Bronchitis, usually typified by an inflammation or infection of the bronchial tubes, can be painful and irritating. Between the mucus buildups, incessant coughing and sore throat and flu-like symptoms, bronchitis requires fast-acting relief. While there are many prescription or over-the-counter drugs available, including antibiotics, home remedies for bronchitis are just as effective at alleviating the worst symptoms and providing a break from the pain. Therefore, try one of these 12 bronchitis home remedies and breathe a little easier.
Try our home remedies for bronchitis that will help you recover naturally
1. Salt Water
Salt water can soothe a sore throat caused by many different ailments, and bronchitis is no exception. A simple saline solution gargled a few times a day can help reduce inflammation in the throat. Salt also has a cleansing effect, killing bad bacteria and preventing new ones from growing. In addition to all that, the salt water breaks up mucus and allows it to easily be expelled from the body. Be sure to use the right amount of salt. Too little will prove ineffective, while too much can irritate the throat further.
- Stir 1 tsp. salt into 1 cup warm water.
- Gargle with the solution, a mouthful at a time, until the cup is empty.
- Repeat 3 times a day.
2. Ginger
Ginger on its own is a delicious, healthy spice that can help build up the immune system and cure different symptoms associated with a variety of illnesses. One of its compounds, gingerol, was found to help with inflammation and performed an anti-oxidant function. This helps soothe swollen or inflamed bronchial tubes, as well as help the body heal. It can also help prevent future flare-ups of chronic bronchitis when consumed regularly.
- Mix 1 tsp. ground ginger with ½ tsp. ground cloves and ½ tsp. ground black pepper.
- Boil 1 cup water.
- Stir spice mixture into hot water.
- Let steep for 10 minutes.
- Sip slowly.
- Repeat 2 times a day.
3. Eucalyptus Oil
Breathing in essential oils can help with a variety of different respiratory issues, including mucus buildups and inflamed bronchial tubes. Eucalyptus is considered one of the best plants for enhancing respiration because it acts as an anti-inflammatory. It also helps stimulate the salivary glands, breaking up mucus. According to the University of Maryland’s Medical Center, breathing in eucalyptus is one of the most effective home remedies for bronchitis.
- Dilute 6 drops eucalyptus oil in 1 tsp. canola oil.
- Gently rub oil mixture unto the chest before going to sleep.
- Thoroughly wash the oil off the chest in the morning.
- Repeat 2-3 nights.
4. Onion
Chopping onions often cause people to tear up, or experience runny noses. This expectorant quality of onions, while annoying when making a meal, makes them helpful for dealing with symptoms of bronchitis. They help to break up mucus blockages, meaning you will cough and have a runny nose, but the onion juice also helps new blockages from forming. It’s important to eat onion in its raw form for best results.
- Chop 1 tbsp. onion very finely.
- Eat raw, chewing slowly.
- Repeat 2 times a day.
5. Ginseng Tea
Ginseng, rather than being a single plant like many of the remedies on this list, is actually a combination of several different roots. When mixed together, ginseng has many benefits. Chief among them are the anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. For bronchitis that has its roots in a viral infection, the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends taking ginseng for treatment. However, if you are taking insulin or warfarin, you’ll want to stay away from ginseng-based home remedies for bronchitis.
- Boil 1 cup water.
- Steep a ginseng tea bag 10 minutes.
- Deeply inhale ginseng steam.
- Sip tea slowly.
6. Garlic
Garlic, besides being a delicious kitchen staple, has been shown to help treat the common cold, diarrhea, and nausea, and according to a study, contagious bronchitis. It has unique anti-viral and anti-microbial properties that stop the growth of the virus and help bronchial tubes heal. Rather than targeting a symptom or providing immediate short-term relief, garlic can heal the cause. Because of this, it’s recommended to use this bronchitis home remedy along with symptom-targeting ones for maximum relief.
- Peel and finely chop 3-4 cloves of garlic.
- Soak garlic in 1 cup milk for 10 minutes.
- Heat milk to a boil, then let steep for another 10 minutes.
- Sip garlic-infused milk slowly before going to bed.
- Repeat for 2-3 nights.
7. Lemon
In addition to making a delicious tea that soothes the throat, lemons have natural anti-bacterial properties. They are also full of Vitamin C, giving the immune system a boost and speeding up the healing process. Because of its acidity, drinking lemon juice or tea while suffering a sore throat may make it feel worse. However, it was proven that lemon is actually effective at treating even the most severe, chronic coughs. Lemon is a great bronchitis home remedy because it soothes one of the worst symptoms and works to cure the disease at the same time.
