus by the stomach and intestinal linings. The mucus produced by the linings forms a protective barrier that prevents further invasion by the acidic gastric juices. This, in turn, reduces the intensity of pain someone experiences during ulcer flare ups.
- Mix at least one tablespoon of licorice powder in a cup of water.
- Cover the cup and let it stay still for at least eight hours.
- Add one cup of cooked and broken rice and eat it daily.
- Repeat this treatment procedure for more than one week for best results.
- Use licorice tea twice in a day for one week as an alternative.
Another option is to buy glycyrrhizin licorice tablets from the local stores. Chew or swallow one tablet three times a day for one week.
5. Bananas
Ripe and unripe bananas are good home remedies for ulcers in equal measure. Bananas contain certain antibacterial elements that inhibit the growth of H-Pylori, a bacteria responsible for most stomach ulcers. The bananas can also protect someone with ulcers by removing the acids in the stomach. You can easily treat ulcers by eating both ripe and unripe bananas. Additionally, bananas are also effective as a home remedy for upset stomach.
- Cut the bananas into thin pieces.
- Put the pieces in a pan and expose them to the sun until they become dry.
- Take the dried pieces and grind them until they turn into fine powder.
- Mix at least two tablespoons of the powder with one tablespoon of honey.
- Ensure you take this mixture at least two times a day for about six days.
6. Honey
Honey is at the top of our list of best homes remedies for ulcers because of the extensive research that has been done on it to prove its medical benefits. Honey is rich in an enzyme known as the glucose oxidase. Glucose oxidase produces hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide inhibits the growth of the bacteria that causes ulcers. Honey also soothes and reduces the rate of inflammation in the intestinal walls.
- Take one to two tablespoons of raw honey on a daily basis.
- Make sure your stomach is empty before you take the honey.
- Mix an active honey with a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder and use it on a daily basis for better results.
7. Garlic
Research currently shows that garlic now appears to inhibit the growth of H-pylori. An overgrowth of the bacteria results in severe cases of ulcers. It contains compounds that exhibit microbial activity against the bacteria responsible for ulcers.
- Choose the best garlic in the market. Ensure it is free from parasites and does not have growths.
- Use a grater to reduce the garlic into tiny pieces.
- Put the grated garlic in water and drink it once in a day.
- Use the same procedure for one week in order to achieve optimum results.
- A good dose should inhibit the activity of the bacteria and reduce the inflammation of the stomach walls.
8. Wood Apple
Wood apple, which is also known as Bael, is a useful ulcers home remedy. The leaves of the wood apple contain a compound known as tannin. Tannin protects the stomach and intestinal lining against the invasion by dangerous acids present in gastric juices. The juice that is removed from the apple fruit produced by the wood is also an important anti-inflammatory agent.
- Take two to three wood apple leaves in one cup of water in a vessel over the night.
- Press the mixture and drink it while your stomach is still empty.
- Follow this treatment procedure on a daily basis for a few weeks until you notice improvements.
9. Raw Cabbage
Cabbage belongs to a special category of lactic acid foods that produce amino acids. Amino acids improve the blood flow in the linings of the stomach and the intestines. When there is a perfect blood flow in the stomach and intestinal linings, their walls will be in a better position to fight acid invasion and heal the ulcers. Cabbage also contains a significant amount of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is highly beneficial to people who have ulcers caused by H-Pylori.
- Cut a half of raw cabbage and two carrots into smaller pieces.
- Put the pieces in a blender to extract the juice.
- Filter the mixture and come up with the extract of the juice.
- Drink a half a cup of the juice before every meal and whenever you go to bed.
- Repeat this procedure for a few weeks.
- Prepare a fresh juice every time to avoid complications.
10. Almond Milk
Almond milk is a better treatment option than regular milk. The milk contains compounds that bind to the excess acid in the stomach. This in turn reduces the severity of the pain that occurs when the acid invades the open sores and corrodes them further.
- Get a few almonds and soak them in water.
- Leave the seeds in water for some time until they become soft.
- Once they become soft, use a blender to mix them with milk.
- Drink the blended milk every morning and evening.
- Repeat the procedure for about two weeks for optimum results.
11. Aniseed
Aniseed is also among the best home remedies for ulcers because of its potent properties that are generated by the volatile oils it contains. The volatile oils help cool the lining of the stomach this reduces the intensity of burning you often feel due to the acidity. The seed also helps reduce the severity of constipation caused by the ulcers, making it one of the best home remedies for ulcers.
- Chew the aniseed on a daily basis for few weeks.
- Boil a few seeds in water and leave them for at least eight hours in case you have a persistent ulcer.
- Drink the mixture whenever you experience flares.
- Drink the mixture whenever you wake up to prevent any pain during the day
12. Baking Soda
Baking soda is suitable for mouth ulcers. It is a component of sodium bicarbonate that neutralizes the acidity in the mouth, which is caused by acidic foods and drinks. It also prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth and reduces inflammation. However, you might experience a burning sensation whenever you apply it on your mouth, so you should dilute it with water.
- Take one tablespoon of baking soda and mix with water.
- Mix the baking soda until it makes a thick paste.
- Apply the paste on the affected area.
- Repeat this treatment at least three times a day.
In conclusion, these home remedies for ulcers are readily available and have no side effects, except some burning sensations. The good thing is that you can easily prepare them at home without spending an extra dollar. If you use them as instructed in this article, you will begin to see improvements after three days. However, you should continue to use them for at least one week for optimum results. In case you have some ulcers home remedies that helped you at some point, feel free to share your experience with us.
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