If you are looking for poison ivy home remedies, it means that you are probably in quite a bit of pain right now (or a close one is). We all know that it’s imperative to stay away from this stinging fiend, but sometimes we just get carried away with outdoor activities and forget to watch out for them. In fact, statistics show just how much we get affected by this dangerous plant, making everyone search for the best home remedy for poison ivy.
One source states that the problem is rather individuals being allergic to poison ivy, as half of the U.S. population has this allergy. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) explain that between 80 and 90% of adults will get a rash when exposed to only 50 micrograms of urushiol, the key substance in poison ivy. With numbers like these in mind, you can imagine why home remedies poison ivy solutions would become frequent search terms.
Top Natural Poison Ivy Home Remedies
This is why our team has decided to explain how to dry up poison ivy fast and even how to cure poison ivy overnight. These 15 reliable poison ivy home remedies will help you get fast relief with a few basic ingredients that won’t cause any additional harm. Most of them can already be found in your kitchen, but those that aren’t are just a local shop away. We recommend that you experiment with all of these natural solutions to find out which is the best poison ivy rash treatment home remedy for you. Enjoy our at home remedies for poison ivy and get well soon!
1. Aloe Vera
You might not have initially thought of this, but plants can heal the effects of other plants. In this case, a trustworthy poison ivy home remedy is aloe vera. This isn’t only one of the best natural poison ivy home remedies, but it is a plant that can be found in countless other lists for natural healing alternatives. It is packed with anti-inflammatory properties that can speed up the healing process.
- We recommend that you invest in getting an aloe vera plant at home. It will help you with a great number of home remedies.
- Cut a leaf from your aloe plant open so you can extract the gel or juice. You can scoop it out with a spoon.
- Apply it directly on the rash, without putting a lot of pressure on the wound.
2. Compress
A home remedy poison ivy patients can almost always apply is a cold compress. A chilled item will help soothe the pain and reduce the inflammation caused by a poison ivy rash. If you don’t have the appropriate bottle or compress already, you can improvise with something from your freezer. For example, a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a thin, clean cloth can also work wonders.
- Prepare a cold compress through one of the methods we described above.
- Apply the compress on the area you have been infected with poison ivy.
- Try to keep it on for as long as you can. If it gets warmer, you can put it back in your refrigerator or freezer and use it when it’s chilled again.
3. Goldenseal
As far as herbal home remedies to get rid of poison ivy are concerned, goldenseal is one of the best options you have at hand. This poison ivy home treatment is known for battling infections, especially UTIs (urinary tract infections). It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that can help you get rid of the pain and redness associated with a poison ivy infection.
- According to how large your poison ivy infection is, mix either one teaspoon or one tablespoon with a little bit of water to form a paste.
- Take this paste and put in on the infected area.
- As alternatives, you can take goldenseal supplements or drink some goldenseal tea.
4. Cucumber
If you are looking for home remedies for poison ivy itch relief, you might not have to look any farther than your refrigerator. Cucumbers are some of the most cooling vegetables, not to mention some of the most effective poison ivy home remedies. It can successfully sooth your pain and lower the impact of the infection.
- Slice up a cucumber in several pieces.
- Put the pieces over the affected area.
- Alternatively, create a cucumber paste and cover the whole rash with it.
- Repeat this remedy frequently until the infection starts going away. If the pain persists, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.
5. Antibacterial Soap
This poison ivy treatment home remedy really deserves a place at the top of our list, but we don’t showcase our natural solutions in any particular order. Nevertheless, you should always keep in mind that soap and water are critical steps when you get infected with poison ivy. It is best to use antibacterial soap so you know that the infection will be treated from the root.
- Unlike other poison ivy home remedies, there aren’t that many instructions for using this one. All you have to do is get some soap and warm water.
- Gently wash the area infected with poison ivy without putting too much pressure.
- If you do this immediately after touching poison ivy, you might be able to successfully remove the urushiol and prevent infection.
6. Lemon Juice
Another one of the best home remedies for poison ivy that is readily available is lemon juice. It has powerful astringent properties and in many cases can effectively remove the poisonous oil. Just like in the case of soap and water, it is best to apply lemon juice as fast as you can after you have touched poison ivy.
- Take a lemon and squeeze it to extract its juice.
- Apply this fresh lemon juice directly on the area where your skin came into contact with poison ivy.
- If the infection still erupts and persists after these poison ivy home remedies, you might want to reach out to a medical professional to prevent complications.
7. Baking Soda
Considering that it has so many general benefits, it’s no wonder why baking soda is among the top poison ivy itch relief home remedies. Indeed, we use it all around the house for more reasons than we can count, but we can also use it when trying out poison ivy home remedies. Not only is baking soda soothing, but it also speeds up recovery.
- Combine 3 teaspoons of baking soda with one teaspoon of water to make a paste-like substance.
- Apply this baking soda paste directly to the poison ivy rash. Make sure that it does not get near your eyes.
- You can also soak in a bath with one cup of baking soda if you want to relax at the same time.
8. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is an excellent home poison ivy remedy, owing to its abundance of health benefits like astringent, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
- Mix equal parts of witch hazel and water, depending on how large your rash is.
