Periodontal disease is a worryingly common affliction that can affect a number of people for a number of reasons, just varied enough to leave almost anyone vulnerable to their effects. It’s a form of gingivitis in its later development stages which manifests through inflammation, swelling, difficulty when eating or talking, and more. This is a particularly serious issue that can lead into even worse conditions, making it absolutely necessary to consult a dentist to ensure that you’ll be able to prevent that. Aside from the medication that the doctor will give you, you can use home remedies for periodontal disease such as the ones that you are going to discover below. Read our recommendations, our instructions, and get to putting them in practice for the bettering of your situation.
1. Salt Water
Salt water should be the first of your treatment options. This is because it’s, obviously, very easy to prepare and affordable, but also because salt is highly purifying, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory.
- Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of salt into 1 cup of water.
- Rinse your mouth using this salty solution.
- You should preferably swoosh it around your mouth, but if you find that this process is too painful, you should instead simply try idly holding it in.
- Spit out and then clean your mouth using plain, fresh water.
- Repeat this treatment until you finally get to the effects you desire.
2. Turmeric
Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that is among the best anti-inflammatory agents that you can find in nature. It will target the swellings and the pain that are some of the toughest symptoms to deal with.
- Add a little bit of water to 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric until you get a pasty consistency.
- Apply directly to your gums using your clean finger and let it sit for 5 minutes.
- Then, gently massage the paste into your gums for an additional minute.
- Finally, rinse thoroughly using warm water and make sure to repeat this treatment daily for the next 1-2 weeks.
3. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the best home remedies for periodontal disease because of its strong antibacterial properties. It’s going to provide you with the comfort you need whenever the pain is giving you a lot of trouble.
- Dilute 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in a glass of water. It’s important to do this since undiluted tea tree oil can cause potential tissue damage.
- Use as a mouthwash by thoroughly swishing around the mouth for 1 minute.
- Finally, rinse with lots of water.
- Repeat this process daily to get the best of results.
4. Holy Basil
Basil is a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic, definitely making it one of the best home remedies for periodontal disease. It’s also good for circulation and proper circulation is always one of the first steps toward proper recovery.
- Bring 3 cups of water to a boil.
- Add 2 teaspoons of basil leaves and cinnamon powder.
- Reduce heat and then let everything simmer for 20 minutes.
- Finally, strain the mixture and enjoy the tea while it’s still warm.
- Drink this solution daily for 1 week.
5. Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of nature’s greatest home remedies for periodontal disease and one of nature’s best antioxidant agents. It’s going to create an alkaline environment in your mouth to shun away bacteria, thus dealing with this condition at its root.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a pinch of turmeric until you get a mixture that you can apply to your gums.
- Use it to massage your gums for a few minutes.
- Finally, rinse with warm water and repeat this process daily for the next few days or until the pain goes away.
6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a cooling plant with excellent pain soothing properties. If the pain of this condition is giving you a lot of trouble, a solution using aloe vera gel is going to provide you with the relief you need.
- Acquire 1 aloe vera leaf and then cut it to procure the gel.
- Rub the gel with your clean finger directly against your teeth and massage for 1-2 minutes.
- Lastly, rinse using warm water and make sure to repeat the process daily until you’re noticing improvements in your condition.
7. Lemon Oil
Lemon is able to restore the pH levels of your body in order to create that alkaline environment to keep bacteria away. It also has lots of vitamin C, which is crucial to strengthening your immune system and making it able to fight against infections.
- Combine 10 drops of lemon oil with 1 cup of hot water.
- Mix everything well and then gargle with this solution for about 1 minute.
- Wash your mouth thoroughly with cool water.
- Repeat this process 2 times a week after brushing your teeth to start seeing results.
8. Honey
Another one of the many great home remedies for periodontal disease, honey is a classic. Honey is a reliable antiseptic agent, one that people have been using to deal with inflammations of all kinds. You can easily use it for your oral health as well and get some excellent results.
- In a cup which contains some warm water add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey.
