We have all heard that there are quite a few honey and cinnamon benefits that we should consider, but exactly what are the benefits of honey and cinnamon and why are they so important? The countless cinnamon and honey benefits that have been proven until now make them some of the healthiest ingredients in the world.
Not only are they part of outnumbered home remedies for a wide range of health issues, but they are also highly encouraged to be taken on their own or combined. In fact, the health benefits of honey and cinnamon combo are even greater than you could imagine.
But what makes cinnamon and honey health benefits so appealing for individuals seeking natural remedies? Find out by exploring these 15 amazing honey and cinnamon benefits!
1. Cancer Prevention
We will start with one of the best raw honey and cinnamon health benefits first. As Natural News explains, one of the benefits of honey and cinnamon tea is cancer prevention. Studies have been carried out regarding the anti-cancer benefit of honey and cinnamon ever since the 90s, but it only recently has it gained widespread media attention.
Without getting into too many complicated medical terms, the anti-cancer benefit of cinnamon and honey exists thanks to the phytochemical content of these ingredients. These agents have proven to help prevent cancer, in addition to the anti-tumor benefits that cinnamon has on its own. Not only can honey and cinnamon help prevent cancer, but in some cases it can inhibit the growth of cancerous cells in the body.
2. Cholesterol Control
Those who suffer from heart-related health issues can count on the benefits of cinnamon and honey tea for keeping their condition under control. Among the numerous cinnamon and honey tea benefits we can also find its power to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. These natural ingredients can help keep the levels low and protect the heart from potentially fatal disease.
While you should not rely only on raw honey and cinnamon benefits for managing heart disease, they can play a big role in staying healthy in a natural way. If you suffer from a cardiovascular disorder, speak with your doctor about using these ingredients as part of your treatment or prevention methods.
3. Diabetes Management
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) report that 29.1 million individuals in the United States suffer from diabetes, the equivalent of 9.3% of the entire population in the country. With alarming statistics like these, it’s natural that honey and cinnamon benefits diabetes patients can use would be frequently sought-after.
The good news is that the health benefits of honey and cinnamon together can play a major role in managing diabetes. Cinnamon, in particular, is an amazing agent for combatting diabetes, as it is full of flavonoids. These are powerful antioxidants that are quite similar to insulin. When mixed with honey, cinnamon can truly help patients that suffer from type 2 diabetes cope with their condition.
4. Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss
The benefits of cinnamon and honey for weight loss are probably the most popular of all. It is said that combining honey and cinnamon with a bit of water can aid in the weight loss process. However, no matter how appealing these honey and cinnamon benefits weight loss properties may seem, they should always be just a small part of any plan.
The only effective way to lose weight is by maintaining a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise and water. If you add cinnamon and honey water benefits to the situation, you are bound to get the body of your dreams in no time. Please remember that drastic weight loss doesn’t take place overnight; you need to be committed and persistent to achieve your goals.
5. Colds & Infections
If you are wondering ‘what are the benefits of cinnamon and honey when it comes to everyday illnesses?’, you should know that there are more than enough to talk about. As far as colds and coughs are concerned, honey and cinnamon are some of the basic ingredients that you can use to speed your recovery up. Among the health benefits honey and cinnamon combo can get you are antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that will aid you in getting back to good health after a nasty cold. Even more so, honey and cinnamon remedies health benefits also cover some kinds of infections. For example, bladder infections can be treated with these ingredients. To get rid of the bacteria in your urinary system, all you have to do is mix half a teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass of water. Drink up!
6. Memory Enhancement
One of the surprising benefits of eating honey and cinnamon is that it effectively boosts your memory. Quite a lot of people already know that honey is praised for increasing memory, but did you know that adding cinnamon can improve this even more? Even more so, honey and cinnamon combined can also sharpen your mental alertness, making them all-around excellent ingredients for this category of skills.
Even though there isn’t that much research to back up this claim about honey and cinnamon benefits, it is definitely a 100% safe solution to look into if you want to improve your memory and alertness.
7. Insect Bite Relief
When bug season rolls around, we all start dreading the idea of having our bodies covered in insect bites. Mosquitoes and all sorts of other tiny critters can leave us itching and scratching for days on end. You’re probably thinking ‘but wait, what are the health benefits of cinnamon and honey for this aspect?’.
Well, you should be happy to find out that these ingredients contain loads of properties that can help you with seasonal insect bites. While honey has strong antiseptic properties, cinnamon is widely regarded as a top anti-inflammatory agent. If you combine the two, you get the ultimate home remedy for stopping the itching that comes with insect bites. Furthermore, this combo also helps prevent infection, so you should consider taking them with you during your next camping trip.
