If you find yourself looking up tips on how to get rid of a UTI, it means that you are probably in pain at the moment and you want to find ways to get rid of a urinary tract infection. Consequently, advice on how to get rid of a UTI fast and naturally are frequently being sought after by individuals across the globe. To help you relieve the pain and regain your health, check out our top 13 remedies on how to get rid of a UTI without antibiotics.
Tips on How to Get Rid of a UTI naturally at Home
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1. Hot Compress
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The most basic tip on how to get rid of UTI out of all is simply applying heat. A reliable hot compress can reduce the inflammation that causes you pain from urinary tract infections. In addition to this, it can also reduce the amount of pressure placed on your bladder. Moreover, to give you a bit of background info, the American Urological Association estimates that 150 million urinary tract infections take place every year around the world.
- Pour hot water into a large bottle or use a heating pad – either one will work just fine.
- Put the hot compress on the lower part of your abdomen and lie down.
- Contact your doctor If you still feel severe pain after about an hour or so.
2. Ginger Root Tea
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If you want to learn how to get rid of UTI fast, ginger just might be the answer to all of your problems. Ginger root tea has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate the pain associated with urinary tract infections. It’s best if you brew your own pot of ginger root tea at home to reap its natural benefits.
- Take a piece of ginger root and cut it into small pieces.
- Boil a cup of water and add the pieces of ginger.
- Allow it to cool and strain.
- Drink the ginger root tea.
- Repeat this daily until the pain goes away.
3. Cucumber
Eating more cucumbers is a great way to improve your chances of getting rid of a UTI without medication. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases adds that it is the second most common infection that takes place in the human body. The reason why cucumbers are so effective for urinary tract infections is that they contain an abundance of water, which you will soon find out is almost necessary for naturally treating UTIs. This is a particularly useful tip for people who have trouble drinking a lot of water.
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- Try to incorporate more cucumbers into your diet.
- Slice a cucumber into a bowl and enjoy it as a snack.
- Eat cucumber salads as often as possible as an alternative.
4. Celery Seeds
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When thinking about how to get rid of a UTI infection celery seeds are probably not the first thing you would think could help you. However, this doesn’t make them any less effective than they truly are for naturally treating a urinary tract infection. As a general note, diuretics are highly recommended when suffering from a UTI. As celery seeds are an excellent diuretic, you should definitely consider them for treating a urinary tract infection the natural way. Even though there is no clear scientific evidence to back up the claim that celery seeds can be a remedy on how to get rid of a UTI, numerous users have applauded its positive impact.
- Consume some celery seeds after eating a meal.
- Repeat this process once or twice daily for the best effects.
5. Vitamin C
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If you have got this far and are still asking yourself ‘how do I get rid of a UTI without antibiotics?’, it means that you should really take this point into consideration. The great part about this home remedy is that it’s not limiting and doesn’t involve highly specific ingredients, like some of the other natural solutions on our list. Instead, it’s rather a strong recommendation that you add more foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C is also good to be used as a home remedy for a kidney infection, and especially during pregnancy by women.
- Eat more food with high vitamin C content: tomatoes, melon, kiwi, banana, oranges, papaya.
- Take vitamin C supplements, however it is best to first consult with your doctor.
6. Cranberry Juice
Like we mentioned before, cranberries are amazing for getting rid of a UTI naturally. Not only do they contain a lot of vitamin C, but they are also full of compounds that can inhibit bacteria growth. Please note that the cranberry juice you drink should not be sweetened. If the taste is too harsh, you can add a bit of fresh apple juice.
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- Enjoy ½ a glass of cranberry juice on a daily basis to prevent a UTI.
- Consume between 3 and 4 glasses daily of cranberry juice if you already have a UTI.
*If you have suffered from kidney stones in the past, do not drink cranberry juice!
7. Tea Tree Oil
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If you’re searching for ingredients for how to get rid of a urinary tract infection fast with wondrous antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is definitely the way to go. It is a common natural solution that can help speed up the recovery process without causing any additional harm. Please note that tea tree oil is only for topical use; any oral consumption can be toxic. You can also use tea tree oil in the treatment of boils.
- Prepare a basin of warm water with about ten drops of tea tree oil.
- Wash the opening of your urethra with this solution.
- Rub a bit of tea tree oil mixed with sandalwood and juniper oil on the lower part of your abdomen to reduce the pain.
8. Pineapple
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You should try out pineapple if you want to cure a UTI fast. One of the tastiest fruits available is actually one of the most popular home remedies on how to get rid of a UTI. There is an enzyme in pineapples that has superhero anti-inflammatory properties (Bromelain) that can effectively reduce the symptoms of a urinary tract infection.
- Slice some fresh pineapple and enjoy regularly to prevent and treat urinary tract infections.
- Alternatively, you can juice some pineapple from home.
9. Blueberries
Aside from being a great tip on how to get rid of UTI symptoms, blueberries are actually some of the healthiest fruits on the planet. They have incredible properties that can inhibit the growth and expansion of bacteria. Their antioxidant content also plays a huge role in a natural recovery from a urinary tract infection. You can also consume them if you suffer from pregnancy nausea.