- Zest 1 small lemon.
- Cut the lemon into wedges.
- Boil 2 cups of water.
- Add the lemon zest and wedges to the water and boil for 5 minutes.
- Turn off the heat and let the lemons steep for 10 minutes.
- Sip slowly over the whole day.
8. Epsom Salt Bath
Epsom salts, also called magnesium sulfate, are very widely used in both medical treatments and at-home beauty care. However, one of their best-known uses is in treating respiratory problems. While many studies have been made on their efficacy at treating severe asthma, they’re also a great home remedy for the relatively milder case of bronchitis. The steam also helps to clear nasal passages and soothe sore throats.
- Fill a bathtub with hot water.
- Mix in 1 ½ – 2 cups Epsom salts.
- Soak in bath, breathing steam in deeply, for 20-30 minutes.
- Repeat daily.
9. Mustard Paste
Mustard not only helps to clear sinus but when applied to the chest it has anti-inflammatory properties. This relieves inflammation in the chest that can cause mucus blockages and can help fluid in the lungs and trachea to dissipate. In this way, a mustard paste applied to the chest can treat different symptoms while improving quality of life. However, a strong mustard powder can also cause discomfort for those with sensitive skin. Before using bronchitis home remedies with mustard, do a spot test on a sensitive area to judge sensitivity or allergy.
- Mix 1 tbsp. mustard powder with 4 tbsp. cornstarch.
- Add 2 tbsp. hot water and stir slowly.
- Cover chest with vegetable or canola oil.
- Cover oil with clean, dry washcloth.
- Spread mustard paste over the cloth.
- Cover with another washcloth.
- Leave on for 20 minutes.
- Repeat 2 times a day, but leave a day between subsequent treatments.
10. Licorice Root
This may seem like the most delicious of home remedies for bronchitis, but just chewing on some licorice candies won’t help much. Rather, pure licorice root or powder is required. It’s a lot more powerful than what you’ll find at the confectionery counter, but it’s also proven to have many different applications, including helping with cough, sore throat, mucus and other respiratory issues. Because it combines anti-inflammatory properties with anti-viral ones, it helps with both symptoms and underlying causes.
- Boil 1 cup water.
- Mix in 1 tbsp. powdered or chopped fresh licorice root.
- Boil 2 minutes, then turn off heat.
- Let tea steep 10 minutes.
- Sip slowly.
11. Echinacea Tea
Echinacea is one of the most widely used herbal supplements, and for good reason. It has positive effects on the common cold, bronchitis and upper respiratory infections. While it’s most effective for preventing a cold from turning into bronchitis or an upper respiratory infection, it’s also used in home remedies for bronchitis. However, its side effects on pregnant or breastfeeding women are not well known.
- Boil 1 cup water.
- Mix in 1 tbsp. dried Echinacea and 1 tsp. honey.
- Sip slowly.
*Note: Pregnant or nursing women, as well as children under 3, should not be given Echinacea.
12. Tea Tree Oil
Although there are many essential oils that will help manage the symptoms associated with bronchitis, including cough and mucus buildup, there are few that also have the anti-viral properties needed to truly treat the disease. Tea tree oil is one of the best home remedies for bronchitis that is acute and caused by a virus. While many people use it as a salve or topical treatment, the most effective way to treat the problem as well as the symptoms is to do a tea tree oil steam treatment.
- Boil 2 cups water.
- Transfer water to wide bowl.
- Mix in 6-8 drops of undiluted tea tree oil.
- Drape towel over your head and the edges of the bowl.
- Inhale steam for 8-10 minutes.
- Repeat 2 times a day.
*Note: Undiluted tea tree oil is very powerful, so if you get some on your bare skin thoroughly wash it off as soon as you can.
Though bronchitis may stem from a common cold, it is far worse and also harder to treat. Symptoms may last a few days or a few weeks, and prescription treatments, such as antibiotics or pertussis can have adverse reactions in many people. Luckily, any of these home remedies for bronchitis can help not only bring relief but treat the disease itself. If you have some home remedies for bronchitis that have worked for you, share them in the comments below. We’d love to see what helped you in the past!
susan george says
Thanks for sharing the post, it was really useful.