8. Energy Boost
Sharpening memory or mental alertness aren’t the only honey and cinnamon benefits you can expect from frequent consumption. These amazing ingredients can also boost your energy like there’s no tomorrow. This is owing to the incredibly high nutritional content that both cinnamon and honey have.
We will get into more detail about the abundance of vitamins and minerals that honey and cinnamon have in a separate section below. In the meantime, you should strongly consider using them if you feel fatigued or just in need of a little energy boost. Trust us, they are far healthier than energy drinks or other harmful ingredients.
9. Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon Water for the Immune System
If you don’t have a strong immune system, how can you expect to stay away from disease? One of the main reasons why you might be getting sick all the time is that your immune system isn’t properly protected. A great natural way to boost your immune system is to consume the exceptional ingredients we have been talking about in our article.
The anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties we previously described are essential for keeping your immune system in tip top shape. If you master this health tip, you will soon see that you won’t be getting sick as often and that you will feel amazing.
10. Nutrient Powerhouse
As promised, we will now cover some of the best honey and cinnamon benefits: nutrients. Both of these ingredients are literally stuffed with more minerals and vitamins than you could have ever imagined. They are often regarded as a nutritional powerhouse for this very reason. When you combine these two ingredients, you also mix their health-supporting nutrients, like protein, fiber or water. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals you can find in both cinnamon and honey:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B-6
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Riboflavin
- Folate
- Niacin
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Iron
- Zinc
- Sodium
11. Arthritis Relief
Another health issue that is almost just as common as diabetes in the United States is arthritis. In another report, the CDC explains that almost 1 in 2 people in the U.S. may develop symptomatic knee osteoarthritis by the time they reach 85 years old, while 1 in 4 people might get hip arthritis by that same age.
Moreover, individuals who are obese also have increased chances of developing arthritis in their lifetime. Even though cinnamon and honey can’t help you prevent arthritis altogether, they can soothe the horrible pain that comes with this condition. They both aid in alleviating severe joint pain and promoting bone health.
12. Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey for Skin & Hair
If we were to classify honey and cinnamon benefits by popularity, the honey and cinnamon benefits for skin would definitely come in at first place. No wonder we can find dozens of commercial products that highlight honey and cinnamon face mask benefits – these ingredients are wondrous for maintaining clear and healthy skin.
The benefits of honey and cinnamon mask are, above all, anti-aging, as they are said to help prevent or smooth out wrinkles. Some other benefits of honey and cinnamon on skin is that they can help with irritations, blemishes or pimples. They are also outstanding for treating acne, but we will talk more about that separately below.
13. Easing Digestion
No matter how careful we are with what we eat, we still face digestive problems every now and then. If you are currently suffering from indigestion or excessive flatulence, try drinking a bit of cinnamon and honey tea or water and see how you feel afterwards.
This natural solution for digestive issues works even better when you use it often, so try to incorporate more cinnamon and honey into your daily diet for the best effects. You can drink either warm or ice cinnamon and honey tea or add them to your favorite whole grain cereal.
14. Dental Health Benefits of Raw Honey and Cinnamon
We all know that a toothache can seem like a nightmare come true. The only thing we want to do is get rid of the terrible pain as fast as we can. Lucky for us, another one of the honey and cinnamon benefits is that it can relieve the pain from toothache. Often, a paste that combines honey and cinnamon is made to alleviate the pain and has actually proven to help.
In addition to toothaches, cinnamon and honey can also help treat bad breath. A similar mixture is used for the second situation, so think about using these ingredients to boost your dental health.
15. Honey and Cinnamon Benefits for Acne
Last but definitely not least, cinnamon and honey benefits also extend to acne treatment. Those who suffer from acne know how difficult it is to live with the condition and they are constantly searching for new methods to treat it naturally. As we explained in another section above, the anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties in honey and cinnamon can greatly aid in natural skin care.
Furthermore, the combination can be used for lowering the effects of acne. Speak with your dermatologist about trying a honey and cinnamon paste for treating your case of acne.
To wrap everything up, you can clearly see why honey and cinnamon benefits are so popular. Not only are these two ingredients absolutely delicious from all points of view, but they are also extremely effective for treating or preventing countless health problems. The best way to enjoy honey and cinnamon benefits is to use them frequently, so try to get as much of these tasty ingredients into your daily diet as possible. If you suffer from any serious health conditions, please get in touch with your doctor and ask them about using cinnamon and honey for your issue. Why do you use honey and cinnamon to boost your health? Let us know in a comment below!
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