- Put the substance on the infection, covering it completely.
- Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day for the best results and fast recovery.
9. Banana
You probably wouldn’t expect banana to be found among treatment for poison ivy rash home remedies, but you shouldn’t underestimate its healing powers. The peel of bananas, in particular, is known for soothing poison ivy pain. Even though there isn’t scientific research to back up this claim, there are quite a few individuals who reported positive results after using it.
- Take a banana peel and apply it on the rash caused by poison ivy.
- You can also use watermelon rind for a similar cooling effect.
10. Rubbing Alcohol
Just like antibacterial soap, rubbing alcohol is a wonderful home remedy for poison ivy itching because it effectively cleans the area. Just like the aforementioned remedy, it works by clearing the poisonous oil before it has the chance to attack your skin. It is actually highly recommended that hikers or other individuals who plan on going outdoors carry some rubbing alcohol with them.
- If you brush against some poison ivy, immediately take out your bottle of rubbing alcohol and lather the area with it.
- The faster you move, the more likely your infection won’t break out.
11. Oatmeal Bath
One of the most relaxing home remedies for getting rid of poison ivy is enjoying an oatmeal bath. They have oatmeal baths have soothing and healing properties for multiple health issues.
- Take a clean sock or a bit of cheesecloth and fill it with powdered oatmeal.
- Hang this bag in your bathtub around the faucet so water will go through it as it runs.
- Make sure the water isn’t too hot or too cold so it won’t affect your rash.
- Soak in this oatmeal bath for about half an hour.
- While you soak, you can also take the oatmeal bag and press it gently against your rash for even better results.
12. Calamine
Almost everyone knows that the best traditional home remedy for poison ivy itch is calamine lotion. When you were a child, you probably were lathered with this lotion if you ever got a rash due to poison ivy. Well, your mother knew what she was doing, as the zinc oxide in calamine lotion is greatly effective for treating poison ivy rashes.
- Apply some calamine lotion on your poison ivy rash.
- We recommend a thin layer and repeating the process throughout the day, instead of applying a thick layer only once.
13. Apple Cider Vinegar
You have to admit, you were expecting apple cider vinegar to be among these home remedies for poison ivy and poison oak, weren’t you? You guessed it – apple cider vinegar is one of the top poison ivy home remedies of all, thanks to its status as a powerhouse of health benefits. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial – you name it, apple cider vinegar has it. But how can we use it for treating poison ivy?
- Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and softly rub it on your rash.
- You can also combine the cold compress idea with a bit of apple cider vinegar added.
- Moreover, you can combine apple cider vinegar with baking soda for excellent results.
14. Coffee
Last but not least, some people claim that one of the reliable home cures for poison ivy is coffee. Well, not a steaming mug of freshly brewed java, but rather a cold cup of coffee. Owing to the chlorogenic acid in coffee beans, your rash might benefit from anti-inflammatory properties.
- Pour a cup of cold black coffee over your poison ivy infection.
- Get in touch with your doctor if this remedy doesn’t work.
15. Prevention Methods
Before we dive into home remedies for poison ivy rash, it is essential to cover prevention methods so you can stay away from it in the first place. To begin with, it’s fundamental to know how to identify poison ivy so you know what to steer clear of. Nevertheless, if you are out camping with your family or engaging in some fun games outdoors, you probably won’t be paying that much attention to the abundance of plants surrounding you. In this case, what can we do to prevent searching for home remedies for poison ivy oak and sumac?
Here are some of the best ways to avoid needing home remedies for poison ivy on face, arms and legs:
- When outdoors, try to stay on paths that are clear of plants.
- Wear long pants with your ankles covered to not expose your skin.
- If wearing shorts, make sure that you have long and thick socks on.
- Cover your arms so they also won’t be exposed.
- If you have poison ivy in your backyard or anywhere around your property, make sure to clear it as soon as possible.
All in all, poison ivy home remedies aren’t that hard to find and apply, if you know where to look. Nevertheless, we always recommend trying to prevent these rashes by dressing accordingly. Which one of these poison ivy home remedies was most effective for you? Comment below!
Image sources: no attribution required.
You can bet that aloe vera works when it comes to poison ivy. Aloe is used for so many other things and it is a gift from the Universe. I can’t say it is the best healer around since I have not tried the others listed. I just love aloe.
Thank you for the feedback, Melissa! We love Aloe too!
Poison Ivy, a plant so aggravating it’s both a song and a Batman villain. All kidding aside, I was happy to see your 15 reliable Poison Ivy home remedies included a couple that haven’t been scientifically proven, but have a history in home remedies. I’m not a scientist, but I know that scientists can’t always recreate the right settings to determine whether or not a home remedy works. They can work, even if scientists can’t prove their effectiveness.
We totally agree, Dan, thanks for the feedback!
Prevention is the best cure for poison ivy, but if you do get exposed to this dreaded plant, it’s good to have at least 2 of these poison ivy home remedies on hand. Once you get exposed, you want to treat it quickly and put yourself on the path to healing. Poison ivy can be nasty so try to avoid it. However, be prepared (especially if you have kids) because it tends to pop up at the worst time.
We completely agree, Brenda!