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- Consider eating fresh blueberries on a daily basis until your pain goes away.
- Add them to a fruit salad, your whole grain cereal or just eat a handful.
10. Baking Soda
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Baking soda is already a ‘regular’ as far as our home remedies are concerned, so it’s pretty normal for it to also be a natural solution for curing a UTI at home fast. This multi-purpose ingredient can not only help you around the house, but it can also help you treat a wide range of minor health issues like an abscess tooth or constipation. Baking soda works by neutralizing the acidity in the urine and alleviating the pain that comes with a UTI.
- Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda and add it to an 8 oz. glass of water.
- Drink this solution once or twice on a daily basis.
11. Horseradish Root
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You might not already have horseradish lying around the house, but you might as well get some fast because it is a powerful ingredient for getting rid of a urinary infection. It has plenty of ingredients that can successfully attack bacteria and heal your urinary tract infection in a natural way. Please note that horseradish is a spicy ingredient and might be difficult for some to take.
- Grate one teaspoon of fresh horseradish root.
- Consume it twice every day.
- Wash it down with a glass of milk or water if you find it hard to eat.
12. Parsley Water
Remember what we said about diuretics being amazing tips on how to treat a UTI fast? Well, parsley is definitely among them. Parsley water, to be precise. If you haven’t enjoyed this drink before, you should know that it’s incredibly refreshing, generally speaking. It helps you eliminate urine and, subsequently, the bacteria that comes with it. Moreover, it also works great as a home remedy for shortness of breath.
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- Boil one to two cups of water.
- Add one cup of fresh parsley.
- Allow it to cool and enjoy this daily.
13. Drink Water
While this might not act as a tip on how to cure UTI fast, it will promote the recovery process and help you prevent urinary tract infections from occurring in the future. Water in abundance helps you empty your bladder, so you can understand why drinking a lot of water would help you throughout the process.
- Consume at least the daily recommended amount of fresh water – at least eight full glasses a day.
- Drink even more on a daily basis, if possible, at least until your urinary tract infection passes.
- Add a bit of lemon for taste and to get some more vitamin C.
After trying out these tips on how to relieve a UTI fast and how to get rid of urinary infection in general, you are bound to have found one that is suitable for your case. Remember, home remedies on how to get rid of a UTI can have a different impact on different bodies, so it might take a bit to go through them all and find one that’s right for you. Furthermore, you should always get in touch with your doctor and see what treatment is best for your UTI. Which natural ingredient worked best for you? Let us know in the comment section below!
Wow very helpful information thanks for sharing.
Hello, Haniya! Thank you for reading and we hope our natural remedies work well for you, do let us know. Good luck!
I am really going to try this remedies. they were very informative. thanks
Thank you! We are glad you think that!
Drink a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar(Bragg) in a glass of water every day and you won’t get a UTI. Took a while to get my wife to do it. She hasn’t had a UTI since.
Thank you, Larry! We’ll be sure to add that to our list of remedies.
This is incredibly helpful. I must say that I did successfully kill a UTI with cranberry juice alone. It was great because I did not have to rely on antibiotics, which is something that I don’t like to take at all unless absolutely necessary. It’s great to know about the other tips as well.
Count yourself lucky if you’ve never had a urinary tract infection (UTI). Talk about pain. I remember my first one and I thought I was dying. What pain (ok, may I’m a baby). If you are looking how to get rid of a UTI without antibiotics, these 13 fast and natural remedies bear examination. Keep in mind UTI’s have been around forever so ask yourself, what did people do before antibiotics (Hint: There’s 13 examples right here). Nice tip on adding lemon to water too.
Thanks for the feedback, Emily!
Oh brother, is this title what you want to hear when you have a UTI: 13 FAST and natural remedies. UTI’s hurt so bad you want fast relief so it’s good to have so many options to choose from. I try to drink a lot of water, but I remember when I couldn’t and I ended up with a UTI. I was dying (at least it felt that way). You just want to curl up and expire because the pain is so bad. Hopefully I never get one again, but now I have many good options to choose from, especially if I don’t have access to a doctor.
Glad we could help, Tommy!
I just was wondering if these all would be the same advice to someone with interstitial cystitis and endometriosis? I’m assuming they would, just wanted to check? Thank you, I’m really trying to do things as naturally as possible these days, since “modern medicine” has done nothing but make matters worse!
Hello, Shelly!
Interstitial cystitis and endometriosis are two different afflictions, however, since they are basically in the same region as a UTI some of the remedies can be used to treat these as well, for example, ginger and pineapple. Or you can also try these https://homeremedybook.com/home-remedies-for-endometriosis/.
Sometimes Coconut Oil – Food Grade, which can be found in the Oils Section of most Supermarket Isles, when taken Daily and added in place of most Fats and Oils already in our diet, usually relieves a U.T.I or In more severe cases a Tablespoon taken on it’s own works instantly to relieve pain.
Good hygiene and wiping a little Coconut Oil on a tissue after going to the toilet stops bacteria from infecting your bladder as not only is Coconut Oil an anti-fungal OIl, It is also anti-bacterial. Probably worth googling to find out more.