- Stir everything together really well and then drink the resulting mixture slowly several times throughout the day.
- Alternatively, you could add the juice of 1 lemon to 1/2 cup of warm water and then use the resulting solution to gargle twice daily.
9. Chamomile Essenial Oil
Chamomile has always been a fantastic remedy when you’re in need of relief. Although mainly good for stomach discomfort, it’s also among the best home remedies for periodontal disease.
- To a glass of water, add 2 drops of chamomile essential oil, 2 drops of tea tree essential oil, and 2 drops of peppermint essential oil.
- Rinse your mouth with this solution, swooshing it around for 2-3 minutes.
- Once you spit out, clean your mouth using normal water.
10. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a powerful antiseptic that you should absolutely consider to use as a treatment for your issue. It will destroy the bacteria and provide much-needed relief when you’re struggling with the pain.
- Lightly warm up 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
- Then, rub it between your fingers and gently massage it into the gums, applying to slight pressure to the sensitive areas.
- Let the gums absorb as much of the oil as possible and then rinse off using lukewarm water.
- Repeat this process 2-3 times a day for the next few days until the symptoms have disappeared.
11. Green Tea
Many people associate green tea with relaxation and comfort and there is a good reason for it as well. Brew up some green tea in order to soothe the gum pain that is one of the primary symptoms of this condition. It’s definitely one of the home remedies for periodontal disease to give a shot to.
- Prepare some green tea by firs boiling 1 cup of water.
- In a cup, place 1 bag of green tea or 2 teaspoons of dried green tea leaves.
- Pour the hot water in the cup, cover and allow the tea to steep for 5 minutes.
- Finally, remove and strain (if using leaves).
- Drink 1 cup daily while it’s still warm in order to preserve your oral health.
12. Clove Oil
Cloves are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ingredients. Clove oil, in particular, is going to bring you the benefits of cloves in a form that makes it much easier for you to apply and utilize it.
- All you have to do is to warm up a little bit of clove oil.
- Afterwards, you just have to apply it to your gums by using massaging, circular motions. This will also stimulate circulation and boost your recovery.
- Keep doing this for 15 minutes and then repeat as many times as you need for the pain to completely submerge.
13. Cranberry
Cranberries are prime sources of vitamin C, a substance that will strengthen your immune system to make it able to fight off infections and bacteria a lot more efficiently. Prepare your own cranberry juice at home and enjoy all the effects it has to offer.
- Add 1 pound of cranberries and water to a pan and then place over heat.
- Next, bring to a boil.
- Afterwards, reduce heat and wait until the berries burst.
- Strain the juice and then return to heat until it’s almost boiling.
- Finally, store in jars and refrigerate before drinking.
- Consume several times throughout the day.
14. Black Tea
Tea in general has great soothing properties, but black tea in particular is amazing. This is because of tinoid, the primary compound found in it which has great anti-inflammatory abilities.
- Add a bag of black tea to a cup of boiling water and then let it steep for 2-3 minutes.
- Remove the tea bag and then let it cool down until you can safely have it touch your skin.
- Press the tea bag over your sensitive area for 10-15 minutes.
- Lastly, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and repeat this process daily for the best of effects.
15. Ginger
Last but not least, ginger is a classic remedy for all kinds of pains and inflammations. It can even target bacteria to annihilate the source of your discomfort, but it’s definitely its pain-soothing prowess that makes it excellent.
- Grind some ginger until you form a smooth paste.
- Next, add in about 1/4 of salt and then mix everything thoroughly.
- Finally, using your clean finger, rub onto the sensitive areas and let it sit for 2-3 minutes.
- Rinse with warm water and repeat this process daily for the next few weeks to get the effects you desire.
Of course, as always, prevention will always be the best cure. If you notice the signs of gingivitis from early on, it’s mandatory to try to keep it from developing into this late-stage variant. But if you can’t, there’s no need to despair. With these home remedies for periodontal disease and the aid of a professional doctor, it’s definitely possible to recover and to ease the symptoms of this affliction.
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